
Chapter 339: Magical Beast Summoning (1)

Rudger returned to Seron\'s private office for the first time in a while.

It had been almost ten days since the terrorist incident occurred, and they had stayed in palace.

Guidelines were issued from Seron, and the students had to leave behind their enjoyable vacation in palace and return to Seron.

Rudger sipped his coffee, feeling the warmth spread, and opened today\'s newspaper.

\'It\'s still relatively calm.\'

The newspaper continued to buzz with news of the terrorist incident in the capital.

However, it was worth noting that the word "terrorism" still dominated the headlines in bold black letters.

Thus far, there had been no leaks or information indicating the presence of demons.

\'I expected the priests sent from the Bretus Kingdom to uncover something.\'

During their stay in the palace, they carried out numerous on-site investigations.

Yet, they had yet to provide a conclusive answer.

\'Thanks to the Empire\'s hard work.\'

The Bretus Kingdom had the justification of searching for traces of impure beings.

However, the Empire held the upper hand in practical terms.

Terrorism had occurred in the capital, which could be considered their backyard.

Naturally, they insisted that they should be the ones to investigate.

Taking advantage of this, the people of the Bretus Kingdom strictly controlled access, preventing people from entering or leaving.

Of course, they didn\'t impose excessive restrictions to avoid triggering a backlash, but they maintained a certain level of control to assess the situation.

\'They must have prohibited access to the core area where the roots of the deceased World Tree are.\'

However, it was uncertain how long this situation would last.

The news of the Empire being swept by terrorism has spread to various countries on the continent.

For now, things seem fine, but we don\'t know when the truth will be revealed and shake the world\'s situation.

\'I have no idea what tricks they are up to.\'

If they have their own intentions, isn\'t it just a matter of pushing things forward?

In light of that, the delegation led by Priestess Lemria and their party displayed an unexpected level of compliance.

However, it wasn\'t necessarily a positive sign when the potential trigger for a time bomb was so easily cooperative.

One can\'t help but wonder what clandestine schemes they might be orchestrating.

As an observer, it\'s far more convenient when their actions are transparent and open.

\'There\'s a lot to do.\'

After folding the newspaper, Rudger organized the tasks that lay ahead.

\'The Night of Mystery is approaching. Originally, I had no intention of participating, but if a First Order is involved, the story changes. Moreover, the Zero Order is said to be holding an Order Synod soon. We also need to prepare for the pursuers that the Elf Kingdom might send.\'

There were also smaller matters that required attention.

He had to keep an eye on the condition of his students, Flora and Leo, and also be cautious of Aidan.

He had to continue managing Royal Street diligently.

Now, even if he didn\'t intervene, things were running smoothly, but in major incidents, Owens had to step in personally.

\'I\'m also concerned about the troublemaker from the Pablo family who caused a commotion at the store.\'

Was it Albert Pablo?

Having instilled fear in him, Rudger didn\'t think that troublemaker would take action personally.

However, the Pablo family itself was the problem.

Even if they had a half-hearted child, the family wouldn\'t sit idly by if someone attacked them from the outside.

\'Above all, the next heir of the Pablo family, the mage with the bestowed color title.\'

As a family primarily dealing with fire, the next heir of the Pablos family, was bestowed with the color title of red.

That means he controls the flames of nature and boasts the highest firepower among single-element users with all color titles.

Of course, he wouldn\'t go crazy and blow up the entire street.

The higher the position someone holds, the more they value their dignity and reputation.

\'Although there are exceptions like Casey Selmore, that\'s because Casey occupies the second position in her own family.\'

Maybe if Casey were the eldest daughter of the Selmore family, she would have exhibited more obedience and refinement than she currently does.

Speaking of Casey, I can\'t help but have concerns about her as well.

\'Pasius mentioned that she hasn\'t been in a good state. If she were merely putting on an act, Pasius would have noticed. But if it\'s genuine, then there might truly be something wrong.\'

Maybe she\'s suffering from severe aftereffects of Basara\'s mental attack.

Honestly, it was something I could ignore, but it strangely bothered me.

Casey participated in this battle as a magician.

She volunteered to do so, not because someone told her to.

Casey herself probably didn\'t expect any specific rewards.

It\'s just that it was the right thing to do, and from the standpoint of upholding justice and values, it couldn\'t be ignored.

She didn\'t seek praise from anyone for what she did.

At least that\'s how Casey is now, as far as Rudger knows.

Unlike three years ago, she has matured mentally and is now a highly respected person in Rudger\'s eyes.

If such a person is struggling and in pain from the aftermath of the battle...

At least they can provide each other with some small help since they are in similar situations.

\'But she might not like it if I go to her directly. Maybe it\'s better to secretly provide assistance while hiding my identity.\'

To provide secret assistance.

It was like being the supportive old man for \'Jerusha Judy Abbott.\'

\'Speaking of an old man, it reminds me of someone.\'

Rudger picked up the teacher-exclusive "Akashic Record" placed on the table.

He looked at the only conversation record, where the other party greeted him first.

[Long time no see.]

[Yeah. Have you been well? Seems like you\'ve been busy lately.]

[Yes, I had some things to take care of.]

After their initial encounter, the two had periodic conversations.

They still didn\'t know each other\'s names.

They continued to use the names they agreed upon when they first met.

They wanted to keep enjoying their current roles as pseudonyms in their acting, and if they learned each other\'s real names, they wouldn\'t be able to continue like before.

It was clear that \'Judy\' beyond the Akashic Record felt the same way.

[If you were busy, it must have been field training.]

Calculating the number of days Judy hadn\'t logged in, it was easy to figure out.

Judy also knew that, so she didn\'t try to hide it.

[Yeah, it was.]

[You must have had a tough time. Did you get hurt anywhere?]

[No, I received help.]


[There was an incident.]

Oops, was I prying too much?

I didn\'t have any particular intention, but hearing that Judy participated in the field training made Rudger curious.

Since he also went to the capital as the accompanying teacher and supervisor.

\'That means Judy is a first-year or second-year student.\'

They might have already crossed paths without even realizing it.

[I\'m sorry. I think I was prying too much.]

[No, it\'s not like that. It\'s just that this is a very personal matter that\'s difficult to talk about.]

Is that so?

Rudger absentmindedly stroked his chin before writing the next sentence.

[If you have any worries, I can listen.]

Rudger felt a strange sensation when he realized he said something like that so late in the conversation.

Strangely, when he talked with Judy, old memories would come back, and he would feel more at ease.

Rudger never looked back and lived a busy life, where he hardly had any concept of taking a rest for himself.

These small conversations with an unknown face and name were like a rare sanctuary for him.

So, he felt the desire to be of some help to the other person.

Especially since she was probably a student, Rudger had the confidence that as an adult, he could offer advice or listen to their concerns.


[I\'m not just saying it.]

After sending the reply, Rudger belatedly realized his small mistake.

\'Wait. If it\'s a question related to love, I don\'t really have anything to say.\'

From his previous life to the present, Rudger had deliberately constructed a wall around himself, isolating himself from matters of the heart.

However, the concerns of new students often revolved around issues between the opposite sexes.

[Um, there\'s someone I\'m concerned about.]

Oh no.

Judging by her words, it seemed to be a genuine love concern.

\'I can\'t just say I can\'t help now.\'

Rudger decided to listen for now.

He could make a judgment after hearing more details.

[So, what about it?]

[There\'s someone I keep thinking about. It\'s a bit strange.]

[In what sense?]

[Whenever I see them, it feels like we\'ve met somewhere before. Logically, it shouldn\'t be the case, but I keep having that thought. Am I being weird?]


Rudger carefully paid attention to Judy\'s conversation.

Based on the reaction alone, it seemed like a typical case of a student concerned about someone of the opposite sex.

Expressing such thoughts indirectly could still feel embarrassing, even in an anonymous conversation.

\'Is it about love?\'

There were no rules in Seron that prohibited dating.

Even now, if one were to go to the school\'s garden or cafeteria, they would see couples happily laughing and enjoying themselves.

However, as a teacher, Rudger found it difficult to easily accept such behavior.

\'Why engage in dating and not focus on studying?\'

Among the students who dated, Rudger had never seen one who maintained good grades.

Perhaps even the couples wandering outside would have significantly lower academic rankings if compared.

\'But Judy seems quite passionate about studying and full of enthusiasm, like an exemplary student.\'

Judi mainly talked about magic, class content, and worries about future career paths.

While most students would reveal their true desire to play and avoid studying, she was not like that at all.

And now she\'s concerned about someone?

\'Who could this person be?\'

It was definitely a guy.

Rudger naturally had negative thoughts about the person who concerned Judy.

\'It would be best to approach cautiously and ask her to be careful.\'

Rudger immediately asked Judy.

[Is this person good at studying?]

[Studying? They must be good at it, right? No, they\'re definitely good at it. They\'re someone who can\'t be bad at it.]

Can\'t be bad at it? Could she give such a generous evaluation?

[What about their appearance? Are they handsome by any chance?]


A shy and short answer.

With that one word, Rudger could infer that the person\'s appearance was not ordinary.

Good at studying and good-looking?

This is dangerous. Typically, when someone has such qualities, their personality tends to be distorted.

There was no specific evidence.

It was just a feeling.

Rudger immediately composed a message.

[Since it\'s uncertain whether your concern is just a momentary emotion or not, it might be good to observe a little longer.]


[Yes. In cases like this, time is often needed.]

[I see. Thank you for your advice. I\'ve been keeping it to myself, but it feels a bit better to talk to someone.]

[If you have any difficulties, feel free to talk to me.]

[Mr. Smith too!]

With a lively response befitting a student, Rudger chuckled and ended the connection.

There was no need to continue the conversation, and the agreed-upon time was already up.

Knock. Knock.

"Mr.Rudger, may I come in?"

"Yes, please come in."

As Rudger spoke, the door opened, and Principal Elisa entered.

Rudger wasn\'t particularly surprised by the appearance of the principal since they had made an appointment in advance.

"This is the first time we\'ve met in person after the field study, isn\'t it?"

"Since I unexpectedly had a break."

"Now you\'ll return to your busy routine. You\'ll regret not resting properly when you have the chance."

"I thought it was better to work anyway."

"Oh my, what an admirable mindset."

Elisa sat down on the sofa for receiving guests.

Rudger also moved away from his desk and took a seat opposite Elisa.

"So, what is the reason for your personal visit, Principal? You could have just called me."

"Rudger, you\'re the Head of Planning at Seron now, a person in a high position. We should treat you accordingly. If I, as a mere headmistress, just summon you at will, it\'s a bit inappropriate, don\'t you think?"

"I don\'t really care."

"But others might not feel the same way, especially in times like these."

Elisa\'s words had weight to them.

Considering the recent incident during the field study, they were likely under significant external pressure.

Upon closer examination, beneath Elisa\'s smiling eyes, there were faint but unmistakable dark circles.

Even though she had reached the position of principal at a young age, she couldn\'t completely alleviate the fatigue caused by the current situation.

"Would you like some coffee?"

"Oh, no thank you. I\'ve been drinking too much coffee lately, so I need to cut back a bit."

"I see. So, what is the reason for your visit? In the case of the changed academic schedule, you could have sent an official notice."

"Oh, that\'s because I wanted to personally ask a favor from you, Mr.Rudger."

"A favor?"

"Yes. It\'s related to the revised curriculum. You know there\'s a section on understanding magic and summoning."


It was the same content they had discussed during their previous conversation at the academy.

Now even the first and second-year students needed to summon magical creatures to enhance their practical skills.

"In relation to that, I have found a suitable teacher."

"I see. Who is it?"

Teaching magical creatures to the young students, that would be quite a busy task.

Rudger didn\'t know who it was, but it would certainly be demanding.

"You\'ve got quite the sense of humor. Why would I have come to see you if you weren\'t the one I was looking for?


Rudger felt a cold sweat run down his back at Elisa\'s smiling words.

"Are you refusing?"


"I see."

"I have no other choice, do I?"

"Of course not."

Elisa\'s smile conveyed a determination not to back down.

Rudger let out a sigh, unable to withstand the pressure this time.

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