
Chapter 14: The Snake and The squirrel

Chapter 14: The Snake and The squirrel

Translator: Yamir Moon


Suddenly the skunk launched an attack, biting straight towards Fang Yun’s head, but Fang Yun reaction was faster, easily dodging the attack of the former, and the next moment, he bit toward the hind leg of the skunk that had not landed yet.

But the skunk agility is equally good, titling his body slightly toward the right.

”ha! be cheated!”

When he saw this scene, Fang Yun, who was biting toward the skunk hind leg, smiled, suddenly changing his head position straight toward the place that the skunk is going to land on, seeming like the skunk almost jumped straight into his mouth.

This is not to say that he knew where the skunk was going to land beforehand, but because on the left side of the weasel is a tree wall. If the skunk wants to avoid his own attack, he can only avoid to the right.

After Fang Yun turned his attack angle, this time, the skunk couldn’t dodge again. He could only watch as Fang Yun bit on its hind legs.


Suddenly, a stench spewed out straight from the skunk bottom. In an instant, Fang Yun loosened his mouth and then quickly crawled outside the tree hole.


When he came to the outside, Fang Yun took a deep breath of fresh air, he swears that the stinking stench of the skunk was the worst smell he smelled in his life. It’s extremely disgusting.

At the moment when he smelled that smell, he felt like he was suffocating.

After recovering a little, Fang Yun turned over and looked over the tree hole. He saw that the skunk was lying in the tree hole, screaming, wanting to climb out of the tree hole, but powerless to do so.

At the moment, let alone climb out of the tree hole, even standing is impossible.

In fact, he has long prepared this trick for the skunk.

When he first bit the skunk, he injected a large dose of venom into its flesh.

Now his venom has worked.

”I didn’t think that the toxicity of my venom would be so strong.”

Fang Yun looked at the skunk in the tree hole as it trembled on the ground, it wasn’t even one minute, but this skunk already couldn’t move.

After another minute or so, the skunk body turned over, completely suffocated.

However, Fang Yun did not immediately go inside to swallow the skunk but waited until all the smell inside was gone, only then did he go inside the tree hole and began to swallow the skunk. From head to toe.

The squirrel who is also inside the tree hole also saw as Fang Yun devoured the skunk, his body was trembling in horror, seemingly afraid that Fang Yun would also eat him.

However, because his hind legs were injured, and the stench of the previous skunk has a certain paralysis effect, so at the moment he could not run out at all, only look at Fang Yun in horror.

He showed his teeth, growling and making a threatening gesture. His originally relaxed hair rose like steel needles.

However, Fang Yun simply ignored him, quietly curling his body and resting.

The squirrel, seeing that Fang Yun doesn’t seem to have the idea of eating him, slowly relaxed, hesitantly looking at Fang Yun, then slowly curling into a ball and sleeping.

Early the next morning, Fang Yun went out to hunt as usual, but the sound caused by his crawling, woke up the squirrel, scaring him to jump out of the tree hole.

But as his hind leg was injured, He just ran to the entrance then fell back to the tree hole, all he could do is to look at Fang Yun with panic.

Fang Yun simply ignored him and climbed out of the tree hole, opening his daily hunting tour.

His luck though wasn’t good today, as the prey he caught wasn’t as much as yesterday, only getting about 5 bio-energy point.

Raising his total amount of bio-energy to 85 points!

”Only 5 more bio-energy point and I will be able to evolve again.”

Fang Yun’s couldn’t help getting excited.

As long as his luck doesn’t worsen anymore, it is very possible to evolve tomorrow.

After his body grows again, he will become even safer in this jungle. As long as he does not expose himself to the vision of the eagle, he isn’t likely to have any life threat at all. At least in the area that he had already explored.

In addition, he can go to farther places to explore the terrain and expand his territory.

After all, as his level rises, he will need more and more biological energy.

Back in the tree hole, Fang Yun rested, after hunting for a day, he is also a little tired.

The squirrel, as usual, hid in a corner of the tree hole, looking at Fang Yun with great vigilance, but he was not shivering in fear like yesterday.

After a night of rest, the energetic Fang Yun went out hunting again.

What made Fang Yun surprised is that his luck was even worse than yesterday, he did not encounter much prey while hunting and even if he encountered prey, the other party ran away before he even came close.

On this day, he harvested only three bio-energy points.

However, he also experimented with his own guess today, that is, whether he can improve his attribute value through exercise.

Under his trials, he found that his guess was indeed correct.

But it seems a bit tasteless.

Using this method to improve his physical attributes is not nearly as fast as evolving by hunting prey.

Because according to his discovery, If he wants to increase his own attribute value, he would have to break through his physical limits again and again.

For example, the last time after running for an hour, his physical strength increased by 0.1 points.

After that, wanting to increase his physical strength by the same amount. running for an hour isn’t enough. According to Fang Yun’s experiment, If he wants to improve his physical strength by the same amount again. He must run at full speed for more than an hour, almost two hours.

Of course, this method is not completely unusable.

For example, like this unfortunate day, when he can’t capture enough prey, he can use this method to improve his physical attributes.

Moreover, Fang Yun guessed that physical strength shouldn’t be the only attribute that can be improved through exercise, strength, and agility should be improved by exercise too.

After experimenting for almost half a day, Fang Yun raised his physical strength from 2.1 to 2.2.

Now, his limit is continuously running at full speed for two hours.

After returning to the tree hole, the sky was already dark. Fang Yun isn’t surprised that the squirrel is not in the tree hole.

This morning, he found that the squirrel injuries were a lot better. Maybe he went out to find a place to rest.

After all, before he got injured, while he slept in the tree hole at night, the squirrel slept outside.

But what surprised Fang Yun was that after a while, the squirrel got into the tree hole, glanced him with a vigilant look, then found a corner and curled into a ball.

It seems that this squirrel is getting less and less afraid of himself.

Fang Yun did not think much about it, he is rather happy to get along with this squirrel.

For the reason, Fang Yun himself is also unclear.

Maybe because he is too lonely, so he wants to find someone to accompany him, even if the other person can’t communicate with him, just his company is enough.

While thinking about that, Fang Yun fell asleep unknowingly.

Early morning the next day, Fang Yun continued to go out to hunt, and on this day, he finally got enough bio-energy point to undergo his fourth evolution.

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