
Chapter 158: Ham’s Encounter

Chapter 158: Ham’s Encounter

Translator: Yamir Moon

Even with psychological preparation, Fang Yun was shocked by the time spent in this evolution. It has been a full month, but this evolution still hasn’t ended.

Weeds grew around his body as usual. Even fungi can be seen on the surface of his body.

Anyway, if someone came to this place, they would never guess that this long object is the famous Giant Sea Serpent. They would have some doubts though.

Fang Yun looks just like a fallen tree, but this tree is too big, almost 40 meters long and more than 1 meter thick. It looks especially eye-catching.

However, this is a small desert island. There are no big trees nearby, the biggest one is less than 10 meters tall, so a tree this big is very eye-catching and suspicious.

If someone came to this place and saw Fang Yun’s current appearance, maybe he won’t recognize it as the Giant Sea Serpent, but he will definitely be curious.

And curiosity is often the cause of tragedies.

For example, someone walked to Fang Yun, examined this fallen “dead tree” with wide eyes, then slowly swept the dirt and debris on it. and to their shock and horror, they find that this is not a “dead tree” at all, it’s a huge snake!

There is no progress in the plan to catch the Giant Python. Many people including military warships went to the places where the shipwrecks happened and tried to tempt the python with various methods, including all kinds of beef, pork, fish and various other tricks.

Unfortunately, nothing worked so far.

No one was able to discover any trace of the Giant Sea Serpent, including warships and scientific ships possessing the latest equipment.

All the meat they threw into the sea was eaten by sharks, killer whales and sometimes even toothed whales.

However, this didn’t affect everyone’s enthusiasm for catching the giant python.

The Giant Sea Serpent truly exist and is wandering in the sea, as long as they have enough perseverance, one day they will catch it.

This trip wasn’t completely a waste of time though, they were able to determine that the Giant Sea Serpent has no fixed habitat and is constantly wandering in the ocean.

One of the main reasons they came to this conclusion is due to the place of the two shipwrecks being in two different seas.

What made everyone feel weird is that these two places are far apart, and the time difference between the two shipwrecks is just 4 to 5 days.

If both incidents were caused by the Giant Sea Serpent, then this monster’s activity area is too wide.

Some people think that in fact these two incidents should have been caused by two different sea monsters. The Giant Sea Serpent isn’t the only monster in the sea.

This statement has chilled many people.

Everyone’s fear of the ocean has become more and more intense. In short, the marine industry has suffered a lot.

Unfortunately, apart from the dead Giant Shark, no one has seen other sea monsters, so they can’t be sure of this statement.

In fact, even the Giant Sea Serpent hasn’t been seen in a long time.

When everyone started “missing” that giant python, someone finally found its traces.

This time, two groups of people found the giant python.

The giant python was first discovered by a group of fishermen. Among this group of fishermen, it’s said that a teenager was the first to discover it.

Of course, this was originally known only to his fisherman group and his parents, and most of them didn’t believe it at first.

”My name is Ham.”

Facing the group of reporters in front, Ham said seriously.

He began to tell the reporters what happened at that time.

At about 4 pm, an accident occurred on their fishing boat, so they were forced to anchor on a deserted island.

It’s worth mentioning that he comes from a fisherman family, but he didn’t go on his father’s boat or with the crew of his father this time.

Thir family fishing boat is relatively small, if they encounter the Giant Sea Serpent or some other sea monsters, that’s almost certain death.

He joined a large fishing boat, enlisting as a handyman helping the captain.

His current fishing ship spends at least one month in the sea every trip, and every time, they will go into the depth of the sea.

Ham and his companions discovered the Giant Sea Serpent on the desert island they anchored on.

At that time, he and three partners were looking for wild fruits on the island.

As a result, they discovered a huge fallen “dead tree” in the center of the desert island.

”But that wasn’t a dead tree!” Ham emphasized to the reporters.

They were very irritated after searching for so long and not finding any wild fruit, so when they saw the fallen “dead tree” one of them couldn’t help but kick it heavily.

However, instead of venting their anger, they discovered something that made them extremely horrified.

After the dirt and dust were swept away, they didn’t see rotten wood, but bright shiny scales.


Even remembring this, Ham swallowed his saliva. He was trembling slightly, they were so close to death.

”However, that wasn’t the most terrifying thing.”

He paused, took a deep breath, then continued recounting what happened to the reporters.

”Just when we were about to escape, the monster lying on the ground suddenly stood up.”


”Crack! Crack!”

Ham and his companions looked at this scene in horror. They could only tremble in fear as a gigantic python slowly stood up from the ground.

The dirt, dust, and weeds on the surface of the python slowly fell down.

After all the dirt fell down a huge monster appeared in front of them.

It’s the famous Giant Sea Serpent.

”It stood upright in front of us and stared at us with its huge eyes. At that time, my head was empty. All that was left in my mind is ‘this is it, I’m going to die\'”

Ham’s face was slightly pale, he clenched his hands tightly while speaking.

Fortunately, they survived in the end. The giant python just glanced at them, then slithered toward the sea.

”In fact, this isn’t the first time that I saw the giant python, it’s already the third time.”

With a mixed look, Ham continued talking.

”The first time I saw it, it was in a trench next to ‘Horseshoe island”

”I told my father at that time but he didn’t believe me. Then, after going to the sea to perform my adult ceremony, I saw that monster for the second time. That time, I clearly saw it.”

”The villagers of ‘Horseshoe Island’ can testify. We told them about the existence of the giant python in the sea, but no one believed us.”

After the interview with Ham, a group of experts and scholars headed for the desert island. After some research, they discovered the traces left by the giant python.

These traces showed that Ham didn’t lie. The Giant Sea Serpent was really active here before.

When everyone reached that place, the giant python has completely disappeared, no matter what method they used, whether it’s food lure or sonic radar, nothing has worked.

However, shortly afterward, someone discovered the traces of the giant python, giving the people who wanted to catch the Giant Python a chance.

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