
Chapter 3: Lala and Sorgloss

「Wha-、what the meow、is this……?」

The men were wearing surprised blank faces as they just stared at the gigantic vegetation that suddenly appeared at their presence。 That plant however wasn’t a normal looking one。

The vines and the stems were wriggling like it was alive。 Moreover、it was unexpectedly gigantic as the man has never been able to see such a large flower in his entire life。 (TLN: They were like antman against those plants)


When looking at the center part of the flower、the man could see the upper part of the body of his companion outside of the plant’s mouth。 He was in a state of panic as he called for his companion but alas、there was no reply to his cries。


When the man concentrated to look closely、his companion was already vomiting lots of amount of blood from his mouth and his eyes were already hallow。 The man judged that his companion was already long gone。 Perhaps the lower body of his companion that was inside the plant had already been crushed and eaten。

「S-、someone……」 「GYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!」 「!?」 (TLN: Double kill)

The man looked back and tried to call for help。 At his back should have been where his other guild members and the knights who had also joined up the Dark Guild subjugation should have been。 However、several screeches and screams that could pierce someone’s ears could be heard as the man opened his eyes wide。

「Ah……Th-、the plants……!?」

The Guild members and the knights were all pierced through by dozens of large tree roots that have came out of the ground。 When looking carefully at the large tree roots that have easily pierced through the men’s bodies、they were incredibly sharp。

The roots pulsating as it was bathed in human blood。 It looked like they were having a happy time at taking the blood of the humans as its nourishment for themselves。 The heavily strong armor that the knights of the kingdom have adorned were easily penetrated and their bodies squirmed but they couldn’t move like they were fixed in that position。 (TLN: I’m having dinner while translating this and the food is tasting SO GOOD)

「ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?」 「Y-、YOU!You were still alive!」 「I managed to……!」

The one who had run up to the man as he fell down ungracefully was the Knight Leader who was commanding all of the knights。 Though blood was spilling from the many cuts he had in his cheeks and head but he somehow managed to survived。

「Mumu。Two people are still alive huh」

To the place where the two men were having a glad time that they survived came a voice that made their shoulders shiver。 Though it was just a normal voice of a cute little girl but they could only hear the whisper of a demon that had played with their lives。 The child who wore a flower decoration on her hair look severely dissatisfied by the two surviving men as she outed her cheeks and stomped her way towards them。

「You monster、what the meow are you!?」

The frightened man was shivering as he shouted to the little girl。 The brawny man who looked really evil was showing a frightened face as he shouted at the little girl which looked like a weird spectacle when seen。 At the appearance of such a miserable man、the girl went *Kukuku* as she started to laugh。

「Though you were just saying that you were planning to sell Lala as a slave like a little bitch you are。Oh how did you suddenly change like that~!」 「WHO TOLD YOU TO DO THIS!!」

The man was frantically moving like a foolish man while his face was red full of rage。 Though at the presence of a large man who was threatening her、the little girl was still going *Kukuku* as she didn’t show any sign of being frightened at all。

「Lala is a part of the 『Salvation forces』 that shall face you mister’s pitiful and foolish army。Here、can’t you see this very wonderfully made crest?」 「Wha……!!」

The child thrust out her right cheek as if showing it to those men。 On that cheek、was nothing written though they only thought that it was because of her peculiar skin but there really was a crest of a certain guild on it。

The child absent mindedly touched that crest with her hand。 The movement was frightfully glossy as if it was filled with amorousness that a child shouldn’t have。 However、the man and the knight didn’t have any time for that movement when they knew of the facts。

「F-、for such a small child to be a member of the Dark Guild you say!?」 「Muuu、you’re very rude。Lala is already an aged person」

She pouted her cheeks as the child was angered。 If it weren’t for the blood splattered surroundings all over then it would have been a charming and pleasant spectacle。 (TLN: I still find it cute as a fairy)

「Let us run away。It is obvious that its not possible for us to cross swords with this child」 「Y-、yeah……」

The knight brought his face close to the man and whispered。 The man didn’t have any objection to that idea。

Though his companion got eaten by a flower but there weren’t any true fellowship for a gray guild member to begin with。 If their roles were reversed then that guy would also leave him too。

「……What is it、misters?」

The child tilted her head。 Though she had just massacred hundreds of men but she was still preserving her innocent little girl atmosphere。

She would sometimes show an intoxicated face so she would look like a normal little girl excluding that。 Does the Dark Guild also have other members like this……。

「I don’t think that you two can escape though?」 「What?You’re not letting us go?」 「OF COURSE。Since you misters are aiming at Master、so it is obvious that all of you shall be murdered。With that、even if Lala lets you two get away―――――」

The child declared that it was only natural for us to be killed。 Thus as we were talking、the child was being distracted。 Perhaps、we can now escape。

「―――――but thine shall not let thou escape- de gozaru」

The fleeting hope of that man was crushed into bits by a woman that appeared on the opposite side of the child。


A small knife ran through the knight’s neck。 That was a weapon that those from the far eastern warriors used which was called kunai。 (TLN: You don’t know what a Kunai is? Holy shiet Google is yar best friend, bruh/sis)


The knight that he was just conversing to a while ago was now scattering large amounts of blood from his neck as he fell to the ground。 Thus、all the knights and the guild members excluding that man were eliminated。 Some were pierced by the plants while some were pierced in their necks as large amounts of blood were bathed in the earth。

「Solgros、why didn’t you show yourself sooner?Are you being lazy again?」 「Th- thou art wrong – de gozaru。From my ability、Laladi-dono’s abilities are more suited for massacring multiple enemies。I was just watching for those who would be escaping -de gozaru yo。By no means was I watching master and got so hot and bothered by it」

The child who had emerald green hair―――――Laladi who was just standing there suddenly had someone on her side which was a girl who was wearing clothes of a female shinobi―――――it was Solgros。 Though it wasn’t possible for her to see since most of her head was wrapped in cloth but her cold staring eyes and her long braided hair was the only things visible。

Just as she said、several of the men who tried to escape were squirming a while ago from being pierced at their necks and fell to the ground。 It was clear that they weren’t breathing anymore。

「Fuuu。To use up such a large amount of magical power in an early morning、I’m really tired now。I really need to RECEIVE some of master’s magical power~」

Of course she was still overflowing with lots of mana。 That was only an excuse to have some skinship with Master。

She rubbed the cheek that had a crest on it as she also stroked her body。 When doing so、she felt like she had fell into a sweet heaven of pleasure。

「Thou art too sneaky – de gozaru。I have also used magic too」

Though Solgros has left the fighting to Laladi for the most and was watching Master’s sleeping face from the ceiling。 With just that、she was troubled that her body got hot by doing that。 It was really hard to hide her voice while looking from the ceiling。

「D-、DAMN IT!WHAT THE MEOW ARE YOU MONSTERS!」 「Didn’t I tell you that already。Lala and the others are members of the Dark Guild 『Salvation forces』」 「That is the truth。We are just returning what you wanted to do to us- de gozaru」

Tears were in the eyes of the man as his heart and mind loudly exploded in grief。 For such an innocent and small girl to be able to orchestrate such a horrific spectacle was out of this world impossible。 No one would be able to think of such a thing like this。

「What should we do with this old man?」 「Hmm……that’s right – de gozaru na。Since he may know some things we need then how about we get some information from him」 「Woah、are you going to use THAT on him?Though I’m not really giving him any pity for aiming at Master’s life but I think that that would be too much」

Those two were talking about how to deal with this insect of a man。 With Solgros’ words、Laladi made a look like she was looking at the man with pity。 However、half of it was grinning so she was just acting like she gave even half the shit for it。

「Wha-、WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?WHAT-、WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING TO DO TO ME!!」 「Ah、being killed by Lala would be much more of a happy end for you。But you’ll be in the hands of this brutal Ninja though」

The man who felt an unbearable anxiety over what those two were talking about was listening to them while scattering his saliva on the ground。 However、only a bleak future was shown to him by the reply of the little girl。

Even if he tried to run away、he couldn’t even exert any strength from his waist and legs。 At that man、Solgros brought her face closer。

「What~、I’m just gonna tamper with your brain tissues。If I do it correctly then it would be alright」 「Though the percentage of you doing that correctly is like as small or maybe smaller than an atom」 「HIIIIIII……!!」

Solgros didn’t reply to Laladi’s words。 Solgros’ hands melted as it stopped forming the shape of a human’s hands to form something like a syrup liquid。

From the movements of her hands which can never be imitated by any human、he understood at that moment that Solgros was a Mazoku。 Such a syrupy liquid hand was carefully getting near him。 Tears were welling up on the man’s face as the pants of the man got wet with a liquid from his groins。


At the last cry of the man、Solgros immediately rejected it。 Soon after that、the screeches of the man resounded through the whole woods。

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