
Chapter 76

“I know that you have a somewhat impure interest in my father, but should you tell it to me?”

“Impure? I love handsome men with white lily pure hearts. If you gained a little more weight now, you’d pass, but why do you feel pitiful all the time?!”

It wasn’t his fault that this body’s fuel consumption was comparable to a Ferrari, but Kleio had no retort as her fine hand clad in silk gloves held his wrist and shook it.

‘This lady is as strong as her aesthetic sense.’

“You thought I was stronger than I looked right now, didn’t you? Look at this; this master is too weak. You can’t even hold a sword properly!”

“Can you lift a sword?”

“Absolutely. What do you think was hidden in my umbrella handle? What do you think is hidden in it right now? Well, I won’t be able to stab a demon, but I can fend off a human for a while.”

Even Dione could swing a sword with those slender arms, but he couldn’t.

“I didn’t know all of your abilities.”

“Let’s learn. I will protect you!”

“It’s reassuring. But, if possible, it would be best if there was nothing to fight.”

“Honestly, no matter how heinous, a murderer won’t start their work in the middle of a theater filled with a thousand people.”

He had briefly explained the story to Dione when he asked for the ticket. Surprised, she had promised to cooperate. She had even offered to arrange a meeting with the police chief, but Kleio had declined. With the strange red ether and magical murders, this incident was beyond the scope of the police.

‘If we get proper evidence, we can ask the Defense Force knights to investigate. They don’t have the authority to investigate people, but they can investigate magical events.’

Since last summer, Kleio has made a hobby of reading related to the Defense Force and the school. It had been his way of making up for not knowing the rules to evade service.

“Oh, did you say that the item I asked for over the phone was finished?”

“Ah! That’s right, here it is.”

Dione handed over an envelope from her pearl embroidered handbag. While Kleio checked the bill inside, she picked up a wooden box that had been placed haphazardly to the side of the bookcase.

“The cylinder of the revolver was made by me from iron ore, and the silver bullets were made by our crafts.”

A revolver and sixty bullets plated with mana stone silver resided inside the box, still sparkling as it was freshly crafted.

“Oh my, excuse me.”

“That’s what this bill is for.”

Upon reading the detailed list, he paid additional allowances to the craftsmen who had worked more than eight hours a day. Grayer was obviously a more conscientious business operator than others, as Albion still had a 12-hour work system, six days a week.

“In that case, I will double the allowance.”

After pulling a checkbook from his coat, Kleio doubled their payment for the night shifts and signed the check. Dione had a smile as she accepted it.

“You know the reason for the world as well. Next time I say it’s a job for you, the craftsmen will try to accept it. Again, they can clothe their children thanks to the extra work.”

Dione seemed to have a rather close relationship with the craftsmen.

“Sincerity comes from payment.”

“True. How well does this master who had never earned a dinar with his own hands in his entire life understand the frustration of those receiving weekly wages?”

Kleio hid a bitter smile, unable to explain to Dione his past in another world. Just in time, Isiel’s arrival was announced. Dione looked in the mirror, finished up, and turned to Kleio. Kleio placed the revolver box in the large picnic basket Mrs. Canton prepared and picked it up, noting it’s a heavyweight. Then, the two went downstairs.

“I’ll tell you in advance, but Isiel will probably arrive in her school uniform. Please don’t bother her about her clothes.”

Kleio was worried that Dione, who considered clothing as a form of speech, would talk to Isiel, who would undoubtedly be in her school uniform.

“Of course, you know much more about etiquette than I do, but Isiel has her reasons, so please don’t say anything.”

“I know. How could I mock the young Kision’s clothing? It’s too presumptuous.”

Her response was completely unexpected.

“…No, why do you respect Isiel so much, but you treat me like this?”

“Ha, are you two the same? She has the oath to defend the border and inherit the manor, but you don’t.”

“Hey, Lady Dione, I know you’re comfortable with me, but why don’t you consider my feelings and hold back a little bit?”

“You would tell me that? Ugh, you’re a thousand years early.”

Before Kleio could refute her, Dione opened the parlor door cheerfully. Isiel was standing in front of the fireplace, dressed in her neat school uniform with her sword at her side. Kleio suddenly regretted mentioning anything to Dione at her dignified appearance that blew away his vain thoughts. Even though her slender limbs were covered by the neutral suit, Isiel didn’t need any more decorations. Her red hair burned like fire, and her bright peridot eyes needed no embellishments.

“Thank you for waiting. I apologize for making you walk.”

“No, it wasn’t a problem at all.”

“So understanding, your heart is so broad!”


Behemoth, who was laid out on the parlor floor, rose as Dione spoke. Neither she nor Dione could take their eyes off of Behemoth, who started grooming himself. The sight of the two incredibly beautiful women eagerly staring at the old fat cat seemed like a scene from an absurd play. The giant cat enjoyed their attention as he cleaned himself.


‘Aren’t they too interested in this cat?’

“When you’re finished cleaning up, let’s go see the opera. It’s the -Lord of the Highlands- I’ve been looking forward to for half a year!”

“Meoow? (Alright, will there be alcohol?)”

“Some Ecarat San Rose Champagne has been sent to the theater in advance, so we can drink while we watch! I’ll give you a few drops too!”

The sleepy eyes of Behemoth began to shine like a green star.

‘Ah, I can trust this alcoholic cat.’

Arthur and his friends now had to track down the red ether, which meant Behemoth, who was sensitive to the ether, was a useful ally. Behemoth, who noticed Kleio’s expression, smiled slyly with his mouth wide open.

“Meeoooow. (I’ve heard, take care.)”

Kleio opened the picnic basket he brought, motioning for Behemoth to jump in quickly.




A security guard stopped the group in front of the second-floor landing of the opera house.

“Excuse me, but in that basket… Is that an animal?”

Kleio stopped, still holding the large picnic basket. Behemoth’s black tail was still sticking outside of it.

“Pets aren’t allowed in the auditorium. If it’s okay, would you please leave it with us? I will take care of it during the performance.”

“You can’t bring pets in the auditorium? There was no such information in any of the rules for the royal opera.”

“No, that…”

Dione’s speech was mild but determined. She must’ve really read the theater rules. From that view, the guard had nothing to say.

‘Well, who would think to bring a pet to the venue… No, it’s my fault.’

“Here, Sir Kleio has the right of the grantee of the capital defense medal to bring a pet to the palace, but it is impossible here. Does that mean the authority of the royal opera is higher than that of the royal family?”

Lady Dione’s momentum and the names she casually tossed out made the guard flinched away. Kleio felt bad for him but had no opportunity to help.

‘Because if I don’t take Behemoth in, he’ll surely sneak off to steal food and alcohol somewhere.’

Dione jabbed Kleio in the side.

“Now, naturally, put the cat bag in one hand and give me your other arm. Escort me in like this is for granted.”


“Ah, really! I’ll take it.”

Isiel, catching their whispering, quietly pulled the basket from Kleio’s hand, then, as if escorting them, stood behind the two. The guard couldn’t say anything else under that cold, calm look. Kleio linked his arm with Dione’s and began to escort her, feeling people’s eyes burning in the back of his head. So, the three people and one cat were able to reach their box seats on the second floor. The cozy balcony seats were decorated with luxurious red velvet chairs.

‘I wanted to borrow the cat’s help, but I didn’t want that to happen…well, the milk has already spilled. Phew.’

Behemoth jumped out from the basket and landed on Kleio’s knees, getting cat hair all over his coat. Dione, of course, didn’t care at all.

“Lei, Lei. Can you see the empty seats over there on the other side?”

Dione began whispering to Kleio like she found something interesting. From his seat, the box seat on the left, opposite the stage, was clearly visible.

“This was supposed to be a popular performance, so why is it empty?”

“That’s a royal seat. Queen Juleika is a big opera fan, so she shows up in the season, but after Geheim became the star of the theater, she stopped appearing.”

“Will all seats be emptied because the queen isn’t present?”

“Well~ It’s a place reserved for guests invited by the royal family and the royal family. Once in a while, her only son fills a seat, but he’s participating in the winter training of the southeast defenders.”

That was Prince Aslan, the second prince.

“…Does that mean the second prince isn’t in the capital right now?”


Then his guesswork was wrong. Kleio inadvertently turned to Isiel, who sat to his left. Looking at her face, she seemed to have the same thought. He thought the red ether was related to the second prince…

‘No. Would the prince do the dirty work himself? It must be handled by the working level. Let’s take a closer look.’

Kleio turned on Perception, enduring the accompanying dizziness as he focused with all his might. He examined the entire auditorium and the symphony orchestra.

‘Let’s see. People with ether sensitivity level 5 or higher… There are two!’

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