
Chapter 234 About to begin

Chapter 234 About to begin

The moment the little panda buns were out of the black house, they were greeted by their personal guards who were already waiting just outside the door.

They picked the buns up and carried them towards the helicopter.

Xiaolei and Yu Chen were standing by the glass window, watching their little buns leave.

Rui and Ranran spotted their parents as they looked back at the house and they both waved their hands towards them with a wide smile.

The couple also waved back at them and then, just like that, the little buns were gone.

The couple by the window only moved away when they couldn’t hear the sound of the helicopter anymore. Xiaolei faced Yu Chen and when their eyes met, she smiled at him. She lifted her hands to his neck before she tiptoed and planted a kiss on his lips.

What she did made Yu Chen finally let go of the curtain he was holding and it covered the window again. His hands landed on her waist.

They stood there staring at each other for a long while until Xiaolei chuckled softly, remembering Rui’s words.

\\"I’ll talk to grandpa tomorrow.\\" Yu Chen suddenly said and Xiaolei tilted her head slightly.

\\"Hmm? About what?\\" she asked and Yu Chen’s eyes wandered for a while before he gave her his answer.

\\"I’m sure he’s the one who taught Little Rui those words.\\"

Xiaolei blinked. \\"Why? You don’t like what he said?\\"

\\"No, it’s not that, but I don’t think that it’s appropriate to say those kinds of things to the kids.\\"

\\"Oh, y-yeah, you’re right.\\"

\\"I’m definitely not against what they said though,\\" he clarified. He was blushing as he averted his gaze from her but the moment he gazed deeply into her eyes again, Xiaolei was suddenly unable to speak.

Something in his eyes made her gasp. She didn’t know if what she was seeing was real but she could see desire in his eyes. This was the first time he ever looked at her like this. This innocent panda who always shyly blushed was now looking at her with those glimmering eyes like he wanted her so bad and it was making Xiaolei’s heart pound like crazy. Xiaolei didn’t know that one sexy look from him would cause her spirit to fall and just submit to him. She was seduced just like that and before she knew it, she covered his mouth with hers in a hungry kiss.

Yu Chen didn’t even flinch anymore as he returned her kisses. Just like yesterday, their kiss just kept on getting deeper. The warmth that they felt from each other’s lips slowly spread throughout their bodies, traveling through their veins.

Yu Chen’s hand moved to the back of her head, his fingers getting tangled in her long black hair, gently pulling her to him, deepening their kiss and becoming more passionate by the second.

\\"Xiaolei... I love you...\\" Yu Chen’s husky voice echoed in her ears the instant they parted their lips. Before Xiaolei could even respond, his lips captured hers again. Yu Chen, her big panda, had become such a beastly kisser. There was no more sign of him being someone who once used to faint with just one kiss.

The corner of Xiaolei’s lips lifted up as she enjoyed Yu Chen’s intensity. She let her arms hang softly around his neck before their lips parted again.

She could see the sparkle in his eyes, as they both gasped for air after their deep, long kiss. Their warm breaths mingled with each other as they stared at one another.

And then, Xiaolei lightly pushed him.

Yu Chen was about to step back to keep his balance when the back of his feet hit the side of the bed. When he fell on the bed, he finally realized that they weren’t by the window anymore. It seemed like he was too lost in her kisses that he didn’t even realize what she was doing to him.

\\"Hubby... can you lean on the headboard?\\" Xiaolei asked and he blinked at her for a moment before obeying.

Xiaolei climbed on the bed as well and placed herself on his lap, straddling him. They were both slightly sweating now from their body heat. Their panda outfits were quite thick so Xiaolei felt bad when she saw the drops of sweat falling from her adorable panda’s face.

Deciding that the best way to cool him down was to take off his panda outfit, Xiaolei’s fingers went straight to the buttons. She undid them slowly, seductively and it felt like sweet torture for Yu Chen. She could feel Yu Chen’s intense gaze on her but she didn’t stop. Instead, she deliberately met his gaze, as if she was challenging him to stop her, as she undid each button, one at a time.

When she was done, she looked down at her handiwork and licked her lips subconsciously as his perfect chest came into view. She slowly trailed her fingers on his now bare chest, lightly grazing his skin which made it even more sensitive to the touch.

He sucked in a quick breath as he felt her fingers leave a warm trail on his body. Her touch was warm and light at first, just moving up and down, but then she placed both her palms on his bare chest and slowly rubbed them over his abs, chest, then his shoulders and then down his arms. Her hands left a trail of hot spots on his body and as she ran her hands down his arms, she simultaneously removed his pajama top as well as igniting his body’s need for her. He was slowly losing control as he gripped her waist tightly, preventing her from moving her hips on top of him and consequently, driving him crazy.

Xiaolei felt his desire rise up beneath her and a slow, seductive smile spread across her face. She leaned in closer to him and softly whispered in his ear. \\"The next lesson is about to begin.\\"

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