
Chapter 86 Crime And Punishment

All the core elders rolled their eyes. They noticed the minor detail. Elder Dongmei did not say anything about the core disciple who had died in the past.

He was angry because they tried to poison Han Cai. They thought in their mind "You don\'t even care that the disciple of the martial hall died, and you are upset because they tried to poison Han Cai."

Elder Dongmei continued his fit, "It is a shame. A new disciple joins our outer sect, and we take bribes from his family. He comes to the inner sect, and we try to poison him. Have we no shame? Are we so corrupted and plagued, are we humans or beasts? If you all do not take it as a lesson, then there will be a day when the whole sect will have no redemption. The kid stays in his abode all day trying to cultivate. He has such a good temperament, for heaven\'s sake. Just leave the kid alone. I will be personally taking care of that outer sect elder, the two gray robes, and those two girls who decided to harm him. From now they will be his slaves for life. If I hear anyone try to harm  my grand nephew\'s disciple Han Cai, I WILL GOUGE YOUR EYES OUT."

His voice was thundering at the end.

Elder Dongmei looked at the Elder of the beast hall. "Little Hao, prepare for eternal beast slave marks."

Everyone gasped, it was a bit too much making slaves out of disciples and elder of the same sect.

It was a kind of taboo punishment, and this was done to worse criminals.

Elder Dongmei was showing his stand to all elders, He was telling them to inform their factions and peaks, and tell every disciple not to mess with his grand-nephew.

He wanted to demonstrate Han Cai was his reverse scale. Some of the elders even considered if Han Cai was his real blood-related grandson.

After hollering his bit, Elder Dongmei got up and left the hall. Did not wait for the sect master to say anything. The Sect master understood why Elder Dongmei left.

Elder Dongmei knew Xiaoyun was the sect\'s master\'s Disciple. No matter how harsh they were, every master had a soft spot for their own Disciple. In case the sect master makes a biased decision when the discipline hall announces her punishment, he might question him if he still stayed in the hall, so elder Dongmei left. No one was surprised when elder Dongmei left. This senior grandmaster of the sect was very moody. Elder Dongmei rarely joined sect hall gatherings, but when he did, they knew they were in trouble. So when he left, everyone sighed in relief.

After elder Dongmei left Sect master spoke, "I am ashamed. I did not teach my disciple well. Everything that happened  is because of my incompetence. I don\'t know how I am going to face our ancestors."

Sect master got up from the throne and bowed, "I apologize to everyone for my incompetence."

All core elders stood up, bowed altogether, and spoke loudly, "Sect master, it is not your fault. It is our fault as elders of the sect. We apologize for our incompetence."

Sect master went back to his throne and started speaking with a sad face, "Elder Lin, please tell me what the punishment discipline hall has decided for the two disciples in the incident."

Elder Lin nodded and announced, "Disciple Qing betrayed the sect by conspiring with the rival sect. This scheme of his led to the death of the sky-soaring sect\'s core disciple Lanfen, and he also plotted to kill Disciple Han. He is charged with criminal conspiracy, treason, and murder. His punishment is to have his cultivation be destroyed and work as a gray robe for the sect for the rest of his mortal life."

Elder Lin continued, "For Disciple Xiaoyun to know about Disciple Qing\'s betrayal and not to report and to conspire to Kill disciple Han, She is charged with accessory to treason and criminal conspiracy. Her punishment is to be decided by her master."

No matter what, she was a disciple of the sect master. Even if the sect master asked them to punish her, they did not have the right to judge her.

A pill hall elder heard this and got up and bowed. "As Qiang is a disciple of the pill hall. Pill Hall wishes to be one to judge the punishment of Qiang."

No matter what, pill hall had invested way too much in this core disciple. The pill hall would suffer massive losses if Qiang\'s cultivation was destroyed. Without cultivation, He was as good as dead. They will lose the future pillar of their hall. Even if he conspired, he did not conspire against the sect. It was a fight between core disciples. This punishment was not just punishing Qiang, but it would also hurt the pill hall.

An Elder of the martial hall thundered, "Are you out of your mind? I will murder him with my own hands if the disciplinary hall doesn\'t punish him."

Pill Hall Elder Yelled back, "He is a disciple of Pill Hall. His punishments will be met by pill hall. He is a core disciple, and the sect has invested a lot in him. Killing him would be a waste of the sect\'s resources."

The Elder of the martial hall hollered, "Disciple of my martial hall was also core disciple sect had invested in him too, and at least he had better character than him. If this spawn is left with cultivation, he will destroy the sect for personal benefit. I urge sect master that his punishment is met immediately."

Elder of Pill Hall Spoke, "Even if he conspired. He did not conspire against the sect. It was a fight between core disciples."

The Elder of the martial hall yelled again, " What kind of nonsense are you talking? So tomorrow, if he conspires to kill the sect master by conspiring with another sect. Will it be a fight between the sect master and core disciple? It will not be considered betrayal?"

Sect master spoke, "That is enough. The decision has been made. Discipline hall elder, make sure that punishment is carried out. As for Xiaoyun, she is my Disciple, and I dote on her, but her actions could have very severe implications for the sect, which can not be ignored. Her punishment will be that her cultivation will be restricted for 40 years; she will also serve as gray robe mortal for 40 years."

With this the depressing hall meeting came to an end.

The next day

Elder Dongmei visited Han Cai\'s abode. Following him was one old man. Behind the old man stood four gray robes. The old man and four gray robes were chained, walking with a limp.

Elder Dongmei gave Han Cai the black color medallion and spoke, " This is a control medallion. You can use it to control the old guy and these four. Imprint the medallion with your Qi. You will be able to control them. The beast slave mark on their body is connected to the medallion. If they have any thoughts of betraying you or hurting you, the medallion will inform you. If You feel threatened anyway, immediately end their lives."

Elder Dongmei spoke again, " Now you don\'t have to worry about having no reliable subordinates. I will leave you alone for two years as promised but make sure not to get complacent."

Han Cai nodded, took the medallion from elder Dongmei, and imprinted it with celestial Qi. What Elder said was indeed true. Through the medallion, he could feel every thought of these four standing in front of him. None of them had any hate for him. They were all afraid, very afraid of how Han Cai would treat them.

After that elder Dongmei left, Han Cai asked his slaves to go pick quarters for themselves outside his cave abode while he kept the medallion in the system storage.


Time continued to flow,

It has been more than a year since Han Cai Joined the inner sect. After the scandal, And elder Dongmei\'s threat, things started to cool down. Sect quieted down a lot.

Han Cai had new subordinates now.

The infamous poison elder was his official subordinate. When Han Cai found out that gray-robes betrayed him after being seduced, he understood the human mind was a fickle thing, and seeing how messed up this world was, Han Cai decided to ask the system if there was a way to add a feature so that he could control his subordinates without worrying about them betraying him when they get seduced, or they think of betraying him for some other reason.

The system actually had many options. Neither Han Cai nor the system had to get creative about it, and because this world had many methods to have full control over subordinates. They were very expensive for Han Cai.

The two cheapest options Han Cai could find were the eternal beast slave mark method which elder Dongmei used on Yongnian and other gray robes. This method would mark subordinates with a beast mark, and they will be controlled through a medallion.

But if you lose the medallion or someone steals it, you might lose the slave. Besides the slave mark, the Second method was blood contract.

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