
Chapter 371 Blake’s True Evolution Part 8

Blake actually wondered if he could do this or not. He knew he had plenty of strength still, but he did not know if bullets could hurt him now or not. "I guess there is only one way to find out."

Blake had already robbed a police station once. But he was with Lillia at the time. This time he wanted to try to do it himself. Left the college and made his way toward the city police station. He wondered how he was going to go about this. "Wait, if I die in my trial, do I really die?" Blake pondered for a moment and began to hesitate slightly. He felt like he should not do this, but then he thought about how it might be the thing he needed to do in order to pass his trial. He was stuck with a fifty, fifty chance.

"Fuck it. I will do it. If I die, then so be it. I can\'t leave my trial anyway, so I might as well deal with it like this." After making up his mind, Blake walked straight towards the police station without stopping.

He stepped through the doors to a small lobby with a counter behind a wall and a small receptionist window. But Blake did not pay attention to any of that. He walked straight to the side door and turned the knob, and pulled hard.


The door that should have been locked shut broke off the hinges with a single tug from Blake. "You!? What are you doing!?" The officer on duty was shocked at what had just happened. Some random man just walked in and pulled the security door out of the damn wall!

Blake did not say anything as he walked down the small hall looking for the storage room. But it did not take long for the officer behind him to catch up. "Stop right there!"

"Hmmm?" Blake turned to see a young cop with his gun pulled out and pointing at him and smiled. "Hey, where is the door leading downstairs?"

"You are under arrest!" The young cop yelled out as he went to step forward.

"Huh? Arrest? No, no, I am looking for weapons, not arrest." Blake chuckled as he stepped forward and instantly appeared in front of the young cop. He reached up with his hand and pinched the gun in the young cop\'s hands and yanked on it, pulling it free from the young cop\'s hand.

"This is a little small, but well, it will work for now." Blake turned the gun over a few times in his hands before pointing it at the young cop. "Now I think I asked you a simple question. Where are the stairs leading to the basement?"

"I…" The young cop\'s face paled now that the gun that should have been his was in the criminal\'s hands. He did not know what to do. He could only put his hands up at this time. He was wondering where the hell the others were at! There were four other people here in this office! Since no one else was showing up, he could only do one thing. "Follow me…." Give in!

He was still new to the job and should have handled the situation better. For one thing, he did not hit the alert button in the room he was in. He would have summoned all the cops in the city by now if he did.

But sadly, he acted on impulse and ended up screwing up. He walked forward with his hands still raised and made his way down a few twists and turns before arriving at a staircase with a key card reader next to it. "This is it, but even I do not…."


Blake kicked the door off its hinges and watched as it tumbled down the stairs. He then pushed the young cop out of the way and began walking down towards the basement floor. The young cop saw this as a chance and was about to try to arrest the man while he was not looking, but remembered that the door that was just based in turned outwards. Meaning the door being kicked in actually ripped the entire door jam off the wall. He decided to give up and walk back toward the front desk to hit the alert button.

Blake knew what was going to happen, but he did not care. He walked all the way to the bottom of the stairs, kicked the door in, and entered the armory. He took some riot gear and put it on before grabbing a few guns and weapons. Only when he had one strapped to his back, hips, and shoulders, plus two in his hands, did he feel he had accomplished something. With a few boxes of ammo, he walked back upstairs, only to be met with a bunch of guns pointing at him.

Blake frowned slightly. He wondered if he would even be able to rob a bank like this. With a bit of thought, he decided not to shoot anyone just yet as he walked forward. He had a bulletproof jacket on and a helmet but he was unsure if it would accomplish anything or if he even needed to wear it at all.

"Stop where you are and put down your weapons!" An older man yelled out while pointing his pistol at Blake.

"No!" Blake replied flatly. He then took another step forward.

"I said stop and put down your weapons! One more step and …. Ok one more step and…." The older cop could not finish his words because Blake kept walking! With gritted teeth he had no choice! He aimed and pulled the trigger!


The bullet left the chamber and flew at Blake. While it should be fast for a normal person, Blake found the bullet to be quite slow. He reached out and held his hand in front of it. He knew this was a risk, but he wanted to check. The bullet crashed into his palm and as if hitting the hardest metal in the world, the bullet was crushed flat on impact and fell to the floor.

Blake looked at his hand to see it was perfectly fine before nodding his head and saying: "Seems I will be okay."

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