
Chapter 35 - Those eyes has been the reason for all her happiness in all these years.

Chapter 35 - Those eyes has been the reason for all her happiness in all these years.

Li Xue was feeling her stomach tightening as she was taking her steps towards house number 37. A feeling of something tough waiting for her at the end of the destination, was giving her hitch in breaths.

A wave of anxiety washed over her that was urging her to leave the thought of this meeting but at the same time something inside her was still anticipating the scenes that would happen if she headed the path further.

"Mama, it\'s over there. The very big house", Little Li Wei who was holding her mother\'s hands all the way, pointed to the house she had visited yesterday evening. The house was lit in beautiful lights as if it was ready to welcome some prestigious guests in honor.

"Sweetheart, I think there\'s some important get – together going on in your Handsome Angel\'s place. We shouldn\'t interrupt him. We can always come back the next day", Li Xue said while trying her best to calm her insides down.

The feeling she was getting at this moment was even making her all nervous. She did not know how to put them in words but her heart was warning her again and again saying, \'If you took your steps further then there is going to be a drastic change in your life\'.

But those internal screams were not stopping her, rather was encouraging or more like compelling her to move further ahead in anticipation.

Hearing her mother say something like that, the little girl turned around to face her mother, pouted and put her hands on her h.i.p.s, "Mama, why are you becoming so shy all of a sudden? Didn\'t you say that we should never fear to present ourselves in front of others, then why are you going back on your own words now"

The way Li Wei has said her words made her look like a little a.d.u.l.t who was reprimanding her junior over something and at the same time guiding her on the right path of living. Even the serious expressions she was showing on her face was complimenting her attitude.

"Huh? When did I say something like that? Are you sure it was me who has said such big words", Li Xue laughed awkwardly but in return only got another serious glare from her little a.d.u.l.t daughter. "Fine, fine. It was me who said those words and they are true to some extent. But who said that applies to me. I am not shying here. What I said is truth"

She said, tapping her Little Li Wei\'s nose. "Look at the house. It\'s decorated with so many lights. There must be some party …" Before she could even complete her words, the little girl interjected.

"Mama, we can just go, greet him and return. If he had guests to attend then we won\'t disturb him", the little girl used her most effective weapon to win her mother. The pair of pleading eyes whose charm no one can ignore.

Li Xue looked at her daughter and the dramatic scene she was pulling up to make her agree with her demands. This Handsome Angel of hers is really bringing out the sides of her which she never thought ever existed inside her cute, adorable, obedient and sensible devilic – angel.

Narrowing her eyes at her she said, "Since you are getting so stubborn over such a trifle thing. I can\'t help but will only ask you to not repeat the same tricks again and again or it will lose its value"

Little Li Wei smiled and nodded her head in a profuse manner then took her mother\'s hand to complete the remaining steps left to reach the Handsome Angel\'s house.

The woman looked down at her daughter and shook her head helplessly. This girl was really too intelligent and skilled with her words for her own good. "Remember no more next time."

The little girl didn\'t make any comments to her words just gave an innocent smile which clearly stated that she herself was not sure of this thing.

Reaching the doorstep of the house, Li Xue hesitated for one last time but when she felt the curious eyes of her daughter, she sighed and pressed the doorbell switch. Still at this moment she felt like she should run off to save her life.

Few moments passed but no one came up to open the door. She took a look at her watch and it wasn\'t any late. They have still come at a very decent time.

She tried to take a look at her daughter but she wasn\'t looking at her. Her curious eyes were trained at the door while she was simply tapping her foot on the floor. She was clearly suppressing her desperation and looking at her like that Li Xue felt a little bad for her.

"Baby, your Handsome angel must have been tired after the whole day\'s work. We should let him rest. Okay?" she asked in a way in which the little girl didn\'t feel bad. But when she caught the disappointment in her eyes she felt that her words were not capable enough to console her little heart.

Her disappointment was understandable as she had patiently waited for the whole day so that she could meet him. But there was no way she could blame that man in this scenario. How can he be blamed? He has no relation with her or her daughter, so there is no compulsion on him to look after them. And in this case, she doesn\'t even know who he was in the first place.

Disappointedly, Li Wei nodded to her mother\'s words and was mid of turning their back towards the door when suddenly they heard the door opening.

Li Xue paused at that sound and a wave of happiness travelled across the face of the little girl. The woman\'s heart thumped a little more harder than the thumping she had on the way there. She can feel someone\'s intense gaze on her back, which made the hairs on her back rise up in an attention mode too.

When she turned her body and head to look at the man who had opened the door, her breath got hitched. The person standing in front of her was heavenly handsome but at the same time the aura he was carrying around him was very intimidating. Despite his dauntingness, one look at his face and it will surely take away any woman\'s breath. Those pair thin lips, sharp jawline and perfect shaped nose was complimenting his looks beautifully.

His eyes were steely cold and fierce, but there was a familiarity in those eyes. Like she sees those pairs daily. Like those eyes has been the reason for all her happiness in all these years. One look and she could tell that those eyes were asking her the reason for her presence at his place.

Li Xue was not prepared to get a view of someone like this. The person she was having in front of her eyes at this moment has got a very lethal and peremptory presence. ?So when their eyes met, she felt her head muddling up. Her throat ran dry and no good sensible sentence came to her lips. "Hel … hello! I …"

She would really have saved the earth in her previous birth that at a situation like this her daughter came up to her rescue. When she was unable to form the sentences, the little girl was all accustomed with the man as if they have known each other from the very first day of her birth.

"Handsome Angel! It\'s me"

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