
Chapter 512 - Darkness has never known to remain for always.

Chapter 512 - Darkness has never known to remain for always.

In the big study room of the Royal Palace, only one table lamp had been lighted on the desk to make the room brighten up in the darkness. Behind the desk there was no one but Shin Tinming, sitting by himself. All alone fighting with his guilt.

In front of him, a thick book related to some economic cultural subject was opened. Though his eyes were strained upon it all seriously, just one plain glance on him and people would know that only his eyes were looking at the book while his mind was pondering on something else.

"Tinming, you know I pity that pretty girl. I feel like she has suffered a lot. Being criticized by the whole world with no one standing at your side is too much of harsh pain to take. You and I would never be able to understand. Her so-called mother has called her as an unfilial daughter but I doubt that she has ever taken the responsibility for being a mother to her."

"Not only in the past but even today, that lady did not think twice before insulting her own birthed daughter in the public like that. I am bewildered thinking how could she be like that, and what about her father? Was he also the same? For instance, I doubt if she has ever considered her as her mother or had she always taken her a piece of toy with whom she could play and vent her anger on."

"Looking at the unaffected, composed look of the girl, even in such a situation, I can only feel my assumptions going positive. It must have been the same since her very young age, or else there must be something that has brought her to despair and surprise."

The words of Chen Rui were still repeating back in his mind again and again. His hands fisting over the table along with his heart inside his c.h.e.s.t. He was feeling severe guilt inside. Guilty for something he was not sure of. There was an ache in his heart but he was not in the position to realize that ache. The only voice that was audible from his inside was screaming at him, letting him know that he was the incapable man.

Those pains that the girl was suffering might be because of his selfishness. His lack of acceptance of his responsibilities. His ignorance!

But was he truly at the fault? Wasn\'t he also a victim of the situation? Or was his love for his wife so wrong for everything?

Usually, he was the most sorted person but unknowingly all these questions have surrounded his heart leaving him with no answer.

His fist slammed on the desk hard, getting disappointed in himself. He never chose all this to come. Never planned all this for himself or the people around him, yet everything that was happening around going against his plans.

Shin Tinming\'s eyes darted to look at the side of his desk towards the drawer. His hands slowly going forward to pull it out only reveal a single velvety file inside it. His eyes, staring all piercingly and sharply at it before bringing it up on the desk to re-read it.

The tag over the file was nameless, not intending to reveal the mysteriousness it was holding inside it.

But no matter how dense is the darkness of the secret, sooner or later it would get revealed to come in the light. After all, darkness has never known to remain for always.

The same happened to him too. It has been just a few days back when he got the reports in his hands. To say, he was shocked by the results will just be an overstatement. This result has just confirmed his thoughts that the random facts around were suspecting. Instead of bringing the emotion of shock and surprise in him, it streamed the wave of guilt and terror in his heart.

While the man was busy in his own contemplation, he heard the polite knock at the door. Knowing exactly who could be there at this time, he said, "Yes, please come in!" His voice came all tired and haggard.

Hearing the acceptance, the butler pushed the door open before gesturing to the maid to follow him after. "Your Majesty, I have made them prepare Chamomile tea for you. Please have it, it will help your nerves to calm a little and will relax you to bring the sleep better." Mr. Cao said and the king plainly nodded to him. Given the permission, the butler quickly gestured to the maid to present the cup of tea to the King.

Following the orders of the Royal butler, the maid went to present the cup and then left. Mr Cao also bowed in respect and was about to leave when halted on the King\'s orders.

"Mr Cao, please stay!"

Shin Tingming said as his gaze again went at the file before moving his hands to flip it open. His eyes again went to stare at the column that was stating the conclusion of all the process run on the medical samples of his blood and Li Xue\'s.

[The alleged father is not excluded as the biological father of the tested child. Based on testing results obtained from the analysis of the DNA loci listed, the probability of paternity is 99.998%. With the aforementioned examination, it\'s confirmed that Mr Shin Tinming is matched to be the biological father of Ms Li Xue]

This was not only the report that has proven him as that girl\'s biological father but has also made him realize how wrong he was to think that he has been a perfect husband to his wife and a perfect man in his life. He was one to betray his wife. Even if he was not at fault, it was still his mistake to not be able to keep the promise.

Only if he had not gotten weak at that time … Only if he has been a little more cautious of his surroundings and not been stubborn to make his men leave … then he might not have been drugged but that woman. And that girl might have not suffered those pains.

"Mr Cao, do you also think I am guilty of everything that happened?" He asked. Though his words seemed depressing, his voice not leaving the dignity and the powerfulness of the monarchical title he was holding. The King was not allowed to lose hope and get depressed, even if he feels extreme disappointment in his heart.

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