
Chapter 574 - You r.a.p.ed me.

Chapter 574 - You r.a.p.ed me.

Wen Sying was truly a crying mess, a genuine one. For once, it felt her pain was for real and she was not pretending it. Reasons behind her tears were not a sure story to know but the tears were definitely the reality.

Though Zheng Wenting has never taken her cries to be false, still seeing her right now, felt a little different than all the times he has seen her before. He deemed it to be because of the accusing gaze that she was giving him. But then again, what did he do to deserve that accusation of hers?

"Wenting, let\'s break up and end the things here" Suddenly she said and that was more than enough to make the man go all riled up, early in the morning.

"W – What? What did you just say, Sying?" Zheng Wenting asked, getting all shocked at her words. This was the least thing that he was expecting to come from anywhere, right at the moment. "You want to break up with me? Are you even hearing where your words are going?" He yelled, springing upon his feet. His brows tugged together into the frown, not understanding anything happening around. His ego, feeling the blow.

At his high-pitched voice, Wen Sying flinched in response as she frailly tilted her head a little to look at the man with her tearful eyes. Then nodding she confirmed. "Yes, I want a break-up. Apart from that, I – I don\'t think I have any other solution to the things that happened last night between us".

She said as she tried to get up from the floor, still hugging the duvet dearly around her. But the moment she tried, she winced in pain while stumbling on her footing. Her hands reflexed to hold the sofa for support while seeing her like that, Wenting also lunged forward to grip her by her shoulders.

"Be careful!" He said, getting concerned for her situation. But the woman again swatted away his touches as if those touches were burning her skin. Zheng Wenting was no longer able to keep his horses of queries tied up. Seeing her indifferences was just making him go more and more confusing. On top of that, her appearance was saying other tales. Under the duvet, her b.a.r.e shoulders were visible in the ways where one could easily find it the woman was not wearing any clothes inside.

What was exactly happening?

"Sying, without testing my patience, can you tell me what\'s with you? And what happened last night that has left you with no option but to break up? Is there something up online that is hindering your career? Or …" He asked, remembering that in recent days, the woman was suffering issues in her career.

Wen Sying snapped her head to look at him her gaze turned all disdainful at him. "You purposefully asked that to insult me, right Wenting? Or do you really not remember how brutally you r.a.p.ed me last night" She asked as tears streamed down her cheeks.

R.a.p.ed her! Zheng Wenting was unable to react to her words immediately. He had r.a.p.ed her? How can that be? They already have s.e.x countless times that now he has almost forgotten when was their first. And while satiating their d.e.s.i.r.es together, he has also seen her enjoying it. Then how come now she was accusing him of raping her.

"Wen Sying, what are you saying? How could I r.a.p.e you? I …" He started, defending himself from her accusation but before he could even complete his words, his eyes went wide when caught the bruised n.a.k.e.d stature of the woman at his front.

"Sying!" He shrieked as he saw the woman dropping the duvet from her body that she has been holding all this time to cover herself. He didn\'t expect that neither he believed but when he saw the purple-blue bruise marks on her body, he had no choice but to believe her words.

At once, he bent down to the floor to pick the duvet up to cover her again. His eyes burned looking at her like that. Guilt streamed in but still, some doubts were making him question the things.

Wen Sying looked at him as she said slowly in a pathetic tone. "Do you believe it now, Wenting or even now you want me to prove it?" She asked.

"Sying, enough. I didn\'t mean it that way" He said as he tightly wrapped her again with the duvet before taking her toward the bed. Making her sit at the edge, he crouched down before continuing. "What I was asking is how come I can force you when we have always been in love with each other?"

At his words, suddenly the woman started laughing hysterically. "Love? Are you sure what\'s between us is love? Because after last night I am sure it is not. I was a fool to think that it was all this time. And of course, you r.a.p.ed me because any s.e.x that doesn\'t happen with one\'s consent counts as one. Yesterday night, it was the same. You not only r.a.p.ed me but also broke me from inside".

"Sying …" The man said breathing out a heavy sigh.

"E – Even if it had been some l.u.s.tful s.e.x between us, I would not have minded it, Wenting. Believe me. But what you implied from your action last night only meant punishment. Like you were punishing me for keeping you away from Li Xue. When it has never been me coming in between you two. Do you even think how I would feel when I hear you taking her name when you are with me? Or do you think I don\'t have heart or self-respect to feel the pain?" Wen Sying didn\'t let him finish rather continued her story, looking all painfully at the man.

"Earlier she left you and this city. I was not involved and neither was I to be blamed. And even when she returned back after 5 years, I asked you to go back to her, if you want. Then why am I being punished in between all this? Am I that pathetic that I don\'t even deserve your rightful consideration?"

She said in an utmost pathetic state. Even if it had been a person without heart, they would have also felt wrong for her, let alone be Zheng Wenting, who has once claimed to love her the most.

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