
Chapter 722 - Culprit already in the trap.

Chapter 722 - Culprit already in the trap.

The elevator again climbed up to the VVIP floor as the door dinged open once more to reveal Jing Shaoqing inside. Having a cap to cover half of his face, this time his lower facial feature was also covered with a mask, not giving away even a hint of his identity.

Once the door of the elevator opened, he looked outside only to witness the tranquility of the deserted place. His eyes turned sharp, feeling the chances of the trap laid to get him caught but at the same time, his heart held a determination to complete that wasn\'t allowing him to hold his guards hard at the situation.

"The task in which we have failed earlier, we will succeed now. I will not let Boss disheartened this time." He reminded himself as took his steps near the goal.

But he had just walked halfway when he was suddenly yanked off the direction. On reflex defense action, the man\'s hands at once moved to grab his pistol from his waist to direct on the sudden appearance. But just when he was about to press the trigger, he halted.


"Shaoqing, what are you doing here? Didn\'t I ask you to let the matter cool down first?". It was Pan Hong who sneered at the young man first. His brows tugged together in concern while his forehead still had sweat beads, evidencing the rush he has made to come here. "Do you even think that this can be a trap set for us?"

The pistol that Jing Shaoqing had pulled was at once put down, along with his eyes that held guilt of disobeying the orders of his master. "I am sorry, Boss. But at this moment I felt this was something important to do. And I didn\'t want to see you upset because of the incapabilities of some people".

"Shaoqing, I don\'t blame anyone. I know my people did their best and it was just our enemies were no simple" Pan Hong sighed, knowing well that the boy would not be giving up that easily. "At the moment, all these things are not needed. We should make a move before we get caught." He said, trying to pull the boy through the back stairway. But as he expected, even in his words the boy didn\'t move.

"Boss, you should go first. I will come only after I am successful here", he said, pulling his hands off first, before turning to make his way back in the direction where Qi Shuai was resting.

"Shaoqing! I said you have to leave with me. I can already see the trap here" Pan Hong warned, looking at the empty hallway. There was no way in which he could accept that Feng Shufen would leave his friend alone in a situation like this, without having any preparations.

And to some extent, the young man also had an idea about it. It\'s just at the moment, his determination was tougher than his logic. "Boss, I will be careful. Don\'t worry, I have learned well from you".

"Shaoqing, you have to leave with me and that\'s my order for you to follow".

"But Boss, I have also promised to myself that today this task will be successful and you have always taught me to never let go of a promise, same as you have never let go of the promise you have given to the lady".

Jing Shaoqing said with a firmness in his tone that showed his unbending attitude towards his principles.

Pan Hong stared at him and could not restrict him more. All reasons seemed to be failing in front of that one thing, his apprentice reminded him of.

Seeing him silent, Jing Shaoqing took his cue of the moment and turned again to make a move but just when about to take a step away, he was again halted by his wrist.

"You were right to say that, boy! We should never go back on the words we give others. That\'s a principle a real man follows". Pan Hong said, staring in the eyes of the young boy, whom he has brought up all these years. "So this is my time to follow and work for the words I have given. This is not your job, Shaoqing. So, you should leave first."


"Shaoqing, today if I let you do what you are intending to then I will be breaking two of my promises. First, that I have given to your brother and the other that I have given to the woman I have always adored. And you know that would be something I would never accept. So, you should go now. The rest of the things, I will handle them myself." He said, with a weak smile over his expressions and then turning to make a move to proceed, walking past Jing Shaoqing.

"I will accompany you".

"That will not be needed. Go back and wait for me at the base first" Pan Hong ordered for the last, and his words came out in a way that warned the young man to not question him again. Retreating his steps backward, he left at once.

Pan Hong remained at his place, knowing well what next could be coming to him. But even after his knowledge, there were no regrets, no hesitation in his eyes. This has been something that he has foreseen a long before, just was not bringing himself to accept reality.

Bracing himself up for the things, he soon took his steps to the room that he knew of Qi Shuai. His hands choosing for the knife from his waistband instead of the pistol, getting sure of his move.

On the other side, Gao Fan\'s eyes stared at the live screen while standing behind Feng Shufen. "President Feng, we have already sealed the premises of the hospital and the culprit is also there in our trap. Should we make our move now?"? He asked, looking at Feng Shufen, who was sitting all nonchalantly on the chair without having a single wrinkle on his expression.

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