
Chapter 770 - Feeling of something wrong.

Chapter 770 - Feeling of something wrong.

Chen Rui\'s lips curled up into a smile as she looked at the painting that had come exquisitely for her. "Undoubtedly, he knows well about my preferences." She said with appreciation as her eyes minutely looked at the details of the poetic ancient-styled painting.

Then turning around, she looked at the people who had come with it and said, "As always, Su Ce has thought well before deciding to send a present. A quality of his that has always impressed me. Please help me tell him that I have really liked it".

The people at once bowed their heads in politeness while one of them accepted the words with respect, "It\'s an honor, Your Highness. We will relay your words to our Prince." He said and the queen only smiled in a formal gesture, before looking at the royal butler.

One glance and the old man understood. Elegantly, he turned to the people before gesturing his hands towards the exit. "It\'s time for Her Highness to handle some official things. The servant will guide you on the way out. Please!" The words were neither too curt nor too expansive. It was kept perfectly straight to the purpose.

Soon the people were led out while the butler remained back. Once out of sight, he turned to look at the Queen, before asking, "Your Highness, this painting …"

"You don\'t have to ask me that, Mr. Cao. Just keep it with the rest of the gifts. It\'s no special". Chen Rui said as her eyes again reverted back to look at the painting. But this time, her gaze was very different from the one it was before. There was no hint of appreciation, rather there was only sharpness. Like instead of seeing the beauty of the painting, she was looking at the intention with which the painting was sent to her.

"Yes, Your Highness!" The old butler didn\'t question, rather affirmed the order straight away before mobilizing another servant at work. Once done, he looked back at the queen and added, "Prince Su will soon be arriving in the city."

He informed and without paying much heed to the royal title of the prince to the name, the queen answered, knowing exactly for what the butler was there to ask permission for. "The prince has always trained himself hard and preferred to stay alone. So to make up for his likes and preferences, prepare for his stay in one of our mansions outside the capital."

The indication within her words was clear – no matter what, the prince was not allowed to come and live at the main mansion.

The butler nodded to the arrangements. "Yes, understood, Your Highness".

"Is there something else, Mr. Cao?" The queen asked, looking at the old man. Her look telling him that if not him then she had things to ask him.

Mr. Cao\'s aged eyes could see and read expressions carefully. Seeing the motherly desperation in the eyes of the woman, more or less he could already guess what was coming next. "The rest are already arranged on your orders, Your Highness. There is nothing else".

Chen Rui nodded. "Great! Does that mean you have already sent the prepared new years gifts for Xiao Xue?" A week before the New Year, she has rushed to prepare the presents for her daughter, it will be a pity if it doesn\'t reach her on time. So, right now, even if she had asked, she was expecting the gifts to be already delivered to Li Xue at her place.

"We have sent it, Your Highness, but it\'s yet to reach Ms. Li Xue." The butler informed and it instantly made the woman\'s brows tug in a frown.

"Why is it delayed?" She asked, her forehead not leaving the creases of disappointment. It was her hard work to prepare each and every piece of gift for Li Xue, yet it has not reached her on time.

Mr. Cao at once downed his head in guilt as continued, "It was the fault on our side, Your Highness. Though the gifts were let out from the palace on time, we have failed to keep ourselves updated. Ms. Li Xue has shifted from her old house to somewhere new, that is out of the capital city in the south forest area". He informed and Chen Rui\'s forehead only wrinkled more.

"Shifted to the south forest area?" She asked, frowning but just before she could ask the old man to explain more, she heard the words come in a familiar voice from behind.

"Don\'t frown like that, Rui." Shin Tinming chuckled, seeing his wife frown as he sauntered in to walk to her. "Mr. Cao has said that she has shifted her place. He didn\'t say that she had been exiled to the forest. So, there is nothing to frown like that."

Seeing her husband been playful with words, Chen Rui pressed her lips together. "Tinming, this is serious. Can you please not joke around? Why would she shift to some forest? There are many good places to live in the city. Furthermore, when concerning her, we shouldn\'t take things this easy. Especially knowing that there are her parents who will do everything to keep her in the ruins".

She explained her reasons for being serious. At this moment, just a look at her could tell that she was thinking with her motherly instincts and not with the brains of the capable queen she was. And being her husband, Shin Tinming could see that as well.

Patting on her shoulders to calm his wife\'s anxious self down, he said, "Rui, it\'s not necessary to think the same. And didn\'t you always say that she is quite capable and strong to handle her issues well? Then, now, how are you doubting her strengths? Furthermore, in your anxiousness, did you also forget that she doesn\'t live alone. She has Feng Shufen by her side. With him, there would be no way anyone would dare to bully her".

He said and when thought that way, Chen Rui realized. Nodding, she agreed before turning to the butler for further explanation. "What\'s there in the south forest area?"

"Your Highness, there is nothing as serious as you think. I have investigated well. In a little depth of the forest, recently Mr. Feng has prepared a very impressive house for the lady. Though not sure, as far as we could assume it was for the safety of Ms. Li Xue\'s career. The place has high security and the safest designs. We cannot say much about the place at the moment as the estate has been kept hidden from the eyes of the city, but there seems nothing endangering the sudden shift of the house."

The butler said all he had come to know in the last two hours. He knew the lady would be inquiring about it, so before she could ask him, he had kept all his information ready to serve the purpose.

"Great! Since it is fine, I am relieved. But Mr. Cao, still keep an eye on her safety" Chen Rui said. Though her expression looked calm, there was something in her eyes that looked anxious. She turned to look at her husband as she continued, "Though I know, she is well guarded by FenFen\'s people around, these days I am still having a feeling of something wrong. I just can\'t bring myself to calm."

She said and looking at her like that, Shin Tinming could only give in. "Fine, proceed if that could ease you. Just don\'t overstress yourself". He said, before looking at the butler with the orders.

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