
Chapter 805 - Like the sky is falling down.

Chapter 805 - Like the sky is falling down.

"So, you are saying that Mr. Ling has seen the flaw in Amaranthine?" Feng Yi Lan asked worriedly, sitting with Li Xue. The show has finally ended and they have said their goodbyes to every guest, media, and audience. The team of staff has been efficient in wrapping things quick and well, and now everyone was resting around, chatting together.

Feng Yi Lan has always been friendly at her workplace. Though she has never let down her authority over the people, still, most of the time she has remained gentle and casual with the people she works with, more than being bossy.

Li Xue nodded. "Mhm. He has said that to me. He said that I have done my job well on the stage, especially at the time of presenting Amaranthine." She said, looking at Feng Yi Lan. Her tone was very much at ease, not at all anxious like her friend.

"With those words, didn\'t he simply mean that you were good? He was just appreciating you as a model, wasn\'t he?" Feng Yi Lan asked, feeling all confused about the things. Or maybe she was understanding it well but was simply not wanting to accept it.

Li Xue looked at her, before pressing her lips. "If he had said it without mentioning Amaranthine then I would have thought it your way. But just by specifying it with a known smile changed the meaning behind his words. So, I am sure he has caught the flaw in the dress". She explained and Feng Yi Lan could only get horrified at that realistic mention.

"If that\'s the way, why are you at ease, dear? Have you already accepted the failure? I mean we cannot bear to see this show failing, right? And any negative comment from Mr. Ling only brings it to failure?"

Li Xue thought for a moment but then shook her head in disapproval. "He won\'t be posting anything negative". Her words came out confident as if she had equally read the man, same as he did to her. Though there was something in his smile that was warning her, still she could say that warning tone wasn\'t something to harm her.

"Huh? Didn\'t you say that he has come to mention personally about the dress".

"Yeah, he did but that was not for that. He smiled at me and that smile just meant to let me know that he has seen through my tricks. And I need to be more cautious while pulling it next time. He meant no other harm. So there is nothing to be anxious about. Just sit back for a while and relax". Li Xue said, her gaze looking at a distance with some thought.

Though she understood most of the meaning behind Mr. Ling\'s words, she was still confused about when he said that he will be looking more at her in the future. What does he mean by that? Was there something that she wasn\'t able to read in his attitude?

On the side, Feng Yi Lan shook her head. "No, no, dear. You can\'t be so sure of that old man. He is known for being all truthful and righteous in his job. I fear that in his next post, he will be revealing the truth to everyone". She disagreed, not even for once accepting the confidence of Li Xue.

Li Xue, who has tranced off in her thoughts, was snapped back at the voice of her friend. She pressed her lips at her over-anxiousness, before suggesting something to compromise with. "Even if you think he will be updating negative posts, wait for it to come before getting so anxious, Not like your anxiousness now will change a thing. So, just relax. You have been under pressure the past few days. You need some time to calm down. Be good and don\'t think too much."

"Ahh, only if I could do that so easily. But I guess, I have got a thing called overthinking. I could not help but think about it." Feng Yi Lan sighed, taking a deep sip of cappuccino and relishing its flavor to relieve the tiredness and anxiousness she was feeling inside.

Li Xue didn\'t stress the topic anymore. She knew sometimes it was not that easy to let go, especially when the thing has taken your precious hard work and efforts. "This coffee shop seems good in preparing Cappuccino. The flavor has come out rich, having a soothing effect on the stressed nerves. We should order from them more often"

Feng Yi Lan looked, smiled, and then nodded. "Yep, the next time you visit, I will order and we will again have it together. Same as we used to do when we were back in high school." She said and both women cherished the moment together, remembering the old days from the past. Their memories together.

But right at that moment, with hurried steps, Xiao Meng rushed inside. "Sister Xue! Ms. Feng! Outside … Outside". She said, panting in her breaths, trying her best to relay her words to the ladies but failing miserably.

Li Xue\'s brows furrowed looking at her like that. The girl was young and always runs like she has got wheels on her shoes. "What happened? Haven\'t you gone to check and inform Sister Xinyi? Why are you rushing like this then? Is there any problem?"

The young assistant shook her head, waving her hand. "No, no, S-sister Xue. There is nothing wrong with the company. I-I have already informed Sister Xinyi and she has asked you to return home first to rest. She will contact you later tomorrow".

"Then what is making you rush like the sky is falling?" Li Xue didn\'t understand. She could see the girl blushing but couldn\'t think of the thing that could make her like that.

Xiao Meng smiled looking at Li Xue before turning to look at Feng Yi Lan and then again reverting her gaze to Li Xue. "Sister Xue, there is something outside. You will know once you see it with your own eyes."

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