
Chapter 1007 - Obsession.

Chapter 1007 - Obsession.

"Xiaotong, what happened to you?" Zhang Qian Lan asked with concern as she hurriedly went to sit beside her daughter. This was her first time seeing her like this. She has always seen her in a confident arrogant style, but this was the very first time when she was finding her crying like a loser.

Zhang Xiaotong\'s fair face has all turned red with streaks of tears rolling down her cheeks. Though she was, again and again, blinking away the tears from her eyes, the tears were simply not leaving her eyes making her sight go all blurry. "Ma, w-why has Brother Fen gotten so cold towards me? What did I do wrong to make him avoid me like this?" She said crying out in a broken tone.

Though Zhang Qian Lan has already guessed the reason behind her tears what surprised her more was the situation of her daughter. She never thought to see her breaking like this. All these years overseas, she has made sure to make her daughter an elite figure in the business community. And to some extent, she has even succeeded, but originally her all efforts would be only paid off after she gets her married well in the Feng family.

"Xiaotong, calm down. This is not what you are. People don\'t know you like this so, never show this side of you to anyone. Do you get it? Get a hold of yourself. Come on, fast!" She said, trying her best to let her daughter ease on her cries and heavy breathing, but Zhang Xiaotong could no longer look like she was in her senses.

Shaking her head, she was continuously crying as if denying the surfacing truth in her heart. "Ma, I can\'t. I just can\'t. Please tell me, what I did wrong to make Brother FenFen treat me so coldly? Did I take too much time abroad? But I was there practicing and learning everything just for him. Then where did I go wrong? Why is he not remembering the promise we made back in times?" She cried out as if she was in unbearable pain.

And seeing her daughter getting all unstable, pricked her strict nerves. Gripping harder on her arms, she forced the girl to listen to her. This time her tone didn\'t hold the mildness of the mother but the strictness of a trainer who wouldn\'t step back from punishing her if needed.

"Xiaotong, hear me out all sound and clear. If you are going to be like this, I will not let you be here. I will take you back immediately then, you wouldn\'t even have a chance to try your luck out with Feng Shufen. Do you get it?"

And that warning was enough to silence Zhang Xiaotong immediately. Shaking her head, she at once conceded. Though Zhang Qian Lan could still feel her sobbing under her breath, at least she could see her getting a hold on herself at the surface.

"Xiaotong, you know if your father would have seen you like this, what would have happened? You wouldn\'t have offered any second chance. He would have simply dragged you away from this country so that you would forever forget the name of Feng Shufen. You remember how he reacted last time when you went to the party for him?" Caressing her hair, she gently reminded her of the limitations of losing her attitude and composure as she did.

And her reminder seemed effective because a fear appeared in the eyes of the woman the moment she remembered the things from months back.

"Ma, but I can never forget Brother FenFen. I love him and …"

"Xiaotong, you are again getting on the previous page. Didn\'t we already know that now things have changed and he has got a woman and kid with him? Don\'t say that to be him you are ready to face the humiliation. You can\'t …"

"I am ready for it, Ma. I am ready for the humiliation as well." Interrupting her mother, the very instant, Zhang Xiaotong briefed her bottom line which she has kept the lowest. "As long as I can be with Brother FenFen, I am ready to face any humiliation."

"Xiaotong …" Zhang Qian Lan knew that her daughter held Feng Shufen dedicatedly close to her heart. All these years she has used that sole dedication to make her excel in everything. Whenever she wanted her to be perfect in something she would just have to say that excelling in that particular learning or skill would later bring her closer to Feng Shufen. And the girl would readily do it with all her best efforts.

At that time, she felt like it was just out of love her daughter was doing the thing. But it was only now she got to realize that over years of such yearning, the love has converted into obsession. An obsession that could no longer be reined under control.

How could she fail to notice such a thing before?

Zhang Qian Lan felt her heart getting heavy when she realized it. It dreaded her when she thought where this obsession would later take her daughter. Sooner or later, it would cause destruction. The destruction that she may not be able to guide. After all, when things would start officially, she can\'t expect Feng Shufen to be sitting and watching idly.

"Ma, please don\'t tell Dad anything at the moment. Believe me, though I might not have gotten the chance to meet Brother FenFen today, tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, I will surely get. He won\'t be able to ignore me always." Zhang Xiaotong said as assuredly and with much strength, her hands went to hold onto her mother\'s before patting with a smile.

The mother could just stare blankly at her daughter. Though on the surface the smile on Xiaotong\'s face looked very relaxing, in her eyes she could still see the glint of looniness flashing.

No, no, she can\'t let her daughter lose her mind like this. She would have to help her at any cost, no matter what. Even if it means giving her Feng Shufen as a toy to play with, she would agree to work for it. She would make it possible for her at any cost.

But could Feng Shufen become a toy she could provide according to her own will? Zhang Qian Lan doubted that.

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