
Chapter 1309 Your mother has never been simple.

Chapter 1309 Your mother has never been simple.

  Feng Shufen paused at his words. He slowly turned to look at Shin Tingming who further repeated, "In that fire, years ago, your mother didn\'t die. Even if someone\'s effort was to kill her, she survived. We were able to get her out of the house before it was too late." 

  "When we investigated the village and the house, we came to realize that just after Yuchun got in the house, someone came there to put gasoline around the house. People were there in search of her for quite a few days, working hard to know more about her from the villagers. But since she had always been the one to favor low profile life, it took them somewhile to search her and execute their plan." 

  "When the fire broke out in her place, she tried hard to come out but as planned by someone, all doors and windows were jammed and locked. So, no matter how she tried, it was of no use. Luckily on that day, Chen Rui wanted to meet her. So, we went there and found the situation. Thankfully, it wasn\'t late and we were able to save her." He said, reminiscing each and everything from that night. 

  Shufen knew that something was wrong that night. He tried to investigate it as well. But no matter how he tried, there was nothing that he was able to find out. Now, he understands why? Because people had erased everything before he could even reach there. 

  His expressions turned dark but he was yet there to lose his composure. "Who did all this?" He asked. His voice sounded firm, demanding the answer. Back in time, he had asked the same question but Shin Tingming didn\'t feel the pressure of giving an answer to him at that time. 

  But today, it seemed different. Maybe because this time in front of him, there was no longer a sixteen-year-old boy standing. Rather the man who was demanding the answer was the one who had grown well enough to bring that domineering aura. 

  "We weren\'t able to find the real face but as per our investigation, the group that had been hired to do this job was some local gang led by some man named Pan Hong. It was his men who went to kill Yuchun, not just once but many times. But every time she was able to escape until that fire broke at the house." 

  Since Shin Tingming had already decided to reveal it all, he didn\'t hold back. Stating every detail, he found out from his investigation, he didn\'t keep anything secret anymore. 

  Feng Shufen\'s fingers clenched. With the mention of Pang Hong\'s name, it was not hard for him to tell who was actually involved in the whole scenario. He just couldn\'t believe how long the woman dared to survive after doing so many heinous things. 

    Hasn\'t she been too courageous to think that she would be able to escape every time?

  "Shufen, back when you came to ask us, you were too young to do anything regarding this. We didn\'t want to spoil your childhood by letting you know all this, so we didn\'t say you a word. But today, I feel you have grown enough things. After all, the person who was after your mother might still be lurking around, ready to harm you next." 

  He said and Feng Shufen just remained mum at his words. Shin Tingming felt it was hard to deal with his silence. So, with an intention to break his silence, he called out to hear his reply, "Shufen! …" 

  But before he could say more of his words, Feng Shufen interrupted to ask, "She is no longer in Australia. Can you tell where she is now?" 

  For a moment, Shin Tingming was taken aback. His eyes showed hints of surprise as he asked, "You searched for her in Australia?" 

  Feng Shufen\'s attitude didn\'t waver. "Not just in Australia but also in every European country she has lived in the previous years. I just want to know, where is she now? In which new country and in which new place?" 

  "That means you always knew that she was not dead in the fire. That she was alive." Only that one reason now explains why the sixteen-year-old boy has come to their doorstep to declare the war? He might have found their traces around the house and might have thought them to be behind the disappearance of his mother. 

  Now everything seemed to be making sense. The aggression and resentment the boy always held against started to have a meaning. 

  "Do you know her current whereabouts?" Feng Shufen asked again when he didn\'t hear him replying to his previous question, Shin Tingming was snapped out of his thoughts. 

  He looked at him and then shook his head in denial. He was ready to explain it but before he could, Feng Shufen gave a cold, humorous chuckle. "Still, do you think knowing it would ruin my childhood? Oops, but I am no longer a child. Now, what next reason would you have to hide the truth?" 

  "Shufen, your mother …" 

  "Your Majesty, one would always have reason to not speak the truth. I am not getting offended because I know you might have one as well. But when you don\'t want to reveal the truth, don\'t pretend to be like you are saving a life while hiding it. Hold guilt instead." He said and his words were not totally wrong. 

  Shin Tingming wanted to reveal it as well but he was bound by a promise. And breaking a promise in friendship was not his thing. "Shufen, I know what you are saying. But guilt doesn\'t need to be always evident in one\'s eyes, sometimes it\'s one\'s heart which is getting suffocated with it." 

  Feng Shufen didn\'t ask more, giving a small understanding, he tucked his hands back in his pocket before turning to leave. But the moment he turned his steps halted again. His eyes paused as well as he caught Li Xue standing and listening to them in the corner. 

  There was an expression of pain on her face as her eyes were empathetically looking at him. She might be there for a while now, otherwise, there could be no way in which her expressions would have changed like this. 

  Shin Tingming also noticed his daughter standing at the door and couldn\'t help but frown for a moment, "Xiao Xue!"

  Li Xue then turned to look at her father and walked inside to the side of Feng Shufen before reaching to hold his hands to say, "Pa, it\'s been a good while since Shufen has been searching for his mother. If you know where she is, please tell him about her." 


  "Pa, I req …" 

  Before she could proceed with her words, Shufen pressed her hand while shaking his head to her. "You don\'t have to. I will find her on my own. It might take time but it won\'t be that hard anymore." He said and Li Xue pursed her lips. 

  Even though he has never spoken it aloud, she has seen the desperation he held in his eyes when he searched for his mother. Just by seeing that desperation in his eyes, she could tell how much he longed to meet his mother back. 

  "But …" 

  "It\'s okay. He might have reasons to not reveal it entirely. I would be able to find her soon. Don\'t worry." Feng Shufen said softly as slowly on the corners, his lips curled to assure the girl. Then checking the time on his watch, he said, "If it\'s done here, we should leave first." 

  He said, and Li Xue also looked at her watch to check the time before nodding. "Yes, it\'s already time, we should leave. I will go and see where WeiWei is. She might be somewhere with You Jun. I would go and check." She said and Feng Shufen nodded to her before letting go of her hand. 

  Li Xue also smiled softly before turning to leave. She looked at Shin Tingming once but didn\'t say anything. Maybe Shufen was right. He might have some reason not to reveal it all. At least he helped by proving that the lady was not dead. She was alive somewhere and that night they saved her.

  Feng Shufen looked at Shin Tingming briefly before he turned to finally walk in. Shin Tingming also followed him. His expression held hints of perplexity as if internally, he was dueling with something. 

  Not able to decide anything from his duel anymore, he couldn\'t hold it any longer and said, "Shufen, I might not reveal it all to you since I am bound with my friendship towards your mother, but I would just say to you; you don\'t have to go out all the way to search her. Sometimes we have the things near but we go out to search for them somewhere else. That\'s what\'s happening in your case as well. Another very important thing. Your mother has never been simple. So, until she wants you to search for her, you won\'t be able to find her. You can still try if you want."

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