
Chapter 52: If a few more of you die, it will be perfect.

Chapter 52: If a few more of you die, it will be perfect.


Editor-simpforlife, Proofreader-Ghostie

After bludgeoning Dong Chaoyang to death, Luosen hurriedly ran away with his mobile phone in his hand.

He did not return to his room immediately fearing that Teacher Song Qi would return anytime and did not dare to stay near the cemetery any longer.

Luosen sprinted all the way until he felt that he was far enough from the crime scene, then he went around a collapsed courtyard wall and found a corner to get down.

He didn’t know whether it was because of the emotional excitement after committing murder or simple fear, Luosen curled up into a ball and kept shaking.

His two arms tightly encircled his body, and his teeth bit his lips until he felt blood on his lower lip.


A bubble of laughter escaped from his mouth.

The sudden laughter was louder than he thought in the eerie, silent night.

Luosen quickly put his hand over his mouth.

Although the possibility was very low, he still didn’t want to risk being discovered by anyone— especially Song Qi.

“Unexpectedly…..Lao Song and Dong Chaoyang turned out to be a couple…”

Luosen hugged his thighs with one hand and nervously pulled the moss at the foot of the wall with the other hand.

“Fucking fags, all of them deserve to die!”

He seemed to have found himself a proper reason to kill Dong Chaoyang.

“Now Teacher Song will assume that Dong Chaoyang was killed by him… Hehe….hehe!”

Luosen put a finger on the wall and then into his mouth, and Wei Fuyuan also had to taste a bitter, astringent smell.

——Meh, my life experiences just keep getting better and better!

Young Master Wei was disgusted to the core, but there was nothing he could do.

This time, he went through it twice. First, he ate human blood mixed with brains and now, he tasted moss mixed with stale mud. What a pain in the neck I say!

Just as Wei Fuyuan was trying to resist his desire to vomit, Luosen began to talk to himself again.

“If I threaten Teacher Song with his lover’s death… No, no… I can’t take such a risk…”

Luosen munched on his muddy nails.

“Lao Song is not a good person. He is too paranoid…what if he tries to kill me too?”

In the documents Wei Fuyuan went through before coming to Xuanmen Village, the evaluation of Luosen’s character was quiet, dull, and unsociable.

But on the contrary, Young Master Wei found that the man actually liked talking to himself, and was extremely deranged.

“Ah! I’m so angry. Why didn’t Teacher Song push Cai Tianzhen down instead?”

Luosen had chewed his index finger and turned to chew his middle finger again.

“If only I could kill Cai Tianzhen myself!”

Wei Fuyuan: “!”

He remembered that Cai Tianzhen was one of the missing students as well as Luosen’s roommate.

——No way- ?!

Wei Fuyuan couldn’t help thinking.

——Could it be that Cai Tianzhen was the only one that Luosen really wanted to kill?


Then Luosen raised his hand into his hair that looked very similar to a bird’s nest.

“If I cheat that bastard Cai Tianzhen out and push him into the well now, can I plant this pot on Teacher Song’s head?”

Meanwhile, Luosen was talking to himself.

“No, the police are not stupid, and Teacher Song will definitely not confess…I just quarreled with Cai Tianzhen a few days ago, and someone will surely mention it to the police!”

As he spoke, he began to pick on the wall again.

“It would be better if a few more died…Then no one would be able to doubt me!”

Wei Fuyuan: “…”

He finally understood how the tragedy in the fragmented space happened!

In fact, Cai Tianzhen was the only one who made Luosen lose control and go on a killing spree.

But Luosen didn’t want anyone to doubt him, and Song Qi had pushed Dong Chaoyang into a dry well, which unintentionally motivated him.

The British novelist Chesterton once wrote in his work, “Where does the wise man hide the leaves? In the forest. But what would he do if there was no forest? He planted a forest and hid it.”

For Luosen, everyone else was a forest and Cai Tianzhen was that leaf!

Sure enough, just then, Wei Fuyuan heard another man’s voice through Luosen’s ears.

[Do you wish to kill Cai Tianzhen?]

The man said,

[I can help you.]


When Wei Fuyuan separated from Luosen’s consciousness, he only felt that his temples were particularly ‘twitching’. He did not know whether it was a result of faint sympathy, or that he was simply annoyed by Luosen’s utter foolishness.

He struggled to get up, raised his middle finger at Luosen, and wanted to scold him severely, but he felt extremely dizzy when he opened his mouth, and saw stars jumping around disorderly in his eyes, he almost flopped back again.

Bei Quan quickly reached out to help him.

“Don’t stress yourself, take it easy.”

Bei Quan gently patted his assistant on the back.

“Now, we are all here. No one will be able to go out until I find a way to ‘open the door’.”

“He’s our guy!”

Wei Fuyuan leaned against Bei Quan and stared at the bloodied Luosen and the shadow behind him, “He always wanted to kill Cai Tianzhen, but he was afraid of coming under suspicion, so he made a wish to the Hui Gui and made it kill others!”

He had heard clearly and plainly in Luosen’s memory. At that time, he said to the Hui Gui, “These people have to be killed one by one. The more strange the deaths, the better!”

“Owing to this, no one will doubt me!”

Pan Xiaoyun, Liu Lingling, and Huang Lan were stunned after hearing this.

Although the three could not see the entity attached to Luosen, it did not prevent them from quickly understanding the cause and effect of the matter from Wei Fuyuan’s accusation just now.

They stared at Luosen as if looking at a monster, with more terror than when they had seen his neck start bleeding.

“You— why did you do that?”

Pan Xiaoyun’s voice was shaking so hard that he couldn’t speak clearly.

“I, I know you and Naive often quarrelled. That’s true but did you really have to go as far as killing people?!”

“Ha… Ha ha, ha ha…”

Luosen put down his hand covering his neck and suddenly began to laugh loudly.

“You don’t understand!! Huh, how could you understand!”

Luosen finally tore up his normally meek image and shouted hysterically,

“You don’t know a damn thing, so what qualifications do you have to say, ‘go as far as killing people’!?”

In fact, in Lousen’s mind, he had already thought about how to kill Cai Tianzhen countless times.

At first, maybe it was just the accumulation of some small contradictions.

Different schedules, different living habits, talking on the phone all night, keeping a small pet in the dormitory, using wrong towels by mistake, watching movies, listening to music with excessive volume, etc.

Then, something happened last year that eventually escalated the mere discontent into a murderous intent.

Luosen had good family conditions, but his parents’ business failed in the past two years, and the whole family was saddled with tens of millions of debts. However, he still continued his photography major, an expensive major, which made him come to the abrupt realization that a penny can defeat the greatest of heroes.

Luosen had a strong sense of self-esteem and he especially disliked being looked down upon. He had a roommate, Cai Tianzhen. As his name suggests, he was a silly boy with big nerves and a chunk full of ignorance.

When Cai Tianzhen inadvertently learned about the changes in Luosen’s family, he immediately showed the ‘sympathy’ that embarrassed Luosen, and he behaved like a small speaker, and mentioned it to nearly everyone in the class.

Maybe Cai Tianzhen simply wanted to let the students know that Luosen was in financial difficulties to provide him with appropriate care. His original intention might not have been malicious.

But for Luosen, this was tantamount to slapping him in the face in public and repeatedly making him suffer such humiliation like a public execution again and again.

Perhaps in the eyes of the vast majority of people, Cai Tianzhen’s EQ could be deemed low, but no one thought the differences between the two would reach the point of no return.

However, just as everyone’s tolerance for pain was different, people’s joys and sorrows would not always be the same.

Some people were inherently paranoid and tended to resort to extreme measures more easily.

Obviously, Luosen was such a stubborn person who would not stop until he had ripped out the roots.

Under normal conditions, he didn’t have the guts to really kill Cai Tianzhen, but with the ghost doing it for him, everything was different.

“I don’t know how deep of a conflict you have with Cai Tianzhen, but what about others?”

Huang Lan was so angry that she forgot her fear.

“What did Julie do wrong? She was killed by you! And what did we do wrong? Why did we have to die here because of your bullshit revenge scheme?”

“Ha ha! Ha ha, ha ha!”

Luosen laughed wildly.

The falling sickle had cut his windpipe. He should have been unable to even utter a word.

But Luosen had long died and was not at all affected by the injury.

“Julie, that bitch was Cai Tianzhen’s girlfriend!”

“And Dong Chaoyang, even without the stone I threw, would not have survived with such grave injuries. I merely did him a favour!”

“As for Lao Song, not only was he a filthy gay adulterer, but he was also a murderer!”

“Didn’t the three of them deserve to die?”

Luosen’s eyes were burning with frightening glint. His bloody fingers were raised high and pointed to his classmates one by one.

“Pan Xiaoyun, you are an absolute hypocrite. The only thing you know is to pretend to be good and thin mud!”

“Liu Lingling, have you ever even looked me in the eye?”

“Huang Lan, Your family is swimming in money and you always act like a princess. Tell me, who are you showing off to?”

The hatred in his eyes became stronger and stronger, together with the Hui Gui behind him. Under the nourishment of the host’s strong negative emotions, the Yin Qi overflowed and suddenly exploded like countless waving tentacles.

“Now that I’m dead— ”

Luosen hissed, “I’ll see to it that none of you can get out of here!”

“Be alert.”

Bei Quan lowered his voice and said to Wei Fuyuan,

“This ghost will certainly not sit around, getting its hands tied up and wait to be captured.”

Wei Fuyuan had been outraged by Luosen’s antics. He was suffocating with anger and had no place to vent. When he heard that he had to fight the Hui Gui, he immediately rolled up his sleeves.

“Just like old times.”

Bei Quan turned his wrist, summoning his Qingguang Vientiane Brush, smiled and said, “Hold on for 30 seconds, no problem right?”

Luosen— or more precisely, Luosen’s body and the ghost wrapped around him like a huge black fog let out an inhumane scream and rushed in the direction of the crowd.

“No problem.”

Wei Fuyuan replied loudly, “Leave it to me!”

As he said this, he ran straight towards him. First, he opened his bow from left to right, pushed all the three stunned students away, and then swiftly turned around and blocked Luosen’s fist with his arm.


The author has something to say: I thought this chapter would wrap up the case, but there’s still a tail-end/conclusion_ (: з」 ∠)_

[Ghostie’s Gossip Night Talk]

Ghostie: Welcome to [Ghostie’s Gossip Night Talk] Happy to have you all here today!!! Do take a seat Boss, Mreow chan and Ignis chan!! Oooh also have some ghost melon seeds

flashes a dazzling smile


Now now let’s get on with our interview :))

So our first question is

‘What do you think of our novel?’

Boss (Rhapsodite): Hello Hello~ Wasn’t really prepared for this sudden spooky interview by ghostie but I feel honored to sit for this interview. Now onto the question…hmmm.. This novel is peculiar in a very engaging way. This is my first project so I might be biased toward it. This is the first novel that interested me to decide that I wanted to translate this novel and let others enjoy it as much as I enjoyed reading it! This is a very interesting novel with two completely different people, unexpectedly, coming together to solve some very bizarre cases. It is one of those novels where it reminded me how greedy, selfish and brainless some people can be and how the results can be very dangerous. A story with a meaningful message with lots and lots of sprinkles of horror and a slow-burned sprinkle of romance.

Ignis(simpforlife):? In my opinion, TNT is a different kind of novel. It has horror and magic elements mixed with comedy and romance to balance the flavours. The romance is also not too fast paced but rather allows our leads to discover their feelings steadily, ah young love kekek. Though sometimes slow burn might feel too dragged out, but I like the pace between BQ? and WFY so I’m definitely looking forward for further developments in their relationship as well as the plot! TNT also has a unique plotline and though so manyyy questions are unanswered right now (even for us staff ;D) everything will deliciously reveal itself as the story progresses so accompany us, will you?

Mrewo(PerpetualMreow): I burn incense for it every night :D… does that answer the question?

Ghostie: Haha it does it does mrewo chan. Now-

Boss(Rhapsodite): eyes ghostie what is your answer for the question?

Ghostie: >-> my answer? I have to answer too??

(Boss’s stare intensifies)

Ghostie: sweats haha ? <-< well… boss.. the greatest benevolent boss can I submit the homework tomorrow?

^_^! Haha I’ll tell you guys now.

Well I love reading horror thriller genre and in my personal opinion TNT is quite different from the novels I’ve read before. The methods of investigation or solving the grievances of the resentful ones is intriguingly amusing. And I’m looking forward to meeting more fellow ghosties in the novel!!!

Ghostie is also looking forward to hearing your opinions too!! Do share with us and look forward to the rest of the interview!!!!!

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