
Chapter 53 - Tough Old Lady

So for three days straight he sold his merchandise to the children in this small town but the ones he was targeting. Just as he was about to give up as the skin was approaching its expiration date, the three little rascals showed up in front of his stall.

What he didn\'t realise was that this now colourless powder he had sprinkled on the toys and candy was his very downfall. Earlier on, Rui Fei had been leaning against a wall with his eyes closed scanning for traces of that man\'s seraphic energy when his robe was suddenly tugged.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked down only to find a cute dumpling staring at him with hazy eyes while holding onto a bamboo copter.

The little girl had been shopping with her mother when she caught sight of the handsome brother who stood tall napping against a wall.

He was adorned in a simple grey robe that fluttered with the cool spring breeze. The intention was to be less conspicuous but he still stood out in the crowd. Maybe it was his creamy smooth like jade skin or lustrous hair with an ombre effect at its ends that gravitated this little miss towards him.

She found this older brother pleasing to the eye so she decided to approach him and know his name so when she comes of age she can ask her powerful daddy to force him to marry her.

Rui Fei frowned at the kid with an expression that seemed to say \'get lost kid\' but this pampered little radish didn\'t take the hint. She asked him for his name and what family he was from but Rui Fei ignored her. He had caught a whiff of the powder on the bamboo copter she was holding.

He crouched down to match her height and asked, "Where did you buy this?" It was at that time that Rui Li and Ru Yewan came back from searching for that weasel.

"I will only tell if you tell your name," she said driving a hard bargain.

"What business do you have with my brother\'s name?" inquired a curious Rui Li. She was used to older sisters coming over to chat up her older brother but never a kid younger than her. What did this hatchling want with a boy twice her age?

She arrogantly flicked her hair as she responded in a harsh tone, " Who is talking to you? Why don\'t you mind your own business."

Rui Yewan, "..."

\'Oh shit!\' he thought placing his hand on the hot head Rui Li\'s shoulder. For this haughty miss\' sake, he decided to drag his sister away before she explodes but Rui Li ruthlessly pushed his hand away ready to put this little girl in her rightful place.

Rui Li especially found this amusing as she giggled looking at the little girls hairpin. She suddenly had the urge to pull it out of this haughty little princess\' hair.

Peering at that smooth skin she wondered if it would get ruined if she slaps her with ten per cent of her strength. "You talk a lot of smack for a weak chicken," she said her tone as icy as the arctic circle.

"At least I am not dressed like a dirty orange with ugly pigtails. Why don\'t you go back to whatever sewer you crawled out of," she said with a look of disdain in her eyes.

Now, one can only imagine little Li\'s reaction at that time. It was like an earthquake had suddenly appeared tearing through cities with no warning.

Rui Yewan tried to hold her back but was too late as the little miss\' hairpin was ripped out of her hair. The little girl screamed attracting the attention of her maids who had been looking for her all this time. "Rui Li stand down," was all Rui Fei said and that was enough to stop the impending storm.

"Fine!" she said as she kicked a rock so far that it landed in the stall on the opposite side of the street breaking it apart. This frightened the other girl so much that she stopped crying. That older sister was so powerful, powerful enough to slap her straight to the underworld.

Rui Yewan chased after the livid Rui Li as a group of servants rushed over to rescue their little miss. Seeing an older boy crouching before the young mistress assumptions were made and we all know what happened after that. The mother of the girl was crying out pervert as she sent forth her troops of servants to apprehend the pervert.

Unfortunately for them, they couldn\'t even get close as their bodies were frozen in place like a powerful force had taken over them. Because they weren\'t nocru the effect was especially good. The madam wanted to scold him further when she realised he was one of them but she found she couldn\'t move or speak either.

"Where did you buy it?" he asked again and this time she didn\'t dare make requests. She answered honestly with her entire body trembling like a leaf. Rui Fei thanked her and gave her a gold coin before walking away.

He didn\'t think she deserved it especially after insulting his little sister but he was grateful to anyone who helped him find his benefactor directly or indirectly.

The adults\' bodies loosened after Rui Fei\'s figure disappeared. The little girl could faintly hear her mother\'s cursing and yelling but she wasn\'t paying attention staring at the gold coin like it was a treasure. It was a treasure that she kept close to her heart for several years.

After that fiasco, the three rascals approached the suspicious old lady to buy her merchandise. Seeing the people responsible for his miserable life this past month he clenched his jaw before putting on a fawning smile as a sweet old lady should.

He couldn\'t wait to tear their skins off and use it especially the tall one but unfortunately, his plan was doomed to fail from the very beginning. He showcased his best products trying to put a smile on the upset little girl\'s face but no matter how hard he tried the corner of her lips didn\'t even move.. It seemed he had encountered a tough audience.

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