
Chapter 434 - Tong Tong's Distant Cousin

Chapter 434 – Tong Tong’s Distant Cousin

A subtle feeling of wearing a green hat crept up Ji Yao\'s throat as he stared at the shoulders that were less than half an inch apart. The cup in his hand had long crumpled to pieces but he didn\'t even notice.

Rui Fei was holding his wrist but Ji Yao felt nothing. It was as though his brain had short-circuited focusing on the closeness of this unrelated pair. His ears were ringing with his heart beating in his throat as the urge to pick a fight grew stronger and stronger.

It took Rui Fei rubbing his wrist for him to return to himself. He slowly shifted his gaze from the shoulders that had grown apart significantly and met Rui Fei\'s gaze. Once their gazes locked together the two stared at each other intently for a while as a strange ambiguous atmosphere thrived.

Ji Yao glanced over the space between the two before wordlessly staring back at Rui Fei. The cub instantly understood what the problem was so he got up and decided to sit on the right side of Ji Yao.

Tong Tong who had just been told such terrible news refused to believe it. Shaking his head he refused to accept it. He was Huishe Yue\'s son and had been raised as a Huishe all his life yet this person had the balls to say otherwise.

"No….. my mother is Pixiu Wei Wei and she is married to Huishe Yue. So what do you mean by he is not my father? I can\'t believe this," explained Tong Tong as though trying to convince himself rather than the people in front of him. It was as though if they don\'t believe him it would make Rui Fei\'s statement true. 

His face turned sickly pale with red-rimmed eyes like he was going to cry at any second. His shoulders were trembling making him seem extremely pitiful.

After Rui Fei moved away the veil clouding Ji Yao\'s judgement lifted. Now that he wasn\'t seeing things through a filter his senses came back to him.

The sour taste in his mouth vanished and all he could see was a boy whose entire life had been torn apart leaving him vulnerable. His brow creased subconsciously as he recalled the name, Wei Wei.

He remembered this name because it was a commonality between Huishe Yue and Qilin Kai. If Tong Tong wasn\'t Huishe Yue\'s he could only be Qilin Kai\'s. That meant this cub was a purebred Qilin who could either awaken as a Qilin or Pixiu.

Since they were family despite how distant it was Ji Yao moved over and said, "You aren\'t a Huishe but… you are a Qilin."

Tong Tong who had his head lowered as he sniffled raised it and blankly stared at Ji Yao. Now that Ji Yao could take a closer look at this boy he began to see the similarities. He now understood why he felt familiar the first time he met Tong Tong. It was because he could partially see Qilin Kai in the boy\'s face.

"And my distant cousin," continued Ji Yao, "by default you can call me dage."

Tong Tong lowered his head with his face covered in tears and mumbled, "But I am more than fifty years old."

Everyone, "…."

Ji Yao almost vomited old blood when he heard that. This kid was about the age of Rui Li in appearance but who knew he was an elder old enough to be his father age-wise.

Yes, the kid was older but his mental capacity didn\'t reflect any of that. Using this is as an excuse Ji Yao said, "Well who is more mature between us?"

Tong Tong\'s lips pouted as he raised his head again and whispered, "You."

"Then dage it is…. you have a family and that\'s me. You can stay with me if you want," said Ji Yao as he raised his hand subconsciously but when he was about to stroke the back of Tong Tong\'s head he hesitated.

He had touched Rui Li and Rui Yewan\'s heads before and felt a little uncomfortable. That little bit of discomfort was worth it as it put a smile on their faces. Granted one of them cried but they were tears of joy.

After hesitating for a moment Ji Yao lightly placed his hand at the back of Tong Tong\'s hair and stroked it twice before removing his hand. Tong Tong\'s body stiffened a bit but before he could relax the hand disappeared.

The hand on Ji Yao\'s wrist suddenly tightened drawing his attention. Staring at his boyfriend who had made him eat so much vinegar he asked, "What?"

Rui Fei pointed at the back of his head before saying, "Me too."

"Hahaha dage do you have to get your head touched as well?" said Rui Li fascinated by her older brother who fit the jealous boyfriend stereotype perfectly.

"Just because Yao-ge touched others it doesn\'t mean you should get the same. It doesn\'t work that way," said Rui Yewan stroking his goatee like a wise elder educating the young.

Rui Fei scooched over with a besotted look on his face. His dark pupils seemed to have sparkling hearts in them with a smile so endearing that it would make anyone\'s heart flutter when they set their eyes on that dazzling ray of light. He seemed to be stuck in his own little world like Ji Yao was the only one in existence.

"Shut up goatee. Who said I can\'t get the same treatment," replied Rui Fei moving even closer to Ji Yao till their thighs were rubbing against each other.

Rui Yewan who had taken a massive hit should have just backed down as one should but Rui Fei had touched on his sore spot so he retorted, "At least I have facial hair."

Rui Fei, "…"

These words were just enough to shift Rui Fei\'s attention. That\'s because his sore spot had been touched in front of Ji Yao. With his blazing gaze shifting towards Rui Yewan he asked through gritted teeth, "What did you say?"

"Nothing, nothing," hastily replied the both of them simultaneously while wondering how fast they can run before Rui Fei catches up with them. This is why it\'s best to provoke older siblings when you either have backing from your parents or you have a place to stay for the next two days. Even then you aren\'t sure if two days are enough to quell their anger.

Since this pair had neither it was best they don\'t mess with him. Lucky for them they had someone better than a parent to use as a backing. Their saozi was a magician when it came to Rui Fei. It only took him touching Rui Fei\'s chin to cause his anger to misfire and vanish into thin air.

As those fingers brushed his skin Rui Fei felt goosebumps sweep across his body and his leg almost shook like a puppy.. If he was in his true form his tail would have swept the entire room swinging in delight. 

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