
Chapter 203 - Asking for Permission

Chapter 203: Asking for Permission

Lin Miaoyi appeared before both of them.

She looked very haggard the moment they found her, far worse compared to Lu Shanshan. Her clothes were in tatters, and she was caked in blood. She looked frighteningly pale as well.

“Shanshan, Lu Xuan.”

Lin Miaoyi’s eyes glittered with relief and glee somewhat when she caught sight of the siblings.

“Are you okay, Sister Lin?”

Lu Shanshan went up and helped her up.

“I’m fine. I’m okay.” Her breath and aura seemed rather messed up, and she looked ashen. There was a very obvious bloodied palm print on her shoulder as well.

“Allow me.”

Lu Xuan went up and pressed on her shoulder, activating his inner powers. He sucked up all the energy imbued within the bloodied print by sheer force alone.

Lin Miaoyi looked indifferent while all that was ongoing, not finding any of it to be out of place. She was no common folk, after all.

Lu Xuan let go of his hand moments later. His palm was blood-red at that moment. All the bloody energies from the print were absorbed into his hand, which then dissipated within mere seconds. It was like they were never there before.

Lin Miaoyi felt very startled deep down. The energies in that bloodied print gave her quite a headache for some time, and there had been nothing that she was able to do about it.

Yet, Lu Xuan handled that problem as if it were child’s play.

While she knew very well that Lu Xuan was very formidable, but the one who injured her was not some common fighter, after all. The one who put the print on her was none other than Adam of the Association of Lore Seekers, who was one of the top three in the whole world.

He was someone that even she had heard of.

“Are you okay, bro?” Lu Shanshan asked.

Lu Xuan shook his head and replied, “I’m fine. My energy is at such a level that this won’t harm me.”

He then opened up his Coiling Dragon Ring and took a bottle of medicine for patching up wounds, giving Lin Miaoyi a pill he took from the bottle.

Lin Miaoyi gulped the pill down without hesitation. She was able to sense that her injuries had recovered considerably within moments. Her wounds began to mend, and all the internal injuries, which would have proven very difficult to treat, became better as well.

The pill is just godlike!

Lin Miaoyi felt very stunned deep down, although those emotions hardly showed on her face. The powers of Lu Xuan were so mystical that it seemed completely normal for him to be able to produce such medicines after all.

“Better get changed.”

Lu Xuan took out a set of spare clothes that he usually kept inside his ring and handed them to Lin Miaoyi.

The clothes on her looked more than rags and tatters instead of proper clothes for quite a while by then.

“Yeah, thanks.”

Lin Miaoyi took the clothes and got changed elsewhere. She emerged not long after that.

The set of clothes that he handed to Lin Miaoyi was no different from the clothing he usually wore—a t-shirt and a pair of jeans.

However, while the clothes fit Lu Xuan nicely, they looked somewhat oversized on her instead.

While she had a lithe build, she was a tad bit shorter than Lu Xuan after all.

But then again, Lin Miaoyi simply tied a good-looking knot on the oversized shirt around her midsection, making her fair, supple abdomen somewhat visible. It was quite an alluring sight to behold.

Although she was just in normal clothing, she looked rather out-of-the-ordinary when she wore them.

“Thanks for being here, you two. I’d have probably ended up dead today if not for you.” Lin Miaoyi spoke of her predicament frankly, not bothering to hide anything.

“Just a piece of cake. Don’t mention it,” Lu Xuan replied.

“But then again, how did you two get into Penglai Island and end up having people on your tails, by the way?”

Lin Miaoyi frowned and replied, “We thought the place would be this dangerous. It looks like all the other cultivators from other countries have reached an agreement to take out all cultivators from Huaxia. So, we got ambushed as soon as we got in. It wasn’t just us. Every other Huaxian cultivator was ambushed as well.”

Lu Xuan continued, “Do you have any idea where the Dragon and Ming Yueyao are at the moment?”

Lin Miaoyi then answered, “Chief Dragon and Chief Ming? I’ve no idea myself, but I’ve heard Adam bring their names up. It looks like they had not even been able to find Chief Dragon and Chief Ming. But then again, their safety is not the most pressing problem at the moment.

“Adam and the others are heading towards the center of the island as we speak, intending to get their hands on that peach tree. From what I can tell, Adam is not alone. Even Saint Peter from the European Union and many others from a variety of countries are gathered over there. If both Chief Dragon and Chief Ming are alright, they would most probably head for the center as well. If we were to find them at the moment, our best shot is to get to the center as well.”

Lu Xuan pondered about it as he listened to her analysis. If what she said proved correct, then both the Dragon and Ming Yueyao had most probably shaken off their pursuers at the moment. They were either all patched up or were still healing their injuries at the moment.

One way or another, they were probably not in a dire state at the moment. Both of them were Invincible Vajras after all, and there was no way fighters of their level would have been so easily done for. So long as they were able to shake off their pursuers, their physicality was such that getting completely healed was but a matter of time.

If that were to be the case, then the trio should be heading to the center of the island at the moment. They were definitely unable to afford to have that peach tree fall into foreign hands.

“You’re right. In that case, we should join in the fun over there.”

Lu Xuan flashed a faint smile.

“The Peach Tree of Immortality is something that belongs to Huaxia. Those damned foreigners better ask for my permission if they wanna take the tree away.”

Lu Xuan knew that other than feuds and grudges of the past, it was also due to the fact that Huaxians had a natural claim to the emergence of a Huaxian treasure that time that the Huaxian cultivators were being ganged up on by cultivators from all over the world. It was simply imperative to first kick the natural claimant of the treasure out before the foreigners were able to divide the loot among themselves.

“Yeah, I wanna see just how capable those people are with my own eyes.”

Lu Shanshan looked very agitated. It was obvious that she was very eager to get to know those figures who were known throughout the world.

“Shanshan, you’re not telling me that…” Lin Miaoyi just discovered that something was different with Lu Shanshan. The latter was emanating very frightening aura all over here, which was so thick that it surprised the former.

She was shocked to find out that Lu Shanshan had already made a breakthrough into the Invincible Vajra Level. It was especially noteworthy, given how she had not been a Deity Level fighter for long.

However, she recalled the fact that Lu Shanshan was Lu Xuan’s sister, and everything no longer felt out of place. It was just natural for a biological sister of a monster to be a monster as well, after all.

“Oh, right, Sister Lin, I’m now an Invincible Vajra, and I’ve just killed an Invincible Vajra earlier. I’m really something, no?”

She boasted her achievements gleefully, apparently having forgotten all about the predicament she was in before. If it had not been for Lu Xuan appearing in the nick of time, she would have most probably died by the hands of those fighters from the Amaterasu-gumi.

Lin Miaoyi’s expression returned to normal before long and continued with a smile, “Congratulations. You’re now one of the best of the best, and your brother can no longer lock you up, I guess.”

Lu Xuan looked exasperated, feeling puzzled about the comment, as he had never forbidden Lu Shanshan from going out whatsoever.

“No time for chatter now. We need to go check things out at the center of the island.”

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