
Chapter 197 - Strategic Retreat

From the perspective of Adam, another slender but strong emerald light beam appeared at the location of the undead ranger.

The sky at this time was very dim, and pieces of snowflakes were shaken around by the wind.

Adam\'s eyes narrowed slightly, and a bright and strong dark purple thunder appeared farther away at this time and the slender emerald green light beam seemed to connect the world, giving people a kind of loneliness and perseverance and a cold feeling.

Adam sighed slightly, he probably understood the meaning of the Undead Ranger.

The green ghosts that emerged from the undead ranger\'s body began to rush towards the skeleton gladiators who had not had time to clean up on the ground.

The moment those stern souls touched the Skeleton Gladiator, they began to complete homology and fusion with the Skeleton Gladiator. The emerald green light clusters lit up at this time.

When the summoned creature "skeleton griffon rider" at the Adam hit the undead ranger\'s HP Volume to less than 20%, those skeleton gladiators were transformed into small undead rangers. They all had a small emerald green bow and arrow in their hands.

Then these more than ten small undead rangers all pointed their bows and arrows at the skeleton griffon rider in the sky.

"I am not going to fight!"

Then the skeleton griffon rider under Adam\'s control began to move towards the way he came.

As for why Adam manipulated the Skeleton Gryphon Rider to turn around and flee, it was because at this time the invincibility provided by the "Undead Shield" had ended. Under the intensive attack of so many units, the Skeleton Griffin Rider may not be able to sustain it. This is why Adam manipulated it and turned around and fled.

Adam was very interested in the reaction of the Undead Ranger at this time. So when the Skeleton Griffin Rider was ordered to retreat, he began to look at the Undead Ranger and observe its reaction.

I saw the undead ranger standing indifferently, but the snow suddenly grew bigger.

Its body is covered with a layer of light blue snowflakes, especially on its broken black cloak and worn top hat.

Adam\'s attention was focused on this undead ranger. It has just released a very powerful skill, which is to transform an ordinary skeleton gladiator into a small undead ranger.

The undead ranger who possesses this skill probably does not have the ability to restore HP Volume, otherwise it would be too abnormal.

"The question now is whether these little undead rangers will exist for a certain amount of time or will survive forever without being destroyed." Adam said, gripping the end of the Abyss staff.Then the summoned creature "Skeleton Gryphon Rider" under the control of the Adam began to attack and clear the field against the skeleton gladiators on the ground. As long as those skeleton gladiators are hit by the "flaming arrow" of the skeleton griffon rider, they will instantly turn into a pile of debris.

Adam dare not let those small undead rangers focus on the Skeleton Gryphon Rider, so the Skeleton Gryphon Rider began to circle the battlefield under his operation.

These skeleton gladiators have no means to attack air units, so they can only be destroyed by the skeleton archers riding on the skeleton griffon with flame arrows one by one.

The mowing activity at the Adam went very smoothly, and a single arrow can take away a skeleton gladiator, which is very easy-peasy.

Adam is quite satisfied with the performance of the Skeleton Griffin Rider, Adam\'s experience value has been steadily increasing.

Because the Skeleton Gladiator\'s level is only less compares to him, the experience points they provide individually are very limited. It was only because Adams summoned creatures were efficient at killing skeleton gladiators, and they gathered more into less, which gave Adam a steady increase in experience points.

Because the Skeleton Gladiator\'s level is only less compares to him, the experience points they provide individually are very limited.

It was only because Adams summoned creatures were efficient at killing skeleton gladiators, and they gathered more into less, which gave Adam a steady increase in experience points.

And other players also woke up at this time and began to attack units such as the Skeleton Gladiators and Undead Rangers summoned by the Inferal FlaneLegion.

The reason why Adam manipulated the Skeleton Gryphon Rider to kill the Skeleton Gladiators was not because he had forgotten to give ordinary players a chance. The more important reason was that there were too many Skeleton Gladiators. They had occupied one third of the entire battlefield.From the perspective of Adam, that is, the skeleton gladiators have formed a black army.

Adam sighed slightly, and then continued to order the Skeleton Griffin Rider to clear the field. It was originally a level 150 unit, and it was still under the control of the end of Lin, so it traveled through the battlefield with ease. The bad weather cannot affect the Skeleton Griffin Rider.

The undead summoned creatures under the control of the Adam continuously reap one after another skeleton gladiators. And those evolved skeleton gladiators, despite the existence of the elite rank, are still just a "flaming arrow" for the skeleton griffon rider.

What Adam doesn\'t want to see right now is that the undead rangers gather together, and then set fire to the skeleton griffon rider.

Therefore, Adam had to always watch out for those undead rangers, these undead rangers were indeed moving slowly.

As for the role of Adam\'s guard, that is, he can let the Griffin Rider release the skill "Undead Shield", which can make the releaser invincible for a short time.

The undead rangers are still trying to bring the Griffin Rider into their attack range… Adam gave a light "hum", and then ordered the Griffin Rider to keep moving. Suddenly...Adam suddenly thought of something, so he had a plan in his heart.

\'This plan is definitely going to work out....!\'

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