
Chapter 126 - Repelling

Author\'s note: If you are buying the privilege, I want you to wait for a day so I could fill the new tiers and you can unlock up to ten extra chapters from the 2nd of this month. 


I and Arina returned to where everyone was sitting quietly as Channing talked with Jack at one corner, away from everyone\'s earshot. From afar, Jack looked like he was trying hard to maintain that flattering smile on his lips while Channing talked passively with him. Jack had removed his cap and was holding it between his arm and the side of his torso. 

Our presence alerted Channing, and he stepped aside from Jack while Jack was still talking at that was disrespect for Jack which clearly showed on his face as Channing had turned his back to him.

I ignored the distasteful glares that Jack threw my way. Channing walked towards me and I increased my pace to meet him halfway, "Did you ask Jack about his involvement with John regarding your attack?" I asked in a low voice before both of us came to a halt face to face. Arina had walked straight to join the members, so it was only me and Channing here. Channing turned back to check Jack, who flashed an immediate smile to Channing.

"No," replied Channing as he glanced at the male outfit I was wearing. "I will take care of Jack when the eight members are out of the prison and have formed the blood bond of loyalty with me."

My eyebrows creased at his words, "are you sure Jack won\'t plot something like his brother John had?"

Channing shook his head, running a hand through his hair to set them back while a few strands danced on his forehead because of the winds. "Jack is the dog who only knows how to bark, so don\'t worry about him for now. Let him serve his term as the Chief of Police for a month more." Channing was planning to slowly remove the dirt from the system and I was glad to see him headed in the right direction. 

"Whatever you decide, Alpha," I said, giving him a smile, which he returned dryly. Channing\'s hand went behind my head, and I unconsciously repelled from his touch. 

Channing took a sharp breath as he brought his hand back to his side. I instantly regretted trying to duck away from what he was trying to do. I opened my mouth to apologise when he said, "Let your hair down. It will hide the mark better." Channing turned around and left me standing there with so much uneasiness in my heart. I gulped, understanding that Channing knows about the mark and it must hurt him having seen it.

I had deliberately buttoned the collar button to hide the mark, and the shirt\'s collar did a good job at that. My hand went behind my head to undo the bun and let my hair fall on my shoulder. 

My eyes lowered, feeling bad about the way I had repelled from Channing. He was simply trying to undo my bun, but I ran away from his touch.

When I walked to stand next to Channing, he signalled Chief Jack to come and stand on his other side. Channing cleared his throat, "I think everyone is well convinced now that Selene should be the Beta of Winterwells if you have any problem with that, you are welcome to go against my word and join the eight that were kicked out of the pack a while back." Channing turned to Jack to talk in a lower voice, "Jack, I hope you get over your old hatred towards Selene and accept that she now ranks higher than you. I need respect from the entire police force." 

Jack was quick to nod, "Yes Alpha. Don\'t worry, we will all welcome the new Beta with open arms." 

Chief Jack was smiling, but he did not look my way even for a second, as it hurt his pride to accept me. He refused to accept that I had simply stopped John and not killed him.

If I could go back, I would have rather killed John and saved Channing with my Blood Noesis. 

But it was heart-clenching, to hear such a tone from Channing. I observed how he referred to Jack by his name and not Chief Jack, as Channing used to before. It worried me he was going to do a 180-degree flip and that wouldn\'t be bad, but would make Channing take the path of arrogance. I hoped his abilities had not forced things tenfolds right now, making it tough for Channing. 

Channing turned back to me and asked, "Are there any things you want to say about yourself to the members?" His mood was improving as his tone came milder when he talked with me.

I nodded and walked forward to stand one step ahead. The things I wanted to say were little and had played enough times in my mind for me to mess up now. "I hope we all have an excellent time together with me as the Beta. It was sad to see the things that took place here today, and I wanted to stand here and say all the fake greetings, but no. There are some things that will continue to repeat if the pack did not see change." I turned to Channing to see his reaction to my words. 

Channing nodded assuringly, "As a Beta, you have the powers to make changes in the pack. Go ahead, as long as I don\'t disagree about it, the members will take as an order every word of yours. I don\'t care about the marking, I have declared you the official Beta."

It was utterly convincing that held powers right now. My body turned back to face everyone. I could see the stiffness that everyone had because of the way Channing was behaving right now. It was his friendliness that made everyone love him, but it was missing and I could see few members starting to be unsure about being in the pack. 

I had to do something about this size of the pack as well. Let\'s see if something popped up in my head as I spoke about the other reforms. 

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