
Chapter 223 - Fight And...Marriage?

I stabbed my other katana onto the pillar deeply, and swung upwards from it, pulling the katana buried in the ground out, and landing back on the pillar with both weapons in hand as the claws once again changed direction to head directly for me.

I cursed and jumped to another pillar - and another - and another. But by this time, my stamina was running out. I wasn\'t used to jumping around on pillars like these, and the energy cost for me was far greater than for a catgirl like Amane. Blocking the claws wasn\'t an option either - there were too many of them travelling simultaneously. I wasn\'t that skilled with these katanas yet, so there was no way I could accomplish deflecting all of them.

In a last-ditch attempt, I suddenly changed direction, and ran - directly towards Amane herself, preparing to attack with my katanas.

"Wha-" she widened her eyes, surprised by my sudden change, and side stepped my attack - or so she thought. As I crashed onto the pillar behind her, I moved myself ever so slightly to match Amane\'s sidestep - and then, she was struck. By none other, than her own flying claws.

"Ah-!" she screamed from pain as the claws lodged in her skin, and she began falling off from the pillars. Using the little bit of stamina I had left, I got to the ground below before her, and caught her in my arms. She looked at me, body bleeding.

"Hah...nyice match...Xuwan Kwai..." she murmured quietly, before fading to unconsciousness.

I leapt off the battleground, and brought Amane to her mother.

Ahh....damn it...I won...but at what cost?

"Er...she won\'t die, right?" I asked nervously.

"Worry not. I reduced the claws\' speed at the last second so they wouldn\'t permanently damage anything in her body," the matriarch replied.

Huh...I didn\'t even realize her using Time Magic. Maybe it was because I was so focused on the battle.

"I\'ll...leave her in your hands then?" I said hesitantly.

"Hm...I think you should stay until she wakes up," the matriarch said mischievously.

"Wait, what? Why? She lost, didn\'t she? So...she\'s supposed to stay with you now, no?"

"Yes...but I believe she wants to say one final goodbye," the matriarch replied with a sigh. "It will be a long while before she can go out again, after all - possibly never."

"..." I fell silent, and looked down at the catgirl in my arms. Her short turquoise hair and brilliant neon pink eyes.

Dang, she\'s actually pretty cute. But that aside, I\'m more concerned about the fact that I have to go look for another helper now...ugh. I got so caught up in the battle that I won by accident.

"Fine, I\'ll...stay until she wakes up."

"Then, follow me. Let\'s take her to the infirmary," the matriarch said, before beginning to walk away. I followed.


- Some Time Later, the Infirmary -

"Mmngh..." Amane murmured, slowly blinking open her eyes.

I turned to look at her. "How you feeling?"

"Xuwan...Kwai?" she whispered, hesitant at first. But after a few blinks, she suddenly pounced on me - literally. Leaping off the bed, she completely jumped on me, making me fall to the ground in shock. "Xuwan Kwai! Nya...!"

"H-Hey!" I yelled as I crashed onto the floor...with her on top of me. "What the hell?!"

I couldn\'t see anything, since my face was...well, stuck in her breasts. And at that exact moment, the matriarch - Amane\'s mother - walked in the room. She blinked as she saw the position Amane and I were in.

"Oh ho ho...did I interrupt something?" she asked, raising an eyebrow smugly.

"N-No, you didn\'t!" I yelled, attempting to push Amane off of me...to no avail. "Damn it, Amane, get off...!"


"W-What\'s up with you?!" I exclaimed in frustration.

"Alright Amane, that\'s enough," the matriarch said at last, and Amane reluctantly got off of me, returning to the bed as if she wasn\'t injured at all.

"So...it seems you lost that fight," the matriarch said quietly, staring at Amane intently in the eyes.

But Amane didn\'t seem to be fazed at all. In fact, she seemed happy. "Yep!"

"...Why are you so happy? You realize you\'ll have to stay within the clan now?" the matriarch continued, raising an eyebrow.

"Nya! That\'s nyot true..." Amane replied, a evil grin on her face.

Both the matriarch and I narrowed our eyes, confused with what she\'s talking about.

"Mother, remyember the ancient wules of the clan?" Amane asked with a bright smile.


"Nyaa~the one abyout marriage," Amane answered.

And at this, the matriarch widened her eyes. "You...don\'t mean..."

"Yep! Xuwan Kwai beat me in a fair fight, so we are betrothed nyow!"

"H-H-Hold on,  what?!" I stood up in shock at this sudden news.

The matriarch turned away in shame. "Ugh...I completely forgot that rule existed...Amane, was this your plan all along?"

Amane swung back and forth happily on the bed. "Hehe~yep!"

"Wait, what rule?!" I yelled, desperate for answers.

The matriarch sighed, and then turned to Amane. "You tell him yourself."

Amane smiled happily and turned to me. "Nyahaha, the Neko Clan has an ancient wule that hasn\'t been enforced in years, but still exists! Put simply...if a girl within the clan is defeated by a boy from the outside, then that makes the two of them betrothed!"

"...What?" I dropped my jaw. "What kind of bullshit rule is that?!"

The matriarch shrugged. "It was passed down by previous generations...don\'t blame me."

"...What about the people in question? You can\'t just force two people who don\'t even love each other to get marri-"

"But I\'m fine with it! I lyove you, Xuwan Kwai," Amane exclaimed, latching onto my arm while rubbing her head into my chest.

What. The. Hellll?!

I tried to break free, but it didn\'t work. "O-Okay, sure, but that doesn\'t mean I love you bac-"

"You dyon\'t?" Amane looked up at me, tears in her eyes.


"Er, maybe? Uh, I don\'t know," I muttered nervously.

Oh man...I\'m so useless - I can\'t even reject a girl properly! I already have too many by my side...

"...Well, think about it this way," the matriarch said. "If you accept her proposal, she can leave with you, you two get married, everyone\'s happy. If you don\'t accept...she\'ll have to stay here with me, possibly for eternity."

I fell into thought. I needed this girl to save Mei Gui, but at the same time...the price is pretty costly. I could always just look for someone else, but...

I saw the hope in Amane\'s eyes. She believed in me - she believed that I would choose her.

I averted my gaze, and made my decision. "...Whatever. Fine. She can come with me."

"Really?!" Amane jumped up in her bed, any sign of injury completely gone.

I glanced at her, and sighed. "Yeah..."

"Nyaa~! Xuwan Kwai~" she leapt off the bed and crashed into my arms. But instead of falling to the floor, I caught her this time. Her body was warm and soft.

"Okay then...Amane, change into these clothes," the matriarch said, tossing some attire onto the bed. "Meanwhile...Xuan Kai, was it? Come with me."

I blinked, slightly confused, but complied nonetheless. We walked out the door, and I closed it gently behind me. 

"So? What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked.

"Well...are you sure? About taking Amane," the matriarch said, leaning against the wall. "I mean...are you serious about her?"

"Despite how you act, you still care about your daughter, huh?" I murmured.

"Of course...she is my only kin, after all."

"Well...I have no plans of actually marrying anyone anytime soon, but if I made the decision to accept her, then I\'m going to protect her. That\'s for sure. So if you\'re worried about me just treating her as a tool or something to achieve my goals, then just tossing her away...that won\'t happen."

"If that\'s really the case, then good," the matriarch replied, sighing, and pushing herself all the wall. "I leave my daughter in your hands, then. Farewell."

Just as she was starting to walk away, however, I stopped her. "Are you...not going to say goodbye?"

She paused. "...There\'s no point. Because...I\'m afraid if I do...I might shed tears."

"..." I fell silent, and watched on as the catwoman walked away, tail swinging side to side behind her.

By the time I heard a click from behind me, signaling that Amane had finished changing, the matriarch had completely disappeared. I spun around, and smiled.

"All done?"

"Nya!" she nodded happily, then glanced over my shoulder. "Where\'s myother?"

"Eh, well...she had some stuff to do," I lied. "Let\'s go...the others back at the store are probably waiting anxiously."

"Meokay!" Amane exclaimed, wrapping her hands around my right arm and leaning on my shoulder.

I wanted to push her off, but I figured just for now was fine...once we got back within the view of the other girls though, I was definitely pushing her off. I didn\'t want to listen to another lecture.

Well, that was a slight...unexpected detour. The whole issue is resolved now though, and I somehow ended up with a new fiancee. Now...we can finally get back to saving Mei Gui. I wonder if she\'s okay right now. I hope that damn scientist hasn\'t laid a hand on her yet...

...For if he did, there\'s no telling what I\'ll do to him as payback.

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