
Chapter 140 Mutual Understanding

Chapter 140 Mutual Understanding

No one got in Xavier\'s way as he moved around the large building to the point that it felt slightly unusual. But he couldn\'t complain, and it seemed as though they had all received orders to give him absolute freedom and treat him well. Barely remembering his way around and remaining on the top floor, Xavier was trying to get back to the dressing room he had initially been led to. With help from a few on the way, who were on guard and prepared despite not getting any sleep, he found the room he was looking for.

He knocked to make sure it was empty before heading inside. Then he changed into a black shirt and black trousers. There wasn\'t much to choose from and he chose the darkest clothes he could, so that any bloodstains from his wounds were less noticeable. Then he began exploring the building. While doing so, he was looking for where the boss of operations would be, interested in seeing where she did most of her work.

It took him a while, but he eventually found himself in front of a room that was in a remote corner of the building. Knocking multiple times, after not receiving an answer, Xavier shamelessly headed inside. As soon as he did, a small figure sitting behind an obnoxious large desk turned around to face him.

"I\'ve been expecting you," she said in a dramatic manner, trying to appear authoritative.

However, Xavier was merely amused by her attempt at doing so. But he couldn\'t deny the fact that he was impressed by what he was seeing as he began walking around her large office-like room.

There were too many screens to count, as well as all kinds of devices he couldn\'t even begin to imagine the use of. Imaging Zack having such a room to himself, Xavier envisioned him working even faster and being far more capable, which would make him even more of an asset.

Meanwhile, he couldn\'t help but think to himself, \'That nerd would cut off his legs to get a chance to come in here.\'

However, Xavier told himself that it was only a matter of time before Zack actually had such facilities and before everyone else in the Outlaw Gang had everything they could ever ask for. And that time would be much sooner with the help of his new small acquaintance that he had just saved the life of.


In a pronounced manner, Xavier clutched his bullet wounds as he walked around the big desk to join the girl who almost lost her life to assassins. He had already looked around enough, and it was time to get down to business, but before he did, he couldn\'t help but tease her a bit.

"Standing is so difficult after being shot twice to save a random little girl. If only there was a chair that I could sit on."

"Hey! I\'m not a little girl!" she refuted, then after a few seconds ended up sighing and getting up.

She couldn\'t deny that he had saved her life, so letting him sit down in her chair was the least he could do.

"You can sit down on my lap if you want, little girl," he offered in a mocking manner.

"We\'re literally the same age, asshole."

"Then how come you\'re so short and stupid? There must be something in the air up here."

Laughing at how easy it was to get under her skin, Xavier continued to poke fun at her until they eventually became serious.

"I won\'t deny that I looked into who you are. I spent so long trying to find anything that explained how you are even more capable than my 2 closest subordinates. You even had half a million dollars at such a young age. But it turns out that other than that one thing, and your fights at that fight club, there wasn\'t much else."

Xavier was pretty sure what that \'one thing\' she was talking about was. He wasn\'t in the mood to talk about it either, which she recognised and didn\'t bother asking about. Instead, she began to ask about how he was so capable without being some sort of spy, soldier or trained professional. And even if he was anything of the sort, he was still too young to have the experience, skills, and wisdom that were apparent in his actions so far.

"I do 100 push-ups, sit-ups and squats daily," was his answer.

"You\'ve got to be kidding me. It just doesn\'t make sense. And where did you get that bullet wound that you had before?"

Xavier gave her a stern look before asking, "Is this an interrogation?"

Highlighting the fact that he still had a gun and a blade by his side, she smiled.

"There\'s no need to try to intimidate me. If you wanted me dead, I\'d be dead already and I wouldn\'t let you remain armed if I thought you had malicious intentions. But even if we forget about everything that has happened that has caused me to trust you more than most of my men, you wouldn\'t get out of here alive if you killed me. Unless you\'re some sort of alien."

Smiling in response, he began asking her questions instead, and unlike he had been, she was much more willing to provide the answers that he needed...


After a series of repeated questions from Xavier who was trying to gather as much information from her and understand what was going on, he was enlightened about much more than he ever expected would come out of their short conversation.

He asked broad questions wherever possible. And since she seemed to be trying to gain his trust, the girl, who was leaning on the desk large enough to build a small house on, answered them all to the extent of her knowledge.

Leaving Xavier with a much deeper understanding of just who she was and how she was the head of such a powerful and successful organisation at such a young age. However, with all the answers he received came more questions and more things he had to pay attention to.

It reached a point that even she no longer had the answers, and it became her turn to ask questions, which Xavier didn\'t enjoy very much. But, by the end of it, they reached a mutual understanding that aiding each other was in their collective interests and would help them both achieve their aims.

That was if Xavier could actually prove the worth of his Outlaw Gang that had yet to accomplish anything...

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