
Chapter 113 Tournament Starts

As the days passed, I assigned everyone at the plot of land with jobs and made sure everyone only worked eight hours max and had at least two breaks and a lunch break during the day. After that, I began settling a few other things while keeping my eyes and ears open for any signs of nobles trying to mess around.

And now, finally, it was the day of the tournament, and I was currently standing with my maids, Sei, Thurul, Sophie, Fred, and a very disgruntled Gesel. “Sei, why are you even here!? And what is with that get up!? Why are you looking like you are Faith’s age!?”

“Gesel, for someone who is always looking for a fight, why do you always complain when I am around? Is it because you can not win against me?” Sei asked with a teasing smile on her face causing Gesel to stamp her feet in frustration. I guess she couldn’t retort Sei’s words.

“Not that it matters since I will be the one to win today.” I decided to throw flames on the fire, which caused both girls to turn to me and yell out: “”Not if I can help it!”” They were perfectly in sync.

“There he is.” Sei pointed over to an older man with no shirt on with big muscles and many scars all over his body. “That is Sir Derek Tandor, the one who is going to be rated highest to win the tournament.”

“Is he really that well known?” I asked. I mean, I thought the black knights were like some kind of secret organization, but the more I learn about them, the more I am disappointed in how well known they are. But then again, I should have figured that out quickly after the king arrived with them surrounding him.-.

“He is very well known for the war against the Holkindine Kingdom to the southeast. They barely boarded our kingdom, but they forced their way in, taking quite a bit of land fifty years back. It was Sir Derek Tandor who pushed back an army of one million with a single group of one hundred soldiers. He is very powerful. And that was before he joined the black knights.”

I frowned upon hearing this. Sir Derek was basically a living legend among legends. But to be able to use only one hundred men to push back an army of over one million. What kind of tactics did he even use? It kind of makes me wonder if I were sane and went out onto the battlefield if I could do the same thing. When I first fought the Norian army near my home, I was sane for a good portion of it, but I did not come up with any good plans right away. Now that I think about it, as they were all on the ground, I could have just made a massive pitfall and filled it back up, and then the entire army would have disappeared. But that would only work if I caught them by surprise.

The second time I fought, I was sane, but I was also using it as a learning experience and needed the men under me to also participate. If It was not for that, I might have won the battle much faster. But I guess inexperience will also do that to a person as well.

“Oh, he’s walking over here. Looks like Sei is in for it!” Gesel teased, causing Sei to purse her lips. I wonder if Sir Derek was mad or not. His facial expression was very hard to read. He looked stern and had a kind of pressure about him when you looked into his eyes, but for some reason, he seemed to be in a good mood. I am not sure why I thought this way, though.

But to everyone’s surprise, including my own, Sir Derek did not walk over to Sei but over to me and placed his calloused hand on top of my head. “Faith Cyrilia, I presume?”

“Ah yes. It is a pleasure to meet you, Sir Derek.” I answered, a bit confused as to why he was rubbing the top of my head.

“Haha! To think so young yet was able to send the Norian army packing. Not letting a single one go. You have my gratitude. I hope to see you in the finals.”  Sir Derek stopped there before turning around and walking away, leaving me with a messy set of hair and a very confused look on my face.

“Ummm…” I couldn’t even figure out what to say as I combed my hair with my fingers.

“Don’t even try to think of what is going on inside that old man’s head. But I will say that being praised by him is a good thing.” Sei explained while letting out a sigh of relief. “At least he didn’t notice me!”

“Haha!” Gesel let out a laugh. She seemed to be happy that she found a way to tease Sei back.

“Attention, Ladies and Gentlemen!” A loud voice came from up on a high stage that overlooked the battle stages below. The voice made me look out over the few hundred dirt mounded stages and only now really grasped just how many people would be entering this tournament. The man on the high stage was an older man with black hair, but you could tell by the wrinkles around his eyes that he was much older than he looked.

“The competition will be done in two sections. The first section will be a free for all round. Each stage will continue to fight until there is only one person left per stage. Then the one on one battles will take place until we hit the semi finals and finals.” Hearing the explanation, I kinda got the feeling the person announcing things did not wish to be the announcer. But from what I understood, the free for all was to reduce the numbers until there was a smaller even amount. And he did emphasize the fact that fighting would continue until there was only one person per stage, which meant that fighting could continue for days. I see now why there was such a long time frame for the event.

“Get to your stage according to the number you were given upon entry.” The old man yelled out. I looked down at my wooden token that read entry number ten thousand seventy two and stage forty five. Luckily no one in my group had the same stage number.

“I guess this is it. I will see you all during the single matches.” I said with a smile to Sei and Gesel.

“You better make it. Don’t get kicked out in the first round. I want to have our rematch!” Gesel seemed to be really pumped and ready to fight.

“Yes, see you in the finals!” Sei yelled as she ran away. I guess she was really looking forward to this. Gesel left soon after as well, leaving me alone with Thurul and the others.

“Thurul, I will leave it up to you to watch after everyone.” I hated putting him on the spot like this, but if they were with Thurul, they would be much safer in case any nobles decide to make a move.

“Don’t worry. Just kick some butt. I will be rootin for ya. Remember this is to gain funds for your company, so don’t go losing now, you hear?” Thurul grinned widely as he said this. He was really trying to lay on the pressure, I could tell.

“I will do my best. I will see you all later!” I said before going to run off towards my stage but felt a tug on my shirt, causing me to turn around. Sophie had her head lowered, holding on to me. “Sophie?”

“Be careful!” Sophie said softly before hugging me. I smiled warmly and hugged her back. I guess she was worried I would get hurt.

“Don’t worry, I will come back safe and sound. Actually, I have an idea I wanted to try, so let’s hope it works, and I will be back in a jiffy.” I said while patting her back. After a few more seconds, she let go and nodded her head before moving to Turul’s side. I gave a wave and headed off myself. I really wonder just how strong the fighters will be on my stage.

I quickly found my stage and jumped up on top of it, and began looking around. I can not deny that I am a bit excited right now. I mean, I would finally get to do the whole tournament arc that I saw in novels. While this is not on a grand scale as some of those. The world is not being held on the line based on the outcome of the tournament, but that does not mean I was not any less excited.

But as I looked around at all the prospective strong guys. My eyes fell on a certain young man that I could swear I had seen before….. “Is that…. No, it couldn’t be. No way! Why him of all people! Why is he waving!? Why is  he coming this way!?”

“Haha! We meet again! Do you remember me!? I am Charles Doli! The Hero of Gravos!”

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