
Chapter 128 The Plan Part 2

“Well, the gist of it is that we will be casting a net.” Sir Derek’s tone got very serious, so I knew now was no time to be messing around. Even Sei had sat up and was paying full attention. “The King has asked for my help one last time in dealing a huge blow to the nobles who think they can do as they please. But to do this, we will need not only your help but Adel’s and Prince Lance’s, and they have both agreed. They did so without any hesitation.”

“Wait! You are not going to tell me you plan to use them as some kind of bait now, are you!?” What kind of person would put the Prince and Princess of the kingdom into harm’s way!?

“It was Adel who came up with the idea. She even planned it out with Prince Lance, who did not wish to sit around ideally.”

“And the King went along with it!? Is he an idiot!? What would happen if his kids were killed!?” I shouted. I know my words were enough to have my head cut off, but I couldn’t help it. Just knowing my best friend was going to be put in harm’s way made me angry. And Prince Lance, for all its worth, idiot or not, is still the Prince of this kingdom. His heart is there, but his mind is just lacking.-.

“It’s good to know you care about my children. But saying that I am an idiot is kind of harsh, don’t you think?” My whole body froze as it turned like a robot that had not been oiled for a few years and looked at the person who was standing there with a smile on his face. I could feel the cold sweat forming on my back. I was so dead.

“Haha! Now that is a look I never expected to see on your face!” The King of Gravos himself let out a hearty laugh at my expense. This old goat! I blushed and turned my head. I wasn’t even going to apologize now. No wonder his son is an idiot! “Now, now don’t pout.”

“I’m not pouting!” I yelled.

“Haha! Fine, you are not pouting. But still, can you at least offer me a seat and some tea? I did travel all the way here.” The King gave me a kingly smile which made me roll my eyes. This man does realize that I know what he is like when he is drunk, right? Should I spread it around that the King likes thighs? When he was drinking with Thurul, he was shouting about how he loved thighs. Thurul was saying something about the butt. It was a conversation I wished I had never heard.

“Please have a seat. I will even pour you some tea and only tea and nothing but tea.” I had to make sure he knew there was no alcohol in this house!

“Tea is fine. Hmmm? Sei, Derek, why are you looking at me like that?” The King asked as he sat down.

“Umm, Sire, if I may, are you a fake?”  Sir Derek asked.  I looked up to see Sei holding her head and Sir Derek staring at the King in a strange fashion.

“What!? What is that look for!?” King Gravos yelled out in a huff.

“I am just trying to figure out where the King went. As soon as you came through the door, you started bantering with a child! Where is that imposing aura that you had in court?” Sir Derek got up and began pulling on the King’s cheeks which left me and everyone else sitting there stunned, well except Sei, who was not even looking at what was going on… “Huh? Not a mask? Well, I guess we should replace you then since this King seems defective.”

“You old bastard, do you want to fight!?”  King Gravos swatted Sir Derek’s hands away and yelled out while standing up.

“Haha!” Sir Derek let out a loud laugh as he patted the King’s Shoulder. “You haven’t changed. Even around your daughter, you change into another person. It seems you have taken quite a liking to Little Faith here.”

“Of course! She is doing so much for my kingdom. How can I not like her? Anway, were we not talking about something serious!? Let’s talk about that.” The King seemed a bit flustered. I think I even see a bit of pink in his cheeks. For a moment there, I really thought Sir Derek had never seen this side of the King, but I guess he was just messing with him. Only someone very close to him would be able to do such a thing. But now that I think about it, did I not just do the same thing just on a milder level?

“Ahem…. Faith, the plan that my daughter and son laid out revolved around them being targeted next now that nobles’ plan to have you assassinated failed. While they will probably keep trying, they will also make other more bolder moves. Like taking those who are close to you who have high value to get you or me to relinquish your hold over the slums.” The King explained.

“If that is the case, would they not go for my father and the rest of my family instead?” If they wished to hold someone hostage, wouldn’t my family make better targets? I mean, they are my blood related relatives, after all.

“It would take too long to try to make it to the border to even take someone from your family hostage. They would need someone close by who they can use as a bargaining chip now and not for later.” The King explained.

“Do they not realize that by touching anyone close to me that I might accidentally set fire to each one of their houses while they sleep?” I mean, if we can not get any evidence on them. I can always make them live in fear by burning down their house. Wait for them to rebuild it before burning it down again. I will repeat the process until they finally go crazy.

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