
Chapter 199 Legendary Grade Spells Part 1

“Oh? Hmmm…” What Grace explained was no simple task. She wanted a spell that could heal and shield at the same time. I originally planned to have her doing a different kind of spell, but maybe it would be best to have two area of effect heals. She had a great deal of mana, after all.

“So you want to mix barrier and healing as an area of effect heal….”  I mumbled once more as I fell into thought. Such a spell would indeed be complex. With high heal, she can heal a single target, but this would require her to always keep on her toes. It could also be nerve racking as well. The stress builds up if you are even a second late on a heal while trying to save someone. One mistake could cost a life, so having multiple heals and barriers that can also heal is a really good idea. To be honest, I am slightly jealous that I did not think of this idea.

But besides my tiny bit of jealousy, this idea was very amazing. The idea of a barrier healing someone was not something that I have dealt with before, so I was thinking that it could be a combination of two spells, not fusion but two spells in one. Basically, my thought on this is that Grace can set the targets in a radius that she deems friendly and cast a barrier with a second cast of a high heal that appears above the head of the person in the barrier.

I sat down and began doodling on the ground with a rock. I could feel the presence of others around me, but I did not pay attention to them. This kind of magic circle was indeed complex, but for some reason, I feel like it was easier than I thought it would be. I am not sure if this is because my intelligence has skyrocketed the past few days or what, but I can say thank god for whatever is allowing me to complete this quickly..

Not even an hour went by, and I was already drawing the magic circle in the air. “Holy Shield!”

As soon as the activation words left my mouth, barriers began to appear around everyone, and a magic circle of high heal began casting heal onto them. I was so happy I jumped up and down in a circle. This kind of spell will change the way people can do dungeons or even fight in wars.

“Leave it to Boss to create something so amazing.”  I heard Amanda say in a hushed tone. She was not the only one, everyone else was whispering as well.

“Faith, I think you just created a spell that will go down in the history books as a legendary spell.” Adel said while shaking her head. “This healing spell is on the same level as grand fall….”

“I think you are overexaggerating. This spell may seem complex, but once you figure out the inner workings….”

“Stop!” Adel cut me off while pushing her finger on my lips. “You are the only person in the entire kingdom who could so easily put together a spell that requires so many intricate runes and make it work on the first try. Let me ask this how much mana does this use?” Adel asked as she raised an eyebrow at me.

I pursed my lips and looked in the opposite direction as I said softly: “Just a mere 1500….”

“Yeah, I thought so! Only you and Grace can cast something like that multiple times!” Adel yelled out. It was true Grace now has over 35000 mana since her bloodline awakening and the system.

“Well, as long as Grace can cast it multiple times, it should be fine, right?” I replied in a semi whiny tone. I mean, come on! I was tailoring the spell for Grace, and I already reduced the amount of mana needed for it by its max amount!

“Alright, I will give you that, but what was the other spell?” I guess Adel noticed my second doodle.

“It is a pure area of effect heal with the power of high heal. This one is only 1000 mana….” I replied while looking away once more. The whole area became silent.

“Leave it to Boss….” Steven said, breaking the silence.

“Boss is really a boss….” Leo crossed his arms in front of his chest and said while nodding his head.

“Alright enough! I still have more spells to make. Grace, go practice the magic circle until you are able to cast it.” I now had to work on Sophie, Sally, Sei, and Adel’s spells. I was thinking of doing Adel’s first.

“Yes, Master!” Grace happily ran off to go practice her new spell. Seeing her so happy made me smile. At least someone was appreciative of my hard work!

“Adel, you are next,” I said while rubbing the scratches off the stone floor with some earth magic and sitting down. “Do you have any ideas for a spell? I know I mentioned the domain thing before, but I figured you might have some ideas by now.”

“I do have a few. While I have stop, rewind, and resume, I need something that will actually kill my enemies, and I was thinking of making a spell called fast forward.” Adel said as she sat down. “I was thinking that with my new abilities, I should be able to break some of the rules set with my cosmic magic.”

“Hmmm… One that speeds up time… Well, let’s see. Rewind works like this.” I drew a magic circle in the air but did not activate it so I could study it more. I tapped my chin and looked it over and over until I finally spotted something that kind of stuck out to me. It was well hidden within the runic equation and seemed to be essential to the runic equation, but in fact, it was not. It was a limiter and something that, if removed would make cosmic magic a really deadly magic.

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