
Chapter 781 Demon Art II

Kayden stood, brushing the dust away from his arm. "Why did you hit me if you know it\'s hurt?"

Lily started at Kayden, giggling as she scratched her head. "Your sword didn\'t cut that deep so I thought I could get a hit in."

"I\'m trying to deal less damage. That doesn\'t mean I\'m lowering my defense." Kayden took a stance, getting ready to perform the following art.

[Demin Art Eight form: Darkness]

The guards in the training ground watched Kayden with interest. Trying to gauge his strength and any weakness. Then suddenly the whole place fell into absolute darkness.

The guards gasped in fear, they could feel cold sweat dripping from their backs. Their bones tickled as it became harder to breathe.

Ding! The light suddenly came back, surprising them. Kayden stood beside Lily glaring at his blade, "It\'s like the spell, but has a longer range. Is harder to dispel and muffle my sound."

"You can use it to capture people alive." Lily smile.

"You\'re right."

Kayden then lifted his sword up, swinging it down with a slow motion. [Demon art Ninth form: Invisibility] His body disappeared without a trace. But Lily could still see the grass crushed where he stood.

"I work beautifully. I can\'t see you, but I can tell where you\'re standing." Lily commented.

"I could use it with darkness, but that could be meaningless." Kayden swung his sword without breaking the demon art.

[Demon Art tenth form: Wither]

As Kayden\'s sword moved, the grass around him withered. "I probably shouldn\'t hit anyone with this art."

"Or you can. Try it against large creatures that you want to hurt without killing them. You can get them skinnier than chicken feet." Lily moved away from Kayden\'s location. Seeing the grass die and wither into dark-brown twigs is scary.

Kayden appeared again. "Next is Enfeeblement."

"Fine, you can try it on me."

Lily stood and Kayden lifted his blade. [Demon Art Eleventh form: Ray of Enfeeblement] SWOSH! With a swing, he sent several crescent-shaped bursts of magic. Each of them was a ray of enfeeblement.

When one of the rays hit Lily she felt light, dizzy and thirsty. She grabbed her knees as they felt weak, "It\'s like I\'m starving. It\'s not a pleasant feeling."

Kayden sheathed his blade and that turned the spell off.

[Demon Art Twelvth form: Mist step]

Like a demon, Kayden\'s body turned into a dark mist as he disappeared. ZON! He emerged several feet away without a delay. Moving like this was fun and it could be used to catch someone without hitting them at high speed.

When Kayden tried to save a falling dog a few weeks ago. He came rushing in. But since he touched the falling dog while moving at a blinding speed. The poor creature didn\'t handle the acceleration and died.

[Demon Art Thirteen form: Bestow curse] Kayden looked at Lily, "What kind of curse should it be?"

"I don\'t know."

"Can I try multiple ones?"

Lily nodded with a smile.


"What do you mean...oh no!" Lily tried to speak but then felt it. A violent urge to pee. She knew she was empty, it was just the feeling. "This is bad, stop it."

Kayden stopped as she told him. "Can I try another one?"



Lily\'s already red skin started tingling, and each crevice of her body burned with a horrible itch. From beneath her teeth into the inside of her stomach.

Swosh! Kayden stopped. "It worked. I will try another one."


At that moment, Lily closed her nose. Her eyes turned red and she almost fell down. Her leg shook she gasped with her mouth closed. SWOSH! Kaydens stopped. "It worked."

"Yeah, I can\'t describe it, but it was like a really stinky smell started in my head and I can\'t get rid of it."

Kayden nodded, "With bestow cure, I can give someone an amplified natural effect."

[Demon Art fourteenth form: Fear] Kayden glared back at the guards and they ran away.

"You could have used it on me instead."

"I didn\'t use it on them. I just looked since they were skulking in the back." Kayden replied looking at her.

"You didn\'t? Then try it with me. I won\'t get scared that easily." Lily smiled.

Kayden glared at her, lifting his blade. In that instant, he became everything she feared and hated. Her teeth started cracking as she teared up and fell to her knees. Her body trembled as she couldn\'t think straight.

Kayden stopped his art. "Are you okay?"

The moment he stooped, she got better. "That is dangerous. Far more effective than bloodlust." She gasped.

Kayden swung his sword up and down. "Feign death. This is usually used on a willing creature to put them in a death-like state for an hour. But as an Art, I could force anyone into it as long as I hit them with the sword and they fail to resist." He swung his blade.

[Demon Art Fifteenth form: Feign Death]

After that he took a deep breath, "This one is like a Mist step, but instead of teleporting in mist. I become the mist."

[Demon Art Sixteenth form: Gaseous form] His body turned into a could of black mist that could fit anywhere. With it, he could hide in a bottle or pass through a keyhole with ease.

Kayden returned to his normal form and swung his sword. "Next is Slow."

[Demon Art Seventeenth form: Slow] He poked Lily\'s arm and she felt strange. Her movement became sluggish. "My cells invade the body through the sword and slow the target down. Magic resistance won\'t stop this."

[Demon Art Eighteenth form: Speak with the dead.] The clinging of his sword calls the souls of those who died. He can choose to offer them another life as demons or ask them questions.

Kayden looked at Lily, "I can\'t test this on you as it will kill you." He looked at his sword.

[Demon Art Nineteenth form: Blight]

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