
Chapter 717: Take this land.

Chapter 717: Take this land.

The content released by the Huge Industrial Monster during the press conference was quickly published by hundreds of national media outlets. The news of the Huge Industrial Monster was very interesting, and it stands to reason that the foreign side should also release it soon. But this time, the American media hesitated. After the press conference, the American media was reluctant to write the specific contents of the press conference in the form of a press release.

It is more appropriate to refer to the American media as a great thunder that had no rain. The day before yesterday, the American media were still talking at the top of their voices about the giant animal industry, but as soon as the press conference was over, the American media immediately hid their heads like ostriches. The reason is the American people did not understand, and perhaps they would not find the answer in the content of the press conference!

The domestic news media was completely blown away by the Huge Industrial Monster and was not as low-key as the US media, many domestic media directly broadcast the full press conference video and after this video was released, countless internet viewers have realized the Huge Industrial Monster is so overbearing.

It turned out that the Huge Industrial Monster invited the US Department of Commerce to attend the press conference, not to make the US market compromise and give up the remote driving function, but to tell them seriously - When your Ministry of Commerce wants to issue a statement, think about it first, we banned you from selling our products to you a long time ago, okay? -

Although the spokesperson for the Huge Industrial Monster used a relatively euphemistic term, the vast Chinese audience suddenly felt a faint breath in the video from the attitude of the press spokesperson. He wanted to reprimand US Commerce Department officials in front of hundreds of media outlets.

For a moment, viewers watching the video felt there was an indescribable spirit, and they went straight to the top of their heads and their hearts. When did Americans and the US government not stand above ground and act as masters of the economy, of life, of politics?

However, this time, the Huge Industrial Monster did not ignore the behavior of the US government at all, making the audience feel every cell in the body is refreshed.

Initially, they thought it was the most exciting part of the press conference, but after patiently watching the video to the end, the audience found out that... The Huge Industrial Monster dared to hang on like that! And it all started when the young president gave advice to the US Department of Commerce and Time Magazine after announcing the publication of the news.

"So, I have a proposal!"

"Since your US Department of Commerce is so concerned about our remote driving feature, why not join the second test for project approval?"

"The US official has publicly stated our project has huge security risks. Then we, the Huge Industrial Monster, will give you a chance to find out the hidden dangers. You can send experts from the United States to act as your third-party supervising agencies to participate in the testing procedures during the second application for approval of this project."

And the American media, and in particular the Time Magazine reporter, are heartbroken.

"For the second application for project approval, I also invite you to participate in the live broadcast of the entire process. Whether we are a dictatorial technological empire or an evil company that does not take into accounts the safety of people during the circulation, I hope the people can judge, rather than just relying on a certain media and official statement to infer without scientific basis."


The contents of the Huge Industrial Monster\'s speech spread massively on the Internet and on TV news. Almost overnight, all public opinion changed. People have gone from initial skepticism, speculation, and anger to excitement, admiration, and pride today.

-- Practice is the only criterion for testing the truth --

This sentence has become popular on the Internet.

"The Huge Industrial Monster is mighty. The U.S. Department of Commerce and Time Magazine are slapped. It\'s a mule or a horse. Let\'s take it out for a ride. Why do your Americans say what you say? "

"Although I am also skeptical of this project, the Huge Industrial Monster has already said that for the second application for project approval, the US official is invited to be the third-party supervisor, and the US media is also invited to broadcast Now, let\'s see what media will be there, and dare they say (the Huge Industrial Monster dictatorship has made a secret deal with the transport sector.)?"

"For my prior biases and suspicions, they must apologize to Huge Industrial Monster."

"Ha ha ~ The Americans have been kicked in the iron plate now. If they don\'t go, it means they have a bad conscience. It was indeed a baseless slander from the Huge Industrial Monster before."

"Up above, it\'s not that simple. US officials won\'t be agitated by this aggressive approach, so they won\'t go along with the idea of the Huge Industrial Monster. However, the media will certainly join in the fun."

"Isn\'t he afraid of offending Americans by speaking like this? I don\'t believe the US government will criticize the Huge Industrial Monster without any evidence. They had to study it. After all, their technology is far more advanced than ours."

"Up, I still don\'t believe you are from the earth. Practice is the only criterion to test the truth. The Americans say this project is not good. Please show them the proof. There is a ghost in persuasion?"

Posts discussing the press conference can be found in almost every major forum.

There were also several media outlets that were firmly on Time Magazine\'s side, and now they were euphemistically criticizing the Huge Industrial Monster for being immature and not knowing how to be subtle and understated. But more and more media were justifying the facts and looking for evidence. At the same time, they warmly welcomed the Huge Industrial Monster\'s proposal to invite the US official to act as a third-party supervision agency and face the review process of all the projects and live broadcast the tests in the media.

This was a responsible business practice. Only then can everyone\'s suspicions and worries be completely dispelled.

A successful project, so all of us watched the whole process, and we all agree. A failed project is not much to say, friends will definitely not let this project start.

The attitude of the public was directly reflected in the complaints on the company\'s official website and in various product sections of the official website\'s forum. The number of complaints dropped sharply and the forum was full of applause.

Users, regardless of whether the speech of the Huge Industrial Monster was mature enough or not understatement enough, they only believe in scientific evidence now, without evidence there is no point for the US President to jump on it.


At this time, Ye Qing was sitting in the airport\'s VIP lounge with several members of the company\'s management and members of the legal department. The sky outside the window turned into a boundless night, and only the rows of different-colored landing guidance lights on the runway emitted colored lights.

Ye Qing was in a good mood. At the press conference, the expressions of these foreign reporters and representatives of the US Department of Commerce made him extremely comfortable. Now two more heavy transport aircraft are set to join the giant Huge Industrial Monster family. With these two aircraft, it will be able to quickly deploy light industrial equipment and the necessary living materials from the Sotu rainforest in Nigeria, thus laying a solid foundation for mining development.

The first group of 100 employees to travel to Nigeria have nearly completed the necessary pre-training. At that time, they will fly directly to the Sotu Rainforest on the plane belonging to the Huge Industrial Monster, so don\'t be too embarrassed.

Immersed in the beautiful images, Ye Qing slowly heard the roar of the engines from the window, which were obviously different from the roar of the Boeing and Airbus series airliners. The bursts of roars were extremely low, as exciting as the beat of a drum.

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