
Chapter 105: Helping a small group

Chapter 105: Helping a small group

After having come to this conclusion Eldrian wondered just how different his magic would be as he learned more. While the spells he used had no damage modification, at least at this Tier, being able to control it had made it like he had an extra weapon or arm. Giving him a massive advantage over anyone and anything which could not protect themselves from it.

Continuing on towards the sounds of battle Eldrian saw that the soldiers were struggling to hold out. There were around ten players who were trying to keep five Arkbeasts at bay. \'Trying to\' being an optimal description as they were barely managing to keep those five from killing them.

Other than the players there were three soldiers with swords and shields wearing heavy plate armor. They were each keeping two beasts at bay, while this caused them to do little damage, it did ensure that the entire group was not overrun.

Then there were also two archers who wanted to help the soldiers in a melee, but they were focusing on keeping the other beasts at bay who were trying to join in. Firing arrows at these each time they tried charging in. Yet it was inevitable that these beasts would join the fight with time.

There was also a robed person in the middle of the entire formation, Eldrian felt certain that this was a priest. As the person was constantly casting spells, yet Eldrian saw no offensive magic. In fact, he saw no magic, making him believe that the person was casting spells like Anthos.

Seeing their situation Eldrian did not like their odds. His leg still refused to work normally while his left arm also often reminded him that it was injured.

Trying not to rush Eldrian tried to think of a better plan.

Ultimately he did not trust his aim with a bow enough to try and help from a distance. Floga also would not be much use from so far, Eldrian having learned that it became harder to control as he moved it from him.

It was still almost normal when the spell was around a spear\'s distance from him, but once it broke 2 meters he felt a large strain on his mind. Having also found that instead of simply not regening mana, his started to slowly drain at that point.

Spear is still the best. Eldrian determined as he saw one of the beasts managing to pass from the suppression fire and circumvent the melee soldiers, running straight for the priest.

\'A heck.\' Eldrian mumbled as he realized he could not wait any longer, rushing from his hiding spot he charged the beast. Making sure to scream as he did.

Him screaming informed both the humans and beasts, which was his plan. Hearing the scream nearing it the beast stopped charging towards the priest, only to see a flame rushing towards its head.

Trying to dodge the flame, the beast swung its head to the side, causing Eldrian to be completely hidden from its view. Eldrian had hoped to simply hide his spear from its view but this worked even better as his spear now easily pierced the beast\'s side.

Enraged the beast swung its head back and tried to bite Eldrian\'s off. In doing so it also tightened all its muscled, causing Eldrian\'s spear to become stuck inside it.

Discarding his spear Eldrian flung Floga at the beast\'s eyes again while he pulled his shortsword out. This time instead of moving its head the beast simply blinked, but this was again enough for Eldrian. It again hid his action and allowed him to cut into the beast\'s neck.

It still not dying Eldrian felt deflated.That is a critical wound! He wanted to scream, but instead he ducked and avoided a bite from the beast. As the beast attacked him Eldrian\'s spear fell out of its side, yet Eldrian could not reach it due to the pressure from the beast.

Eldrian felt cornered with the shortsword as his only weapon, not having enough time to take another out. At least not without making himself stand still for too long. While he could take his weapons out in less than a second, that was too long for his current position.

His injured leg made dodging difficult and the shortsword made blocking almost impossible. This caused Eldrian to look in a sorry state as he scrambled to not get hit.

As Eldrian was forced back he felt a vigor enter him. His leg soon losing the stinging pain he had been trying to ignore.

This gave him just enough time to jump back with more strength and look at his stats. Seeing that it was back to 70, Eldrian felt certain he had just been healed. This was not much, but his leg working normally helped Eldrian in dodging greatly.

It gave him enough time to look around and think of a plan as he dodged. What he saw as he looked around was not good though. Both archers were being forced to retreat by two Arkbeasts while another two had joined to pressure the melee soldiers. Making it a three versus eight.

Luckily the priest was still protected, but Eldrian could see one more beast trying to sneak its way to him.

Crap. Seeing that extra beast Eldrian took a gamble and threw his shortsword at the beast. He had only taken it to do a quick attack, having believed the beast would die from it. He needed something with more reach, his leg being better and this action gave him that time.

Pulling the greatsword out Eldrian managed to fight off the Arkbeast he was facing much easier. A few seconds later he managed to kill it with the help of Floga going for the beast\'s eyes.

[450XP Gained]

Before he could celebrate Eldrian saw the other beast he had seen was already in a fight with the priest. The priest had already taken two direct hits. He was desperately using his staff to keep the third from connecting.

Cursing Eldrian rushed towards him, not even having enough time to collect his spear. He directly started with a wide overhead swing which forced the beast to back off. After which Eldrian quickly started delivering quick shallow strikes.

As Eldrian fought this beast he found himself tiring. Recognizing the feeling Eldrian knew he needed to end it quickly. He was amping up both Magic Fatigue and regular Fatigue.

Cursing these dumb system limitations Eldrian flung Floga at the beast in desperation, but this one seemed to not be affected by it. It would close its eyelids right as the flame was about to hit. Giving Eldrian no time to control and change its direction.

Seeing it doing next to no damage, nor giving him an edge, Eldrian quickly discarded his trick. In doing so he was put on the back foot and focused on defending himself. Something he did not want to do as all the others were losing their fights.

Around half a minute of fighting later, an eternity to Eldrian, he felt a soothing feeling entering him.

Eldrian felt it was similar to Anthizo but far stronger, he also felt himself be quickened. This allowed him to hold out on even ground against the beast for a few minutes, even allowing him to slowly determine where they would go while fighting.

As Eldrian felt the energy leaving their fight had led him close to where his spear was lying. As he had hoped to do, it had been hard to guide the fight. But it was far easier than turning it.

Having thought of this for the entire fight Eldrian directly did as planned. Delivering a massive wide swing towards the beast, letting go of the blade halfway through.

Not having expected the human to let go of its weapon the beast was caught unprepared and received a deep cut on its right foreleg. As it wanted to charge the human in rage it saw that the human already had a new weapon pointing towards it.

Slowly Eldrian managed to whittle down the beast, but as he did he could feel that he was too slow. Finding an opportune time Eldrian decided to gamble a bit.

On the next attack of the beast he directly charged in towards it. The beast not having expected this tried to quickly lower its leg back down, but Eldrian was too quick.

Diving under the leg Eldrian turned himself onto his back. Pushing the spear upwards into the beast\'s back.

\'Ooef!\' Eldrian lost his breath as he landed on the ground. Soon after being sprayed with blood as he rolled to the side, avoiding the falling beast.

[1125XP Gained]

Wiping the blood from his face Eldrian took one deep breath and continued on, rushing towards the archers. Both were on the back end, but one seemed to only have a few steps left.

Eldrian relieved the almost dying archer from his melee. The archer having run away as soon as Eldrian appeared. Eldrian wanted to curse this man, but soon after he got help in the form of arrows. The fight ending on an easy note with actual combat help being present.

From this the fight started to truly turn, as Eldrian moved towards the other archer. After having helped both they rushed towards the melee soldiers. Eldrian helping one of the soldiers fighting three beasts. While the archers split and helped the other two.

A few minutes later all the beasts were killed. Yet most of the players were dead and all the NPCs very hurt.

"We have to get out of here now!" Shouted the female voice Eldrian had heard before.

"But what about the Chosen. They say we can easily revive them. And the beast\'s claws." One of the melee soldiers asked.

"Do you think we have fucking time?" The female bellowed as she turned towards the priest. "He is in no condition to revive them and it was their fault!"


"Do you think this was the only beasts nearby?"

This kept them all quiet, Eldrian having simply observed from the side. He had no problem either way while getting loot would be nice. He\'d rather avoid it if it meant another fight, especially since he had gained Fatigue already.

While still level one, Eldrian knew he would quickly gain more if he had to fight so intensely again. Luckily he realized that he gained it slower than before, probably due to being Tier 1 or the spells. Or both.

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