
Chapter 317: Mother tree

Chapter 317: Mother tree

What Observe returned did not make Erik\'s wariness any weaker. In fact, it pushed him to be even more concerned.

[Treant (Ficel), Ancient]

[Tier 7; Level 42]

[HP: 18K/18K]

[Mana: 18.8K/18.8K]

[Attack: 2.5K]

[Attack Damage(No Armor): 28K]

[Treants are trees who have been granted life. Either through being in a mana-rich area, through nurture and culturing by dryads or wood elves, or through experimentation. However, the latter normally results in ents, living trees prone to violence.]

[In lore a treant will stay in its place of birth for all its life. If the need arises they can uproot themselves. This, however, is an extremely painful process for a living tree, and more than likely it will be grumpy for the following week.]

[If you find a rooted treant, then there is likely no need to fear. They are peace-loving creatures, or rather, trees. More than likely they would like to converse, as there is little chance for them to meet people from the outside world.]

[Passive Ability: A living tree. Can there be anything simpler than that?]

[Yes, that is indeed the ability\'s name. And, in fact, it fits quite well with the meaning. For what can be simpler than simple life being alive.]

[While rooted, constantly regenerated 5% HP every second. Also increases status resistance by 50%, increased physical resistance to 90%, and magical resistance to 70%.]


[Ficel has allowed you to use Observe, letting you see what he allows you to see. Consequently, Ficel is aware of your transgression.]

Erik took a step back upon reading the warning, however, upon seeing neither tree showing any indication of moving, he assumed that they were not bothered by him transgressing.

Only then did his mind register the numbers, but he no longer had them before him.? So he did it again, this time looking at the tree on the left. The one that even had fruits hanging from its branches.

All the time Akarui curiously peeped from behind his legs. Wondering why Erik seems so worried.

[Treant (Nerenth), Ancient - Omega]

[Tier 9; Level 55]

[HP: 60.6K/60.6K]

[Mana: 63.3K/63.3K]

[Attack: 36K]

[Attack Damage(No Armor): 405.9K]

[An Omega treant, oh boy... You must be somewhere in the middle of a dense forest... Right? Right... How else can you meet a mother tree?]


[Trait: Bears Fruits of Life. The effect it will have on a person is random, and it might outright kill some. Better ask for permission and advice.]


[Nerenth has allowed you to use Observe, letting you see only parts of what she is capable of. As both a warning and a greeting. Come closer, she says, if you want to converse. Else... Leave!]

Erik gulped upon finishing going through the information given by Observe. Unable to comprehend the values, and the last note even freakier than the one from Ficel. Hesitantly he looked at the trees and then at Akarui who was peering up at him.

Taking a deep breath to calm down, deciding to go forth. They might know what is wrong with her!? He told himself as he took the first step, the attack damage causing him fear and the wish to run from here.

"Oh... Would you look at that, a warry man still comes closer. What is it that makes you risk death?" A male voice echoed through the air, causing shivers to run up Erik\'s spine. However, he calmed down as he felt Akarui shivering against him.

He took another step.

"Determined are we. Then answer me this, why is a dryad in a city of humans? And with a human child no less?"

This time the voice was more aggressive, the air trembling from its simple questions. Erik gulped again and took a deep breath. "I wish to ask something."

"Then answer first, it is impolite to ignore a question asked in good faith." The voice replied, less aggressive but assertive nonetheless.

"I am not from this world, I am a Chosen. As such I have always been with humans... And the child... She is Akarui and the one I wish to ask for."

"Then come closer and ask." The voice said again, this time without any aggression.

Erik mustered up his courage and stepped forward. Not knowing why he was so afraid, but every part of him wanted to run away.

"Ficel, do you not feel the human in this dryad?" A female voice flowed into the air, seemingly in harmony with nature itself. The very grass they were walking on grew a few centimeters from that simple question.

"I do, as I am sure you feel the pull of nature in the small child named Akarui. His stepping forward for her must mean his human part means well." The male voice replied.

"Yes, you are correct. However, her\'s is not a born aura." The female voice replied, "Child and hybrid, come closer." As the voice faded, the fruit-bearing tree, Nerenth, lowered one of her branches.

"You can take a fruit or ask your question. Child and hybrid, what will it be?" The voice spoke again as Erik and Akarui neared it.

Looking at the hanging fruits, whose very form seemed to be changing constantly, Erik could feel the great power hidden in them. However, he stopped himself from acting rashly, recalling the warning about the fruits.

Clearing his throat from the buildup saliva, Erik asked, "Do you know why Akarui is so frail?"

Hearing the question Akarui looked puzzled, pulling on Erik\'s pants wanting an explanation. Erik ignored her tugs and focused on the tree before him.

"She is frail because she is a human. She is frail because of the horrors she has seen. She is frail because she is special." Nerenth replied, moving her branch up a little and just out of Erik\'s reach.

"Then... How do I help her become strong?" Erik asked, a feeling of loss entering his heart as he saw the fruits move further away. He combated this feeling and tried his best to stay focused, however, the pleasant smell. The most pleasant he had ever smelled assaulting him, did not make this easy.

"That is much more complicated." Nerenth paused, lowering one of her small branched with a bright yellow flower. Giving off a soft glow to the surrounding.

"What do you feel little one?" She asked, letting Akarui take the flower in her hands.

"Sunrise!" Akarui answered with a bright smile. Before she had been slightly cold, however, this flower had brought warmth to her. The refreshing warmth of the morning sun.

"And what do you smell, little one?"

Akarui took the flower and brought it closer to her nose. Erik standing to the side and observing, hoping for the best.

Upon inhaling the flower\'s smell, Akarui shook her head and threw the flower onto the ground in disgust. Running to Erik with tears streaming down her face.

"What\'s wrong?" Erik asked, squatting down and gently wiping the running tears from her face.

Akarui shook her head, refusing to answer. Instead, she pushed towards Erik and cried into his chest. Erik stayed still and comforted her, looking at Nerenth with all her beautiful flowers and fruits in anger.

"Little one, tell me what you smelled," The female voice asked, her tone like a mother soothing her daughter and trying to find out what is wrong.

Akarui shook her head and buried it into Erik\'s chest. Which was already wet from her tears.

"Do you want to go?" Erik asked, Akarui nodding silently. So Erik gently took her in his arms and started moving away.

As he took a second step, Akarui whispered through her tears. "Don\'t go... Mama... Papa... Don\'t..."

Her whisper was so soft that Erik could not even hear it, however, Nerenth heard it clearly. "Child, did you smell abandonment... Loss? Death?"

Erik was almost out of the area, hearing the question he did not plan to stop. However, Akarui nodding changed his mind.

"Child, Hybrid, I apologize. Her trauma was buried very deep."

Hearing this Erik slowly turned around, finding a small human wisp appearing before them. Like a fairy, barely the size of Erik\'s hand.

"Little one, take this as an apology." The fairy said, bringing out a flower nearly as big as her. The flower had larger stiff petals on the outside. These petals forming a multi-shaded purple bed for an inner flower. The inner flower appearing as a bunch of small petals of all kinds of colors.

"Ah Proteaceae Rainbow flower, let it ease your worries." Erik looked at the fairy in confusion, but Akarui had no qualms upon seeing the flower. Moving in his arms, she reached out and took the flower. Eyes wide in wonder.

The fairy chuckled as she saw Akarui forgetting about everything that just happened so quickly. Hopping down, Akarui inspected the flower from all sides. The petals changing color to always appear the same. No matter where she looked from.

"Ficel, please look after her. I wish to talk with this dryad hybrid alone." The fairy said, taking one of Erik\'s fingers and pulling him towards her tree body.

Her fairy form was surprisingly strong, Erik nearly tripping over his own feet as she literally pulled him.

"W-what the hell?" Erik finally blurted out as he was already at the tree. His feet never having managed to catch up to the fairy\'s speed.

"I am shocked at the pain she bears. Do you know what had happened to her parents?" The fairy asked, floating at Erik\'s eye\'s height.

"No," Erik replied, "When I arrived she was already an orphan working in one of the temple\'s gardens."

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