
Chapter 64 Departure (2)

"Kuhahaha! Look at their smile. They look eager to bond with you!"

"In my hometown that smile brings only trouble though..."

Velucan stops laughing for a second, pats me in the back once, then laughs again. I sigh helplessly at that, then prepare myself for the worst situation to come.

I know that these guys mean well by smiling at me—they have accepted me as a part of them even though they don\'t know me yet—but I am not sure if their smile will bring any good.

Who knows what kind of crazy shit they will make me do together with them?

I am glad, however, the Monsters are nicer than I thought. Still, now I can\'t help but recall General Jovenus\' words: "Don\'t forget who you are, and train like a Demon!"

I didn\'t get his concern at that time, but now I have understood why I should never forget my root. These guys in front of me will likely integrate me into their pack so well, I become one of them.

They are not bad people—in my perspective—but their unruliness is the one thing from them that I don\'t want to stick on me. Valeria has put a lot of effort in educating me to be a proper man, so I don\'t want to get an earful from her.

"Alright, packs! As you have heard the Lord\'s order, we are going to go on a Conquest Mission," Velucan says with a serious tone. "Like usual, I don\'t accept volunteers. I will only pick the best people out of the best Legions!"

Many disappointed signs can be heard throughout the rank at Velucan\'s words, and I can\'t help blinking my eyes in slight surprise. After all, if this was on Earth, many people would rejoice for being exempted from a dangerous mission.

I guess, that is just what makes the Monster—the people of this world different. Still though, I can\'t help questioning Velucan\'s choice to only take the best out of the best—to be that strict in choosing personnels.

I am sure this mission is supposed to be a Conquest Mission, which means our objective is to make (I believe) a human\'s territory ours. Therefore, I think it is better to bring as many personnels as we can to make it easier.

"I get what your concern, pup."

"Did I say that out loud?"

"No, but I somehow understand what you are thinking because you are looking at me like that."

"Oh... I am sorry."

I don\'t know how I have exactly been looking at the 10 feet Garou, but I quickly move my gaze back to the soldiers to avoid causing an unnecessary misunderstanding. I am afraid I have been looking at him judgingly, and I don\'t want to anger him.

"Relax, as a good General, I am open to critiques." Valucan grins then turns to the Demons and Monsters discussing among themselves in the rank. "I will only choose the best and the least personnels, because it is more fun."

I blink once and sigh. I have actually expected something like that to come out of his mouth, but I have immediately discarded it due to how cliche it sounds.

I expected Velucan to say something that is more than it looks—like something along the lines of how extremely capable the unreliable looking personnels—because his explanation about the reason why the Demons are punished here is quite deep.

Alas, what I hoped would not happen but expected to happen really happens. I am not surprised, but I\'m still disappointed that the story develops that way.

Now, I wish it won\'t be the beginning of a bad news.

"Alright! I will only take 300 personnels with me! I won\'t call your name—I don\'t memorize all your name—but I will call you by your achievement. For those who feel called, you may step forward!"

The soldiers fill the place with their enthusiastic roar at Velucan\'s declaration. "Ah, but before that. I will have to introduce this youngling to you. He will be a part of our packs from now on, so treat him well. Everyone, greet Layland!"

The area turns completely silent at my introduction that is done by Velucan. All of them look at me silently, as if they have only noticed me now, even though they have smiled at me just a moment ago.

As I think thing is starting to get awkward, something that surprises and makes me feel awkward at the same time happens.


The nine Legions under Velucan—roughly 59,000 people have just greeted me in unison. Their voice is reverberating through the whole place, giving me a weird sense of accomplishment and also embarrassment.

I have never imagined that many people would ever greet me in unison—let alone those who have Mana. My eardrums have almost ruptured, but it still feels awesome.

Nonetheless, I don\'t get swept up in the emotion. I maintain my composure, and reply them the way Demons return greetings from—just like what Valeria has taught me.

With my palm on the left chest, I bow my body slightly. "It is also a pleasure to be acquainted with everyone."

I can see all of them slightly recoil in surprise when I right myself up, but I can\'t tell whether they are surprised because they didn\'t expect me to have such politeness or they never expected me to be a proper Demon.

I was also a little bit surprised when I learned that Demons, the group of creatures that I thought as a bunch of savages, also behave like nobles, so I don\'t really blame the flustered look the soldiers are giving me.

After all, considering what kind of General I have chosen to be my mentor and what kind of Legions said General leads, it is normal for the soldiers to think that I shouldn\'t possess that \'proper\' quality any other higher standing Demons have.

\'There was also that spar and the unnecessary provocation at Jovenus after all...\' I sigh at what I have accidentally portrayed myself as in the people\'s mind.

"Well... Now, that you have already known Layland, it\'s time for business!" Velucan cleared his throat. "For you who have killed more than 5,000 humans by yourself in the previous war, step forward!"

"..." No one steps forward at Velucan\'s call.

I think that the requirement is a little bit off the charts. No matter how good they are, there is no way they could kill so many people for the last two months; there were many people in the battlefield, so each Demon must have an even "ration."

Even for the exceptional individuals, I am sure that they didn\'t kill as many as that. After all, if that was really the case, humankind would have perished ages ago.

"What about 6,500 humans? No too? What about 8,500 humans?"

Instead of lowering down the number however, Velucan turns the already awkward situation more awkward by raising the number of kill. At this point, I am not sure whether he just wants to tease his soldiers or is just stupid.

"Alright then..." Velucan sighs in exasperation, but I don\'t pity him. "10,000 humans! Raise your hands if you killed 10,000 humans?!"

Just as I am starting to believe that this world has stopped surprising me, it slaps me right in the face to prove me wrong. Much to my bewilderment, there are so many people raising their hands.

Around half of the soldiers are raising their hands, which means, they have killed around 10,000 humans for the past two months. Just calculating the amount of people they have killed makes me wonder how human can still exist until now.

"Damn it... Just look how many of you have killed that many humans." Velucan smiles proudly. "Alright. Only those who have killed 15,000 humans and above can step forward!"

I blink my eyes at Velucan\'s declaration, and look at him weirdly. I, however, look at him as sneakily as I can to avoid repeating giving him the judging look (I suppose), I have given just a few moments ago.

I am seriously thinking that he is joking this time, but once again, this world\'s unpredictability has me floored. Although they are significantly less than before, there are still hundreds of people stepping forward.

The best part of it is, I don\'t know whether they exactly killed 15,000 humans or more in the war. Judging by how things have been going however, I am inclined to believe they killed around 20,000 humans.

"Hoh? There are quite a lot of you." Velucan pauses as he gazes at the soldiers that have stepped forward. "Since I will only bring 300 of you with me, you still need to got through a screening process. I hope you don\'t mind."

None of the Demons or Monsters protest at Velucan\'s announcement. They merely smirk confidently, showing that this is not their first time going through it.

"Then... Here you go!"

That is the only cue from Velucan that signifies the start of the screening process. In the next moment, a heavy Mana pressure descends upon all of us.

I have no idea that I have to also go through the screening process, so I am completely caught off guard. The good news? I somehow manage to hold out.

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