
Chapter 68 Journey

"If you don\'t mind, I can give you something ... I can\'t do that for free though—it\'s against the rules." Ariadne looks at me awkwardly. "You have to treat it like a loan, so you have to pay me back later."

"No, it is alright. I\'ll be fine," is my simple answer. "I will take the Spatial Storage though."

"Are you sure?" Ariadne looks at me worriedly as she gives me a pendant with a small white jade hanging on it. "Here is your Spatial Storage. You can channel your Mana into it to use it."

"Yeah, I am sure. Thank you." I take the pendant and immediately put it on.

"Don\'t forget that the space is not limitless," Ariadne warns. "Think well before putting something in it. Once you overfill it, you will break it, and that means, you will lose everything you have stored inside it."

"I\'ll keep that in mind." I nod my head lightly, then softly mutter, "It\'s not that I have something to fill it with anyway..."

"Yes? Did you say something?"

Instead of answering Ariadne, I nod my head at her then immediately scurry away.

Velucan has been watching over me for the entire time, and he is waiting for me with a grin on his face on the other side of the room. He seems to think that I found my experience fun, and it irks me to no end.

Neither Valeria nor Velucan said anything about me not getting any provision, so I had my hopes up. Valeria even said to Velucan that he should guide me to properly get my provision, which implied that I was going to get one.

Therefore when it was revealed that I got none, I was, and still am, really disappointed.

"How about it? Have you felt more like a soldier now?"

"Well, from how bad I am being treated, I can surely say this is what being a soldier means back in my world."

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Velucan looks at me in puzzlement. "Anyway, what did you get? Did you get something awesome?"

"Is provision supposed to be a gacha? If it is, I think I have a very bad luck—I got none," I say dryly.

"... Ah, right. You are a greenhorn." Velucan looks at me seriously, then puts his hand on my shoulder. "We are on this together, Layland. Let\'s slowly fill your Spatial Storage up."

"How about giving me some of yours?"

"Kuhahaha. That is indeed an alternative, but that won\'t do. Giving someone something for free is forbidden in the army." Velucan looks at me intensely. "Or... Are you saying you can afford to pay me?"

"... I certainly can\'t. I don\'t even have any money on me..." I sigh lightly.

Velucan stops gazing at me intensely, then pats my shoulder reassuringly. He then starts talking about how normal having a rough beginning in a journey is, but my mind is occupied by something else, so I don\'t listen to any of his words.

Now that I think about it, aside from being treated like a person—like what normally a person should be treated—I have never been treated like a royalty even once. It is starting to make me doubt if my status really means something.

I well understand that being given something on a silver platter is never a good thing, but to make me struggle this much, feels a little too much. I am a Demon King Candidate—someone that is going to be a Demon King after all!

Still, I am well aware of how high Ilschevar values me. The way he worried over my well-being after I chose to let Velucan take me under his wing has proven that he wishes for my survival.

He has also more than once expressed his desire to see me become the next Demon King, so I am sure he fully supports me. I know that he is just being like that because he wants to retire as soon as possible though.

Nonetheless, it is good to know that I am valued, and not a disposable. Still, I can\'t bring myself to fully agree with how rough I have been treated!

"U-Um... Do you remember, Mr. Scary Mask Man?"

Velucan\'s speech about how things will be getting better the more I get used to it and my musing are interrupted by a soft voice from behind me.

I immediately turn my body around to face the owner of the familiar voice, and see a cute light blue-skinned Monster girl that I have met before.

"Oh, we meet again, Vibiane. Also, my name is Layland."

"Y-You really remember me!" Vibiane\'s eyes light up brightly. "This is my first time of having someone remember my name..." She sobs faintly while wiping the tears from the corner of her eyes.

I slightly turn my head to Velucan who is standing right beside me, and he immediately shakes his head. I don\'t know what he actually means by that, but I can now confirm that Vibiane is really an odd duck even among his subordinates.

"Ah, General! I am sorry for not noticing you earlier." Vibiane bows politely as soon as she registers Velucan\'s presence. "Why are you here with Mr. Scary Mask Man, General?"

"My name is Layland."

"Ah, we were talking about the best way to fill Layland\'s Spatial Storage up. You see, since he is a greenhorn, he doesn\'t get any provision." Velucan laughs a little too happily for my own taste as he slaps my back.

Vibiane widens her eyes. "Oh my, that is unfortunate. There is indeed no provision for greenhorns in Conquest Missions—they don\'t normally go to one after all."

Receiving Vibiane\'s sad look, I somehow feel more pitiful than I should. It is kind of ironic to think that the girl I have just pitied for her loner ass is now pitying me, so I just forget the matter entirely with a shrug.

"Oh! I got an idea, Layland!" Vibiane beams at me. "I will help you in filling up your Spatial Storage. I will provide you assistance and guidance on how to supply yourself!"

"First of all, thank you for calling me by my name." I nod my head lightly. "Second of all, thank you for your help offer—it means so much to me. Unfortunately however..." I look at Velucan from the corner of my eyes.

Ilschevar has sent me here because he wants me to have some experience and learn about things I can\'t learn under Valeria\'s guidance. I have initially thought I would only learn once I was in the battlefield, but I was wrong.

Vibiane\'s offer has made me realize about something: my learning has started. The things she wants to help me with are things that I have never done, and therefore it is better to let Velucan guide me on them.

Putting aside the fact that Velucan is the person I have been entrusted to, it is clear from their experience that Velucan is a better mentor than Vibiane after all. Refusing her offer is the best choice.

"Ah, that actually is a good offer, Vibiane. I will leave Layland to your care."

... Velucan, unfortunately, thinks differently.

"Are you serious?"

"Leave him to me, General! I will take good care of him!" Vibiane fist pumps excitedly. "I will make him capable in no time!"

"Hahaha! That\'s the spirit, Vibiane!" Velucan pats Vibiane\'s shoulder brightly. "Very well, I still have something to do, so I will leave you two to your own devices. Oh, don\'t fool around though—we will depart in an hour!"

"W-W-We won\'t do such a thing, General Velucan!" Vibiane is flustered. "We are not even that close yet!"

In response to Vibiane\'s hasty comment, Velucan leaves while snickering. Her bluish skin turns slightly violet—maybe that\'s what happens when she blushes—and she can\'t meet my eyes for a quite some time.

I don\'t pay my attention to her though; my eyes are planted on the most irresponsible individual I have ever encountered in this world after Ilschevar. I really want to punch the nonchalantly walking away Garou.

I have been left behind by the person of my choosing. If I had known something like this would happen, I would have chosen Jovenus instead, even though I know we would never get along well.

Unlike the friendly and irresponsible Velucan, Jovenus is, after all, professional. I believe I can learn more from him.

Still, regretting will be a little too late for me, so it is better to swallow the bitter pill and go on with my life. Since life has given me lemons, it\'s time to cultivate them and sell them to make profit.

"I don\'t want to get your hopes up, but I already have a girlfriend," I say neutrally to Vibiane.

Vibiane raises her head, then widens her eyes. "Have I just been rejected?!"

"You can say that."

"But wait... I didn\'t even confess to you! Wasn\'t that a little bit too cold?!"

,m "Well, doesn\'t matter." I wave my hand nonchalantly. "Anyway, please tell me about what we are going to do in our mission."

"What a cold person..." Vibiane slumps her shoulders before suddenly becoming bright once again. "Oh! About our mission, we are going to..."

For the next hour, Vibiane tells me about the cruel things we are going to do to the humans in Brontes Dukedom ... That makes me understand why Velucan\'s Legions are the most unruly.

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