
Chapter 13

A white-bearded doctor examined Noah with stern eyes. He drew some of her blood in a syringe and carefully dropped it in a strange twisted tube, and steam rose from it.

“It’s a magic tool that measures the nutrients in the blood. It was invented by Laurent Magic last year!”

The doctor explained excitedly, and pressed the switch on the machine with the tube plugged in. Then a red light immediately lit up on the square screen.

Yesterday, when Kyle Leonard suggested that he should stay in the witch’s house until the end of the investigation to ensure her cooperation, Park Noah believed it to be a joke until the investigator actually picked up a broom and started cleaning. Immediately, Park Noah was forced into a cleaning spree, rendering her house dustless and almost sparkling, but after a few hours, she began to feel lightheaded and all of a sudden, she collapsed.


Kyle Leonard’s expression hardened when he heard a sound close to an alarm. Meanwhile, the doctor read the figures that came up on the screen. 

“Well, the nutritional status is very disproportionate. Are you eating properly, madam? What kind of meals do you usually eat?” The doctor asked her.

“Bread or… I eat cookies and sometimes fried eggs. ”

It has been a while since Park Noah had some protein in her system, and now this unfortunate situation has happened. She stroked the child’s curls, who was standing beside her, his large eyes evident with worry— the child who almost became her fried egg.

“You don’t eat any meat, seafood or vegetables?”

“Not at all. Seafood can be easily spoiled and if left for a long time, the taste will become bad. And I don’t buy vegetables in the first place because they quickly wither.”

“Don’t you think you can eat it before it gets damaged or withered?”

Noah paused, pursing her lips. “That’s correct, but everyone who lives alone can sympathize with how annoying it is to cook at home. To eat a proper meal, you have to prepare the ingredients, work on the recipe, cook…and, above all, you have to clean up! Wash dishes! Wipe the water out of the bowl and put it back in place! Wipe the table and clean up the crumbs on the floor!” She exclaimed in exasperation.

Oh, I can’t. Living alone and eating a proper meal is too extravagant. 

The doctor grinned at his patient’s outburst, brushing his white beard. “So the most fundamental cause of your symptoms is laziness.”


Oh Doctor, don’t look at me with that face.

Noah stole a glance at Kyle Leonard, who shot a pathetic look at her direction. Noah, ready to defend herself, was interrupted as the doctor continued.

“And the mana of the body seems very complicated. Excuse me for a moment.” The doctor put his hand near her stomach and closed his eyes. Strangely, Noah could feel something flow in her body slowly as he touched it.

“No matter how pure magic disappears into history, there are still people who are born with magic power in their bodies. Like you. Of course, most of them are very small, but that should not be ignored. It’s a mysterious power that originated from nature, so if you lose even a little flow, it immediately damages your body.”

The doctor removed his hand from her abdomen, shaking his head. “The magic that needs to circulate throughout your body keeps leaking out. Symptoms are more extreme because of your poor eating habits and unhealthy lifestyle.”

“I see…”

“So it will be your primary duty to make sure your wife gets the right amount of nutrition.”

“I beg your pardon?” Noah choked at the doctor’s ridiculous remark. Meanwhile, Kyle Leonard’s eyebrows almost looked like flying seagulls. 

“With basic fitness improvements, we’ll be able to prevent some of the mana from leaking out. But I don’t know what’s causing the mana to be seeped out like this, and I don’t know what the root cause is. For now, I am going to prescribe a drug that will help in calming down….”

Leonard raised his hand, interrupting the doctor. “I’m not her husband.”

“Yes. He is not my husband, doctor. I’m single.” Noah intervened also.

The doctor laughed brightly and clapped his hands. “Oh! I see. I understand. I hear that young people these days are not married, they’re just dating. It’s okay, it’s okay. If you’re responsible for your child, it doesn’t matter if you don’t bother to hold the ceremony.”



I’m afraid how far this misunderstanding would go.

The doctor seemed to have no idea who his patient was. In a way, it was only natural since she had remained hidden in Sorrent to live a peaceful life. In addition, he was oblivious to the identity of the man who called for him, which is the most famous investigator in the whole capital.

Kyle Leonard and the witch exchanged hateful glares when the doctor suddenly exclaimed.

“Oh, come to think of it, he’s sucked all the magic out of his mother.”


“The mana he has is very similar to your mana.”

“What do you mean?”

“Your child must be born with extraordinary powers. Usually, children with magical qualities unconsciously absorb the mana from their mother’s body.”

All eyes simultaneously turned to the child who sat close to Noah.

“Did I do something wrong?” The child’s dark red eyes shook uneasily, his voice quivering. Only then did Noah understand what the doctor meant, her mouth agape.

Somehow, I didn’t even notice it, and I was wondering why I felt different every day. You’re the one who stole my mana!

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