
Chapter 223 - Nersan´rah New Body

Time passed like fleeting sand, similar to how the screams of despair and pain did in the Sacred Treasury.

While the remaining undead fought against the sand soldiers and prevented them to get any closer to Nersan´rah and the girl. Danzel went around and swiftly killed the villagers at a scary pace.

Every time the air-cutting noise was being made from his sword, the blood of the living would taint either his armor or sword.

Few tried to fight against the Wight in order to save their dear lives.

And yet those few were the first to receive their death compared to the ones who hid and pushed others. Though cowardly, it did bring them a few seconds longer to live.

Yes, seconds.

As Danzel saw others betray each other, the one who pushed the other party would be targeted next by Danzel\'s blade.

The people could only see how death was closing in without being able to do anything.


The arrows that hit his armor bounced off as if they were nothing, while neither blade could reach him before his holder would be mercilessly cut down by Danzel.

They realized that they couldn´t escape death and the only thing they could do was how death was coming closer to claim them alike.

Just like staring at an hourglass timer, sooner or later, every bit of sand will fall.


"It´s barely enough for a day´s worth of work..." Danzel said as he whipped the blood from his sword.

As the people here didn´t wear any heavy armor or something out of metal to protect their bodies, counting that their bodies themselves were much less durable than the ones of a higher tier, cutting them down was to Danzel similar to how he cut butter.

Though not entirely like butter, it did save him the trouble of switching among other weapons.

`Too bad that those guys were just of the first tier. If it weren´t for the few 2nd-tier people, then I would even gain a day´s worth of XP´ he thought to himself.

Ignoring all the XP notifications, he looked around to see how the 2 remaining wraiths together with Skull Claw managed to defeat all the remaining sand soldiers.

Though the wraiths were one thing, from the very beginning he didn´t worry about losing Skull Claw. One reason was that he was essential too large for the sand soldiers to strike her skull, essential her core to end her servitude.

`She is pretty damaged though...I guess the removing of the flesh now is a must.´ Danzel thought as he looked at the black blood falling from Skull Claw and bits of her own flesh being smashed through the ground, probably stomped by herself.

Putting all such thoughts to the side, Danzel looked towards the most interesting ongoing events. 

The possession.

When he turned his head and looked at the sand prison he frowned mentally.

`It´s still isn´t over?´ Danzel thought as he looked how Nersan was still touching the girl\'s head, the latter letting small groans of pain.

Moving closer to them and waiting a few seconds to see if there is any change, even after waiting for a few minutes he turned to Nersan.

"Hey, Nersan, how does it look? You need more time or?" Danzel asked.

After a short silence between them, Nersan removed his hand and answered without removing his gaze from the girl.

"Don´t call me like that." Saying so with a cold tone, he raised and clenched the mouth of Sarah and forced her to look into his ethereal golden eyes.

Sarah whose eyesight was emotionlessly regained her light and stared at Nersan´rah with anger and unwillingness.

"That wench...her continuous is much stronger than I had expected that it would be. Or is it rather spirit? No matter what, she isn´t letting me possess her." Nersan said with anger suited for the undead.

"So you can´t do it?" Danzel asked.

Those words hit Nersan´rah unfound nerve to the point he replied with spite.

"Of course, I can possess her! If I do it though I will have to forcefully break her mind, which isn´t ideal as it could damage her brain. Since I will be using that body, I wanted to avoid doing as such.

"But it seems I will have none another choice if things continue as such." Nersan´rah said with a cold tone who terrified Sarah.

Though her hate of having everyone dying together with the fear of losing her body kept her resisting against the undead in front of her. The physical pain together with the mental one was starting to make her crazy.

`Please! No more! Kill me already you monsters!´ She wanted to scream but her voice has long been lost with her screams of pain.

"Mhmm...If it´s that then I might be able to help

To both their surprise, they looked at the sword-wielding necromancer in surprise and hope.

From which party was which was unknown, but Nersan´rah stared at him with doubt.

"You? What do you want to do?"

"Wait and see." Danzel said as he moved in front of Sarah who looked at Danzel as if seeing her next torturer.

"Please~just kill me~" She said with tears falling down her head.


Looking at her in silence, Danzel stared at Nersan´rah and whisper something that Sarah wasn´t able to hear.

Nersan´rah at first looked at him with suspicion before nodding in confirmation.

Seeing that, Danzel raised his blade up high and placed it a few centimeters away from her chest.

"You will feel it just for a second." Danzel cold words sounded very sinister, but to Sarah, it was a sign of ending her torture.

Pushing his blade forward, she closed her eyes and prepared to feel intense pain in her chest.

But all she felt was pain similar to how one would feel after cutting their cut in paper.

Opening her eyes to see what was happening, all she saw was the blade slightly cutting her at the sternal notch.

Putting his blade away, a few centimeters long cut was to be seen.

"H-Huh?" She stared dumbfounded and confused at the necromancer, not sure what to make of this cut.

Ignoring her gaze, Danzel stared at Nersan´rah.

"Do it." 

The moment those words escaped Danzel\'s mouth, Sarah felt an immense pain going through her chest.

Her head was shot up and looked dazed from the pain.

The feeling of cold metal and the blood that she coughed felt so real that for a moment.

She forgot how she was supposed to keep her guard against a certain undead.

As the feeling of cold metal and blood tasted in her mouth, her vision darkened as she felt her body going limp.

When she thought she finally died though, a new voice inside her head was there to tell her how reality was cruel.

"Don´t worry, I will use your body with care."

The moment she realized what had just happend, it was too late.

With Nersan´rah´s sand body falling apart, a dark golden glow escaped the body of the girl as the sand prison exploded and the mana around her increased and raged through the surroundings like a vortex.

Danzel who saw that cached the falling crystal that was Nersan´rah past vessel and looked at the girl impressed.

`Such a huge amount of mana.´

As the vortex of mana rage started to die on, the floating body of the girl fell to the ground.

Or rather Nersan´rah´s new body fell to the ground.

"Hahaha, I once more have mortal flesh..." Nersan´rah said with a much deeper voice than Sarah´s, yet still similar enough to realize it was Sarah\'s voice.

Gripping the staff that she used, Nersan´rah looked at it before shaking his head disappointedly.

"Sigh...so primitive. Has this era equipped digressed as time went on? I guess I will have to use it till I reach the treasury..."

"Are you done?" Danzel said with an ice-cold voice.

Turning around to face Danzel, Nersan´rah nodded his head.

"Yeah, the possession has now been fully completed. I am the master of this body."

Looking at the girls named Sarah´s body and Nersan being the one speaking made him feel weird.

"Anyway, why did you choose this body and not the other magic caster ones? Though you said he was bad blood and all...Aren´t you mentally a male? Wouldn´t a male bodysuit you best?"

Standing silent for a moment, Nersan´rah opened his mouth.

"Indeed, mentally I am a male. But I have chosen this body for the very fact of its blood. You see, this girl is a descendence of one of my...past people. Though not royalty itself, she is the bare minimum of a body that I require.

"I see..." Saying so without much interest, Danzel looked around as if searching for something.

"So? Where is the treasury that you talked about?"

"The path is right in front of you." 

Walking towards the walls, Nersan´rah reached out and input his dark golden mana into the wall itself.

Danzel looked confused as he knew that doing so wouldn´t do much as the place didn´t allow any mana to move at all (almost). But to his surprise, the seeming wall opened up similar to the gate and opened up a path.

"There was such a thing?"

Walking slightly ahead of Nersan´rah, they both went towards the secret path.

As they were walking, Nersan´rah observed how his body felt much different than the one that he once had when he was one of the living.

"It´s so different..." Mumbling to himself, Nersan´rah looked down and touched his left breast.

`So that´s how they felt....´ He thought to himself as he soon found out slowly found out how the body worked.

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