
Chapter 336 Reunion (2)


Danzel thunderous voice spread through the surroundings. Making everyone around him aware of his humongous killing intent.

The soldiers of ioratal knowing what was best for them, moved to the side while the Arcana soldiers couldn\'t do the same.

"Stop him!"

The arcana soldiers quickly made a wall of spears to face the dark mist knight. Their spear gathers mana and shoots it outwards.

Danzel though pushed forward regardless of their realization.

The attack did nothing to Danzel\'s shield and the few that hit his armor only blew away the dark plattings. Which were soon regenerated back to normal.

"Kill him!"

Thrusting their spears towards him, they soon learned how pathetic their realization was.

The spears that hit his shield had the shaft broken were those that hit his armor had the spear point itself break. Making them shocked.

Those of the former were the most unfortunate ones as Danzel pushed them to the side with the force of a charging train, surely breaking a few bones if not causing internal damage.

It was the perfect opportunity to finish them off, but Danzel let them live. As his target was in the air in front of him.

He quickly passed through the soldiers and killed a few of them, progressing his mission.

But the mission wasn\'t in his mind.

The only thing was to kill that old fart in the air.

Soon he reached where Sartan was battling something that had no legs or head. Only the chest of a woman with her hands and 6 large spider legs coming out of her back.

Sartan\'s surroundings were filled with destruction and spider webs.

Noticing the killing intent radiating from Danzel, Sartan looked at him with a huge smile.

"Hahaha! Did you come to experience some action in the front, Black Armor?"

Ignoring the High Troll, he passed through the area like a wrathful gale.

Sartan in turn frowned as he observed the focus of his killing intent.

"Hey! Where you going-"

Before he could finish, a wave of spider web spread all over himself. And in his throat was pierced by one of the spider legs of the previous female.

Turning his attention to the thing in front of him, Sartan simply grabbed the spider leg and crashed it to the point it was caught off.

Dragging the spider leg out of his throat and leaving his regeneration to take place, Sartan looked towards the previous female as it started regenerating the cut of the spider leg.

"B*tch! You dare interrupt me after going easy on you!?"

Danzel didn\'t stay long to see the outcome of Sartan\'s rage.

He pushed further.

And as he reached a certain distance away from his target in the air, he began to act.

p "[Stone Wall]!"

With his mana creeping into the earth, a wall made of stone started to rise.

Jumping at the risen wall, Danzel used his [High Jump] skill and jumped into the air while his cursed blade lighten in black green light.

Slashing through the air three times, three separate [Soul Reaping Wind]\'s were towards the Archmage in the air.

The one in question quickly took notice of the three air blades.

"That\'s some impressive killing intent that you got there." The Archmage, going by the name of Nevvan said as he pointed his staff towards the air blades.

"[Shards of Primary Protection]" The archmage cast, his staff letting out mana.

The mana moved at a quick pace all around him, creating a total of 3 layers of almost transparent glass, looking extremely fragile.

But once the [Soul Reaping Wind]\'s made contract with the layered protection, the wind blade got destroyed just like one of the layers. The latter broke like glass, but clearly, its defensive capabilities were at the top.

Having dealt with the threat, Nevvan watched confused at the dark mist knight.

"At this rate, he will fall."

But at that moment, the Archmage saw a brief image of a dark green platform manifesting under Danzel\'s feet.

Kicking the mana arms he manifested and using once again [High Jump] Danzel reached the same level that Nevvan.

Having long raised his blade, Danzel swung down like a demon who aimed to cut the heaves.

The target in question watched all that with a little surprise.

Before the blade met his body, he was engulfed in a flash of light, disappearing and reappearing on the ground, looking up at his previous location.

\'Teleportation magic!?\' Danzel shouted internally as he watched below him.

"Hmm, quite fast for a 3rd-tier. Also being capable to break layers of [Shards of Primary Protection]...if I am not wrong, you are Abdiel the cruel." Nevvan mumbled as he raised his staff, making the falling nearby snow halt mid-air.

"Considering your killing intent, quite the fitting name. Alas, you overestimated yourself."

Putting his mana into the show in the air, they started to turn into needles of ice, rotating in a circle before releasing it all at once.

Being in the air, Danzel cursed out loud as he pushed his shield forward before he was washed by a wave of ice needles.

The side of his armor and his leggings were penetrated with some scratching his bones.

Falling like an anvil to the ground, the smoke was raised while the force of his fall traveled nearby.

With his ethereal eyes flaring up, Danzel sends another wave of [Soul Reaping Wind]\'s while running towards the Archmage.

Though the result was the same.

The glass-layered barrier appeared and blocked his long ranged attacks.

In response, Nevvan raised his hand and created a light blue magic circle. The which let out the breath of the winter. A wave of air that was over -100 temperature.

Making the stuck ice needles in Danzel\'s armor to spread the coldness both on the outside and on his insides.

But seeing no response from the dark mist knight, Nevvan frowned.

"Cold resistances? If not immunity?" The Archmage mumbled as he tapped his staff on the ground, teleporting away from Danzel\'s range.

Making the latter frustrated.

\'Letting things continue the way they are, I won\'t even be able to reach him. I will have to find a way to prevent his teleportation magic.\'

Danzel tried to think of a solution but came up with none.

Facing someone who could fly, though annoying, it was still possible as he could predict or manipulate his enemy to fly in the direction he wanted.

But teleportation at this level was completely different.

His openness could simply disappear and create distance in an instant.

Making that as far as Nevvan had mana, he would be unstoppable.

\'In other words, I will have to bleed him to death Danzel thought as he pointed his sword toward the Archmage.

With the mist of his body raising and changing into [Curse of Primordial Decay], he let the curse lose.

"A curse this time? It seems quite powerful at that too..." Nevvan said as he pointed his staff at the incoming mist.

"[Rays of Dominion Light]"

With a much large golden circle appearing in front of the archmage, the magic circle let out rays of light, which slowly purged through the curse, completely destroying the curse.

\'A spell that negates curses? No, it\'s more like damaging the curse before it lands on his opponent. It took more than 3 seconds to completely destroy the curse, so I should be right...I think\' Danzel analyzed his opponent\'s spell.

But even if he knew what he was capable of, that didn\'t change the fact that one path of victory was cut almost for good.

To be fair, it took a total of 3 seconds to erase a curse is quite a long time frame, but considering that curses flew quite slow to their targets, he would have to be near the Archmage to cast it if he had any hope to curse him.

But then the question came was of why to curse him when he would be close enough to slash at him.

Alas, the generated ice spears being created by Nevvan made him push all those though to the side.

"I will kill you!" Danzel shouted as he dashed forward.

\'And for that, I got to stop his teleportation.\'

The ice spears hovering around Nevvan were shot out, half as many as before but also three times bigger.

Using his sword, Danzel cut through a few of the ice spears while also dodging most of them, the few remaining was blocked by his shield.

And once he reached him again and saw the Archmage raising his staff to tap the ground, Danzel closed the hand that wore the shield.

Bringing out an ethereal skeleton hand that grabbed the old man\'s neck and dragged him towards him, more accurately said towards the path of the cursed blade.

Raising eyes in surprise, the old man watched how the cursed blade came for his neck.

But before the cursed blade came in contact with the mortal flesh, a sound of breaking was to be heard.

And Danzel\'s cursed blade was deflected as if he hit some extremely hard.

Danzel ethereal dark green eyes flared up as he watched as the thin layer of mana surrounded the old man before disappearing.

He was reminded of the spell of [Shards of Primary Protection] that Nevvan used before. An almost transparent barrier, which seemed to block any attack before breaking apart.

Pushing those thoughts, he tried to swing once more, but the Archmage teleported away just like before.

\'I missed my chance now, but now I confirmed that as long as I damage him, he wouldn\'t be able to teleport away.\' Danzel thought as he dashed towards the Archmage.

At least that\'s what he wanted to do before he found that he was unable to move his legs.

"Huh?" Confused looked down to see the reason for his immobility.

What he saw there was dark blue ice spreading on the ground to his legs slowly but continuously.

"To think that the likes of you dare to face the likes of me..." Nevvan said as he slowly walked towards Danzel.

Watching how slowly the ice spread through Danzel\'s legs.

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