
Chapter 65 Martial Arts

"Hey, did you hear that a basic grade dungeon was found near the Academy"?

Hearing this, Ray raised an eyebrow but did nothing.

"Such news sure does travel fast", he thought and continued with his lunch.

After completing his lunch, he along with Noah started to walk toward their destination.

The Training Hall,

It was where their second class would be held and from what Ray inferred, it would mostly be related to practical and physical prospects of things.

Ray looked forward to what would happen in the class as he was a battle maniac and wanted to know more about how people practiced.

Ray and Noah walked a bit more until they reached the training hall.

It was the same hall where their second test for the elite class was held, the difference was that the training hall differed.

The whole training hall had changed,

Ray stood there gawking at the training hall, marveling at the resources of the Academy.

After all, changing a whole hall just for taking a test and then changing it again for conducting classes, was ridiculous.

Ray walked into the training hall as he observed it,

The training hall had vastly changed, from the bright and white walls to an ancient design where there were rows and rows of weapons on the walls.

Also, the cages or rooms where their test had been taken were gone while the whole hall was nothing more than a space that could easily hold 500 people.

Ray looked around and found that the students that had arrived before them stood at the center of the hall,

Walking to the center, Ray saw a man meditating with his eyes closed.

The man\'s body released waves and waves of unparalleled energy as the man breathed in and out rhythmically. Ray also stood amidst the students and observed the man. Observing him for some time, Ray realized that the man was practicing a breathing technique to refine his core.

The man continued to do this until every student arrived. After the last student entered the hall, the man abruptly opened his eyes, startling those who were watching him meditate.

Ray wasn\'t much surprised at the man\'s action of opening his eyes but what he saw next was surprising.

The man\'s eyes brimmed with energy. He slowly stood up and after standing up, his eyes suddenly changed colors. His eyes turned blue while the pupils in his eyes also vanished.

Then, he looked at every student present in the hall, wherever he looked the students would feel as if they were stripped naked while their body was observed from every angle.

Ray also felt that someone wanted to pry into his secrets but Aurora didn\'t let the man do so. She blocked Ray\'s body from outside interference, this naturally caused the man to raise an eye but he didn\'t pursue it and continued with his scanning.

After a few minutes of scanning, the man\'s eyes turned back to normal. The man then waited for a few minutes to let the students stabilize from their "scanning",

As the man waited for students to stabilize themselves, Ray observed the man.

p Sharp features, brown hair that was tied up in a ponytail, blueish black eyes while his skin color was fair white. The man was about 5ft 10in tall while his build was rather lean than muscular.

However, Ray didn\'t judge the man based on his features because from what Ray could feel, the man had enough strength to topple mountains.

After all, the man radiated an immense amount of energy, while Ray could also sense a faint amount of killing intent oozing out of the man. Ray knew that the man didn\'t have the intention to kill but the fact that he unintentionally released killing intent meant that the man had killed enough times to form a river of blood.

Seeing that everyone had calmed down,

The man started to speak,

"Welcome to your first practical training class of the semester, I will be your training instructor for the rest of your classes. It means that you all will be training under my guidance to become elites of this institution",

"You all may call me Mr. Abraham, moving on to the main topic today, I will be imparting you all with some basic martial arts",

Listening to this everyone nodded while Ray\'s eyes sparkled.

It was because Ray had been waiting for this opportunity so he could learn martial arts techniques and now that he had been given this chance, he didn\'t want to let it go.

As for why Ray was so excited?

The reason was simple, Ray didn\'t know how to fight. Not with his fists at least. He had up until now mostly used his sword and the basic sword techniques he had been given from his system, along with his spells.

This way he had defeated his opponents but Ray knew he was rather lucky. After all, Ray had yet to meet someone who was not only intelligent but also at the same power level or above him.

If such a situation comes Ray knew that it wouldn\'t be the strength that would judge who lives or dies but martial techniques in one\'s arsenal.

Therefore, Ray had been searching for martial techniques in System Online but didn\'t find any. The reason was simple, no one wanted to impart their beloved techniques to a stranger and neither did Ray want to be affiliated with an institute or an organization in a world that would soon merge with his own.

Hence, Ray had put his hopes on the Academy, and seeing how the academy had started to provide him with such goodies, Ray wasn\'t disappointed with them.

With that, the instructor asked them all to distance themselves from each other and said,

"Now, the techniques I am going to show you are basic body stretching techniques that would warm up your body before you could practice the martial techniques",

After that, the instructor started to stretch his body, at first he did very simple poses such as stretching his hands and legs while doing some triceps stretches.

No one had any issues with these exercises as everyone had been doing such exercises for most of their lives. The difficult exercises started afterward.

Continuing the momentum, the instructor suddenly changed the exercises he was performing, flustering all of the students while some simply fell on their butts due to the change in poses.

Even Ray was flustered but he calmed himself and started to follow the next set of exercises as if nothing happened. These exercises were even harder than before, the poses were more complicated while the movements were erratic and unpredictable.

Sometimes, the instructor would start to touch his feet with his hands while the next moment he would raise one of his legs and continue with the exercise on one leg.

Even Ray started to sweat as he followed the instructor\'s movements but he didn\'t give up as he could feel his body opening up, his blood flowed more smoothly while his nerves also jolted awake.

The exercises went on for half an hour before the instructor stopped.

Seeing the instructor stop, everyone fell onto their butts as they gasped for air. The exercises had drained them, their muscles ached and they had a huge headache from following those erratic movements.

Even Ray sat on the ground as he found it hard to stabilize his breathing. But he truly felt good, his body had opened up while his blood flowed through smoothly, causing a refreshing feel to take upon his body.

This was not only felt by Ray, but some other talented students who had also followed most of the exercises shown by the instructor also felt refreshed. Their exhaustion slowly faded while their body felt better than before.

However, it was not the case for everyone and some simply felt too exhausted to notice their change, as everyone was starting to feel better, the instructor\'s voice sounded,

"Now, stand up you all, we will be starting the basics of martial techniques".

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