
Chapter 164 - A Childish Expression Of Wonder, Determined To Kill

Veronica was no longer embarrassed as she watched Jilly with Keri, but it was strange to watch. Considering the way Jilly acted so aggressively when Kazz was around, this was always a more interesting side for Veronica to see.

Together, Jilly and Keri touched down into the water, but Keri didn\'t seem to notice at all as her shaking toes pierced the water. She was visibly shaking, and a thin line of yellow ran down the front of Jilly but was washed off as they both entered the water.

Jilly made no complaint about it so as to not embarrass her further. Within moments, the two women were up to their chests in the water, but Keri was still shaking and was clenching her burning eyes closed.

Jilly had to hold back her laugh and then leaned down to kiss Keri\'s forehead.

"How much farther do we had to go, and why did you do...?!" Keri started to ask but then stopped talking as she tried to grab onto Jilly more and splashed.

Keri froze, and then slowly opened her blazing sockets, and then looked around her, and then down at the water she was submerged in. Keri looked back up with a childish expression of wonder.

"Does it hurt?" Jilly asked with a smirk on her face, and Keri started to smile brightly as she moved her arms around in the water.

"This is nice! Is all water like this? I thought it was going to be colder, but it\'s not like the stuff you drink-," Keri said as she wriggled in Jilly\'s arms but then slipped out, disappearing into the water that was almost six feet deep.

"Keri!" Jilly cried.

About to go down and get her, Jilly started to sink her body down, but then Keri popped her head out. She turned her head back and forth but kept her eyes closed.

Veronica had also been about to dive in but stopped when Keri popped back up. Then the little red-skinned woman opened her eyes, and both Veronica and Jilly rear back in shock and revulsion as Keri opened to black fireless pits.

"Hey, did you guys turn out the lights?" Keri asked as she looked around while treading water.

Both of the other women\'s words were stuck as the shock started to turn into fear. Jilly was starting to tear up, but then the fire in Keri\'s eye poofed to life, and both of the women let out clearly audible sighs.

"Oops, looks like I turned the lights out! I was wondering why I could only see for a second; oh well," Keri said and then dove back under the water like a redfish.

It stood to reason that Keri would be a good swimmer since she has been swinging in lava her entire life. Jilly shook her head and then turned back to Veronica, who had a big smile, and Jilly went over to instructed her on the ways of her new body.

This was about the time that Kazz had started to get up, but Lizy was still in her room, in her closet with the door closed. She wasn\'t in typical form. Instead, she was holding a blanket wrapped around herself even though she wasn\'t cold.

Everything was becoming too much for her, and Lizy didn\'t understand why she was even here. She wasn\'t like these other girls; they only had the name; Lizy knew she was the real monster.

What did it matter? It had always been like this for her. It was stupid that she had to be forced into this situation.

It would end the same, it always did, and that\'s why Lizy acted the way she did. This wasn\'t her first time meeting friendly people.

Lizy had been born on a different island and carried across the sea. With hopes of making it to Gardania, Lizy had floated like her other siblings.

Each Magma Spiderling and Lizy had been forced to create unique gliders. They had used them to catch the wind to flee from their mother.

Determined to eat and kill as many as she could, Fearcania, the Ancient Magma Arcania Queen, slaughtered her child in droves. Lizy could remember this time clearly, and how horrifying it was as she shook in the closet.

Lizy had been excited to get out, finally meet the one that created her, and then go out into the open world. All her siblings had felt the same way, but when the steel cocoon opened, a massive beautiful creature was much like them but one hundred times bigger.

"Welcome to life, all my beautiful children! I know that you are all excited to see me, your mother, and to explore the world, but I must teach you one lesson first," Fearcania said in a sweet and motherly voice as she reached into the Magenta Steel Silk cocoon filled with her children.

Lizy remembered just being missed by the hand and being so sad that she had not been picked. Looking back now, Lizy knew better as she remembered watching her mother bring her siblings up to her face.

"The one single lesson that I must teach you is that nothing in this life is ever free or fair, so you should never trust the worlds of anyone. This world is being filled with creatures that live off lies and deceit and will trick you into a false sense of trust," Fearcania said with a slow and lilting voice as she looked lovingly at the children in her giant hand that was all looking up at her expectantly.

Lizy\'s trembles started to get worse as she remembered just how enthralled she had been, but those words had stuck with her. Fearcania had let her words hang in the air before she had spoken again, but her tone and expression turned violent as she did.

"All only want to draw you in, so they can CRUSH YOU!" Fearcania had screamed as she slammed her fist closed with a sickly crunch. "Those that survive this shall remember my words well, and heed my warnings if you want to survive in this world!"

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