
Chapter 230 - Mustafa, Constellation Of Light

Lights streamed around me, and I fell onto soft ground, but the lights were still spinning around me. They were starting to clear, and I could see a massive Gnoll in front of me sitting on a throne made of weapons of all sorts.

The rest was space; we were on a single island floating section of land that floated in the vast void. The colors were starting to slow down now, so I waited to see what the massive King of the Gnolls was going to do or say.

His face was long like a hyena, but his body was covered in muscle and iron jewelry. He had no weapon, but the claws on his gigantic hand and the steel cord muscle on his arm said he really didn\'t need them.

"So, you are the big shot that is making waves out there? Everyone came back and said some scary guy was here now! I guess they weren\'t wrong, but you are so strong to be on this island. What brings you to the island?" The Giant Gnoll asked.

"I stepped into a Challenger Gem and got extra training, but I only got here four days ago," I said.

"Oh? That is something, then.. My name is Mustafa, and I am the Gnoll king, leader, and ruler of this Domain! Before I offer you my blessing, can I ask your name?" Mustafa asked, and I nodded.

"Sure, Zack Foreman," I said, but the moment my words were finished, Mustafa\'s eyes started to glow red, and he stood wordlessly.

I wasn\'t sure what was going on, but I wasn\'t that worried as the King walked over to me with an expressionless face. The red-eyed Mustafa knelt his massive body down in front of me, bowing his head.

Even bent down at this height, Mustafa was still at least three feet taller than me. Still, I hadn\'t really expected this; I would have thought I would have needed to bargain with him or something to get a good deal.

"You are the name I have been waiting for. I pledge my Domain to the Light!" Mustafa said in a droning voice that rose at the end.

Mustafa looked up into my eye, and my heart thudded in my chest, and I felt a rippling pulse ripple out of my body. A flash of the two colliding worlds came, but my vision wasn\'t focused on it.

There was a complex constellation of dark purple stars, a Demon\'s horn. Opposite of it, a bright star-lit alone behind the planet was a representation of my head, then I snapped back.

Mustafa was back on the throne, and his eyes were normal, but I was sweating and panting. Something burned on my back, and when I reached back to see what it was, I recoiled.

"Leave it, for now; you have started the first step on the path to complete the constellation of Light. It is good to finally meet the one I have been waiting for, and now you are able to summon a Gnoll Partner to assist you and augment them with your System. You will also learn Wild Speak, the ability to speak to any creature of the wild!" Mustafa proclaimed to me, about the I put my hand up for him to stop.

"Wait, so I can talk to anything? That doesn\'t mean that they can just start talking to me, right?" I asked, and the Gnoll King shook his head no, and I sighed and motioned for him to continue.

"I will find someone that will be a good fit and is our strongest warrior," Mustafa said and clenched his fists tight, but I put my hand up to stop him again.

"What about someone brilliant and, or inventive? I need more smart people, not tough ones, and they don\'t have to be perfect. All the people around me are misfits, so it\'s better to send me someone that might be a recluse or something like a hermit," I explained, and the Gnoll King gave me an inquisitive look, raising one eyebrow.

"Really? I guess I will go through and see if I have anyone that fits the description, or we can just wait till a new one is born," Mustafa said as he rubbed his chin.

I was a bit confused about how he didn\'t know all his people. I really thought of this guy as some celestial being, but I guess that I was overestimating him.

"So, anything else?" I asked and then sent the same message to Hero but got no response.

Something about these Gems seemed to seal him out of these dimensions, or whatever they were.

"I will increase the elemental water power of all those around you. The more points of the constellation of Light you complete, the stronger the buffs become, but that is all I can do for you. I will let you know when I find a suitable partner. The Gnoll world has a population of over fifteen billion, and it is always growing. I just have to look," Mustafa said with a wolfish grin.

"Well, I guess that makes sense why you don\'t have one you can just grab! Even a computer would take a long time to figure out something like that!" I said with a nod and an impressed look.

"Yes, not really a cakewalk by any means. I can sense them all, but that is like sensing every blade of grass in a field. I will look, but It will take a while, so I hope that is alright?" Mustafa asked but then mentioned, "I could just pick a random one for now if you wanted?"

"No, I have more than enough to deal with right now as it is, no rush. Thanks for meeting with me and all the buffs and backaches!" I told the Gnoll King, and he nodded to me with a chuckle.

Then I was standing in the darkness, but there was a slight glow coming from behind me. I could just barely see the pedestal, but then I heard Fireden call my name.

"What? Now you don\'t need me as a night light?"

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