
Chapter 244 - Whispered Something, Fire-sicle

I was stuck stunned with a stupid childish grin on my that, at first Jilly smile at. However, as I tried to let my brain cool down, her look turned to one that said she wanted to knock the smile off my face!

[Function, you idiot, you didn\'t just solve the Hodge Conjecture, pull yourself together, man!]

I shook my head and then blinked, looking directly at Jilly, and then kissed her passionately, making her eyes go wide in surprise. I pulled back, breaking the kiss, still smiling, fuck, I couldn\'t help it; I didn\'t even ask for a cookie and got the whole jar!

"Only on days ending with Y, no others," I said with a grin and kissed my confused-looking Oomukade, but then I leaned forward to her ear and whispered something.

"Wait, Monday… Tues-" Jilly said, and I pulled away from her, backing up to the fire, but Lizy came up and whispered in her, making her cut off.

I could hear the words in my head as Lizy spoke them in Jilly\'s ear, "All days end in Y!"

I watched surprise appear on her face, but then Jilly started to nod her head. I activated my Fire Pact Aspect as the surprised look turned into, "This motherfucker thinks he is funny tricking me" look.

Suddenly, the old Jilly was back.

Like the snap of a Bullwhip, Jilly exploded forward as she transformed, but I shot straight up into the air like a rocket. Jilly screamed, and everyone turned to look like sections of her red carapace flipped up.

The sun was just about finished being swallowed by the ocean, and twilight was setting in, but it was dark for those below. This was a perfect time for this, but what was with the new upgrade Jilly had?!

I watched as a pair of safety glasses appeared on her face, and then they lit up, and I almost cheered.

[You should be getting yourself ready for this, she actually looks pissed! Jilly now can store up to fifty thousand pounds of building material inside her body, a targeting system, and the ability to read and build blueprints. She can also process material and construct small items inside her body. Oh, did I mention she now fires ten thousand of those black spikes a minute, and they will all lock on to you!]

If I wasn\'t entirely made of fire right now, I would have a tear in my eye from how proud I was of her. She must have been working so hard with everyone, and she and Lizy were even trying to work things out.

[Jilly\'s level is maxed out with stored experience like yours. Most of the girls have been working very hard… most of them.]

That made me chuckle, but that was when it started, and a rainbow of colored glowing spikes streamed at me. Fuck, they looked so damn cool! God, Jilly, I love you!

*Wataluga: It was a good run while it lasted.*

*Fireden: I don\'t think she heard what you whispered!*

*Blaza: Oof, the double view is excellent! Water… Thing, go make us some popcorn, bitch!*

*Maelstrom: Don\'t make me tell them what I was just making you do to me, Blazy!*

*Grogvel: WHEEZING!*

At the last second, I grinned savagely and roared, "Let\'s get it on!" and took off with the rainbow of glowing death trailing after me.

I flipped and did a ninety-degree corkscrew, but the needles followed me with a relentless pace gaining on me, so I turned up the heat. My fire became purple as I cut intricate patterns in the, getting ahead of the spikes.

Then I instantly heated the glowing spike from the inside out, like a microwave.

Below, the girls were yelling at Jilly to stop, but all looked up as I burst the first spike like a firework. Thankfully, Jilly stopped firing, but there were almost one hundred thousand of the glowing death needles flying after me now!

This was going to be one hell of a show, but we had all come so far since that day that I walked into the hole in the ground. All because of that strange red light, I get to be the happiest I think I have ever been.

[I really have been quite the journey so far. I can see good things in our future.]

\'You bet, Buddy. This journey is only getting started, so let\'s kick it off with a bang!\'

I dialed up, and my fire turned blue, and the spikes started to explode, filling the dark sky with light. The image reflecting off the water around me was spectacular, and even the ERTCG had gone quiet.

I really wish I could share the view with the girls, but they were all cheering now. They were waving up at me as I lit the fresh night sky up with colorful explosions of light.

The whole thing only took ten minutes, but it had felt much longer to me, and Jilly hadn\'t let up until the final one exploded. I flew back down to the fire and then into it, dropping down to just my Fire Aspect, directly absorbing the energy from the fire.

Nothing short of Earth Gliding to the mantle to refill was faster to recharge faster. I didn\'t need to stay in long and walked out after about a minute.

When I turned blue, my energy gauge started to suck down fast. I had almost been depleted, so I was glad for it to be over now.

[Next time, you had better stop oo-ing and awe-ing over the abilities! Jilly was only using half her ability with the spikes!]

As I stepped out of the fire, the girls all started to chant.

"Fireman! Fireman!"

*Maelstrom: Thinks he is a funny man!*

*Fireden: Then has to run for his life, so he doesn\'t become a dead man!*

*Maelstrom: Ooo, maybe you want to come over here and tell me some stories! I will treat you well, Fire-sicle!*

*Windorf: Ha! Do you hear that Fire Nuts?! Someone actually wants to listen to you! Bwahaha!*

*Fireden: I have to politely decline your offer.. I am not that bored.*

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