
Chapter 318 New Demon Lord, A Treat Alone

The sun was starting to creep out of sight now that we had made our way down into the crater. The city was filled with the sounds of people shouting and laughing.

"Do you know where we can find food and a place to eat?" I asked Nushi as we walked down a dirt path.

Demons were walking around us, and they were all staring at us in wonder, but none of them spoke to us. It was hard to tell if they were ignoring us or we were just scared to talk to us.

"Yes, we just have to ask anyone, and they will point us in the right direction. I could just dig it from someone\'s head, but it would be better to announce ourselves," Nushi explained, and then she reached out to touch a Demon that was passing by.

The woman\'s reaction was much different than I would have expected. She was terrified, and the dark blue-skinned woman looked at me with a pleading look.

"Lord, I have done nothing wrong!" The woman cried, and Nushi let go of the woman with large eyes and a horrified look.

"I don\'t think you have. Nushi, daughter of Mex, was just trying to ask for directions. Why are you so scared of her?" I asked in confusion, but Nushi spoke up, turning back to the woman.

"I am sorry, I should have explained who I was. I completely forgot about my Rank, but you don\'t have to worry; I am pledged to Zack, your Demon Lord," Nushi explained, and the woman\'s eyes almost fell out of her head because she opened them so wide.

"You are little Nushi?! Unbelievable!! I am sorry that I acted so scared, but it has been many years since I have seen any demon with red skin since we left our home on Gardania!" The woman explained, slowly getting excited.

"Well, I hope that you choose to join us on our journey back to the Main Continent. For now, would you be able to direct us to a place where we can find some food for the Lord?" Nushi asked the woman, and she nodded her head fervently.

I wasn\'t really sure how I felt about being called Lord, but there was nothing for it. Fighting something like this was never worth it; it was just a matter of time before I would have to cave to the people.

"Oh yes, of course! I can show you the way to the fighting tents. There will be many people preparing food, and then you can enjoy the show! I will also have Dao\'s Quarters cleaned and prepared for you both to enjoy! My name is Baricema, but you can call me Cema!" The woman explained to us as she led us deeper into the city.

The women walked together, both talking loud enough about us for everyone to hear. I fell behind the two of them and greeted people that came up to talk to me, along with accepting people\'s thanks.

[Even though these people are Demons, there is not really much difference between them and regular humans. I mean, yes, there are the skin color and black blood, plus the wings, but I mean, they seem to act the same way. I am sure there will be more bad ones, but I don\'t think they are all bad.]

That was true, and it was something that I hoped I could put to use in the future. I didn\'t want to have to kill whole villages to get at the ruler\'s if that was all it took.

[You will be able to break the control of all the Demon Kings if you can defeat them. The problem is that word of you will start traveling fast when we leave this island.] Harold explained as I followed the women deeper into the city.

As I followed the girls, most of the Demons kept their distance. I guess they were used to having a mean Demon Lord as their ruler because most kept their distance.

That wasn\'t horrible, But I hoped that the ones who decided to join got used to me in the future. I didn\'t want people to be scared of me, but having them respect me wasn\'t bad either.

"This is Wanda, and she can feed you before you go to see the fights," Bericema called back as I walked up to join the women in front of a strange-looking food stand.

Wanda was a pretty-looking small Demon woman standing in front of a food cart. There were different types of meat hanging, but I wasn\'t sure what any of it was.

"Hi, my name is Zack, and we are looking to try some of your food," I explained as I looked the food over.

"Oh! You are the new Demon Lord!? And you want to try some of my food?!" The minor Demon called Wanda nearly shouted.

"Yes," I said with a smile, but the girl looked to be on edge, so I added, "Don\'t worry, I will not get angry if you give me something that I don\'t like!"

Wanda smiled at me and then breathed out a long sigh in relief. Nushi came over to stand beside me, smiling as Wanda pulled us down some meat skewers.

"I will be able to show you some of our cultures and food now. I am excited to show you everything, but seeing you interact with everyone is a treat alone!" Nushi explained to me as we took the strange meat.

"I guess that you are used to seeing people like me talk down to people?" I asked as we walked away from the stand, and Nushi nodded.

"Yes, Doa was very cruel, and I have heard that other Demons are the same. Something about getting the power seems to go to all of their heads. After they become Lords, almost all Demons become eviler. Not that most aren\'t, but they care about other people\'s lives less, but you are different," Nushi explained, and I shrugged as I put one of the Skewers up to my mouth.

"I plan on doing a lot of things differently," I said with a smile and then took a bite out of the meaty skewer.

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