
Chapter 320 Explosive Surprise, Giant Eyes

The building was nothing special from the outside. Most of the buildings I had seen walking through Crater City looked the same.

Each of them had been poorly built from wood, but walking inside this house made me turn back around. I had to look to ensure that I was still in the same place.

"You looked shocked that the inside of our home doesn\'t match the sad attempt of a house\'s exterior, yes, no?"

I turned around to find that Wanda was standing over by two lovely looking Demon women. I couldn\'t tell at first which one had spoken, but the one with long blonde hair gestured to a chair.

"Please, Lord, come sit down. It is an honor to have someone like yourself in our humble home! Can I fix you some tea?" The woman asked me politely, and she smiled brightly, making her eyes almost go entirely closed.

The inside of the place was beautifully stained wood, and the house opened up into a sizable open concept kitchen and dining room. I could see a living room behind the two women with a set of stairs that led up to the next level.

The interior was much larger than what the outside suggested, making me think that someone here must be able to use spatial Magic. That made me think of Noel and the rest of the women back home, but I pulled myself back to the present.

I looked back over to Nushi, but Wanda, standing beside her, had an edgy look. I wasn\'t sure what that was about, so I turned back, but chaos broke out before I could reply or even blink.

Suddenly, the Demon woman that had been silent slammed the Demon to the wall. There had been a charming shelf there before with what looked to me cute ornaments.

That was now obliterated.

"WE TALKED ABOUT THIS!" The Demon with dark blue hair cut short in the back but more extended in the front.

The Demon woman practically inside the wall now didn\'t even open her eyes. She also had not stopped smiling.

Something was going on here that I didn\'t understand at all. I took a chance to glance back at Wanda, and I caught her in the middle of an eye roll.

Before I could ask anything, the polite woman being smashed into the wall spoke up.

"No, you said what was going to happen and expected me to follow. Don\'t be jealous, Peri," the Polite Demon said calmly.

At the end of her words, I turned back just in time to see a lightning-fast kick planted into the stomach of the Angry Demon woman. She was sent flying back over to the kitchen side near Nushi and Wanda.

The two girls didn\'t flinch as the Angry Demon woman smashed into the cupboards. That section of the kitchen was now destroyed, and I felt my hopes of cooking a meal drift away.

"I said that I was going to make him," Peri started growling as she pulled herself up from the wreckage that was once part of the kitchen.

"STOP!" I shouted, making both women look at me.

To my surprise, both women became meager and bowed their heads like scolded children.

"I shall make the damn tea and some food if you have any to spare. I will also cook some food if you could show me where things are in what\'s left of the kitchen," I explained while trying to keep calm and patient.

I was starting to feel the weight of the hours I had been awake, and it was starting to leak out of me. I didn\'t want to snap at the women, but I just wanted to eat and go to bed after everything I had been through lately.

The place was a mess now, but there was still some counter left. I could see many unlabeled spice bottles smashed on the floor, but I was sure I could find something.

"Don\'t worry about the kitchen, Lord. My arrogant sister here, Thenai, will repair everything," Peri explained to me and then bowed low to me.

I resisted the eye roll I wanted to give at this, but I knew it was a regular part of their lives. A small part of how they would have treated Doa, the previous Demon Lord before me.


"There is no need for bowing and groveling. I am your Lord in the sense that I will try to protect you and everyone else. All I ask is that you refrain from killing and abusing one another," I explained, and both Peri and Thenia looked at me with confused looks.

Luckily, Nushi finally decided to speak up and said, "It will be hard to get used to, but if Grandmother Nixi can do it, I am sure that the rest of you will."

At the mention of Nixi, all three women turned nearly gray. I guess that the old bat\'s name strikes fear in other Demons on this island.

Then all three women\'s eyes turned on Nushi, and the looks on their faces turned to horror.

"Does that mean that you ate Nixi?" Wanda asked as she slowly started to back away.

I hadn\'t seen Nushi fight yet, but I could feel her power that had ballooned compared to how she was before. There wasn\'t a place on this island that these women could run to if Nushi got angry.

Nushi just smiled at them before saying, "No, Nixi and all my grandmothers are still alive. I gained my power with the help of Zack, our Lord. The rest of you have this chance just like me."

The three women looked at her with surprise and then looked to me for confirmation. I could tell that the gears were turning in their heads, so I nodded, but it was only partly true.

I was still unsure how Nushi gained her new powers, but we could talk about that later when we were alone. For now, I was hungry, and seeing the shocked looks on the girls\' faces had changed my mood for the better.

"Listen, let\'s get the kitchen fixed back up, and I can answer your questions while we cook, okay?" I asked the women.

Before they could even nod, Howl decided that this would be the proper moment to speak up. He was still resting in Nushi\'s arms, nuzzled into her lovely red voluptuous breasts.

"So now you plan to do this cooking thing? I am not sure what was wrong with the meat you had received before, but-" Howl had started to ask but cut off at noticing the giant-eyed stares of the three demon women.

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