
Chapter 168 - 168 - Sending A Message

"There is a second one now!" Hary rushed to the screen. "This doesn\'t make sense. Why does a virology research centre have all this information?"

"Don\'t know. I don\'t wish to find out either. Lest go," Yue dragged him away. "let\'s send out a message first. We don\'t have much time. What is this communication device look like?"

"You\'ll know when you see it."

They both searched the room.

"there is supply closet!" Yue carefully opened the door. Inside were two corpses hugging each other. But between them there was something golden and rusted. He slightly tapped the corpse. They were unmoving. "It\'s here I think," he leaned down and took out a stapler like thing. "Is this it?"

"That\'s it." Hary plucked it from his hands and sat down on the chair. He slowly started to tap at slight intervals. "Okay, what do you want to say?"

"Tell them we need a chopper on the roof within fifteen minutes. And... maybe get some bombs. Taking this place out will take out almost half the population of zombies. We might even be able to reclaim parts of the city soon."

Hary looked up at him, surprised. "You have thought ahead."

"I watch a lot of Attack on the titan. I was born ready for this," Yue awkwardly diverted the topic. "Oh.... we need to check for survivors."

"Don\'t think that\'s possible Yue. We won\'t be able to access all the floors." Hary whispered taping on the small machine.

"We can do what we did just now. Break some walls and get in. We need to check this place at least once."

Hary glanced up with a small sigh. "Okay, then I\'ll ask for the chopper in twenty minutes. Ten minutes we will go up and down and check for survivors. If we find one, we can just ask Tian to pull them up. Okay?"

"Super, thanks a lot, Hary,"

"Anything for you," Hary whispered with a wide smirk. "so... about you and Fan...."

"What about me and Fan?" Yue hurriedly collected all the papers on the desk and shoved it into his clothes.

"You know.... I feel some tension between you two,"

"I don\'t think so..." he walked over to him with his eyes narrowed. "I only feel the tension between you two. I mean, what is up with you both. You have been fighting since day one. It\'s not like you,"

"I didn\'t fight," Hary pouted. "I don\'t like that guy. What is he good for? I don\'t see any redeemable qualities,"

"He is a good person."

"He barely remembers you yet he is ready to have a relationship with you Yue! That\'s a red flag!" Hary shouted all of a sudden.

Yue froze. "That... he said he felt a connection"

"Don\'t you see what\'s going on? He is manipulating you." Hary stood up scratching his head. "I don\'t know what you see in him."

"I ... I like him..." Yue whispered with tears in his eyes. "I\'m sure he feels the same as me,"

"That man is very vigilant about everything. Do you think he will just fall for anyone at first sight? He might be doing this only because you are here to save him." He anxiously pranced around. "I don\'t mean to hurt you Yue.. but take your time before you get into a relationship. Talk with him, maybe even date him, get to know him fully. Don\'t commit yourself to him completely before that."

Yue bit his lips, thinking about his words. To be honest, his words did ring truth. Fan Xui had been so hostile the moment they met, but all of a sudden he started to be kind and sweet. It was so unlike how he used to be.

Fan Xui he knew, was not that confident. He was a shy, cute guy. Not this guy who oozes confidence and charm.

"Fan Xui... does not remember me, so why does he like me? He hated men and all of a sudden he is okay with me...."

"Because you are pretty," Hary whispered.

Tears he had been holding back poured down. Fan Xui did mention he was gorgeous and pretty many, many times.

"Am I just a pretty face? I feel so..."

"Oh shit.... Yue.. I\'m so sorry." Hary anxiously moved close. "You are not just a pretty face. I\'m sure...oh god I can\'t believe I\'m saying this but I\'m sure he knows that too..... I\'m not telling you to break up with him. I\'m just telling you to guard your heart."

He wiped his tears away hurriedly. "You are right.... I need to get to know him. How silly of me, I was so hasty falling in love. Even now I can\'t stop thinking about him...."

"Oh Yue....." Hary anxiously gazed at him. "You can love him with all your heart...but..... try to talk to him before you.... do stuff you know."

Yue\'s eyes went wide. "You... you saw?! Oh my god this is so embarrassing. I just saved a comatosed man and did stuff with him while he was unable to move!"

"No! I did not see. I kind of guessed what happened?" Hary paused in front of him. "What kind of stuff?"


"Okay. I won\'t ask. Let\'s forget that we even talked about it,"

Yue was still tearing up a bit.

Hary hurriedly wiped his face clean. "Okay, let\'s get our head in the game. We are going to climb down floor by floor, checking for survivors. We only have ten minutes,"

"Yes.. I\'m prepared." Yue sniffed softly. He felt a small tug on the rope tied to his waist. "I think they are worried."

"Then let\'s go out and show them we are alive,"

"Okay..." Yue smiled finally. "Hary... thank you..for worrying about me."

"It\'s natural.." he said with a weird expression and walked over to the broken wall. "Come on," he held out a hand.

Yue happily ran close and took his hand. They both climbed out.

This time, Yue tried climbing down on his own. To be honest, it was not that scary once he got used to the feeling of cold wind on his face.

They both climbed down.

"Yue! Is everything okay?" Fan Xui shouted from above.

"Yea, you all go up to the roof. Hary and I will check for survivors," he shouted back.

Suddenly, a small knocking sound came from close to the pipes. Yue paused a bit, placing his head on the walls. "Hello?"

"Is someone out there...." a small voice whispered.

"Oh, my god someone is here!"  he hurriedly shouted. "Sir, are you okay?"

"I\'m annoyed. What is going on! Why is the whole building in lock down? Isn\'t the fire system supposed to disengage after a while? It\'s been days! And that man, Qian! What password did he change it into! I can\'t get out!" the man inside ranted.

Yue chuckled. "sir, can you move away from the wall?,"


"I\'m going to break it,"

"oh okay. Please do,"

Yue waited a few seconds before he kicked down the wall. A dusty middle aged man stood with cleaning his glasses. His whole body was covered in white dust. Yue was not even able to make out his featured.

"oh you are not the firemen. What are you doing on the pipes? You know they won\'t hold much weight, right?"

Yue worriedly glanced at the pipes. In fact, the connecting pipes were sort of creaking. "It will hold... I hope... sir, can you hold out your hand. We have to go up now,"

The man raised his dusty brow. "I\'m not climbing out there, young girl. Whatever parkour you are doing, I\'m not getting involved. Get me the fire men."

Hary climbed a little higher. "Can we ditch him?"

"I\'m so tempted to. Sir, listen, the world ended days ago. If you don\'t come out with me, you will get bombed along with this building. Do you want that?"

The man just scoffed and sat on a nearby broken brick. "You can\'t trick me,"

Yue clenched his jaws, reminding himself to be patient.

But patience was not a strong suit of his.

He drew his sword and held it to his neck. "Come out or die. What do you choose?"

"Are.... are you terrorists? I\'m sorry, okay. I didn\'t mean to discover that thing. If you want a spectacular discovery, go to 30th floor. Qian has a new immortal drug. It\'s spectacular. Please don\'t kidnap me. I have three cats."

Hary growled loudly. "Yue leave him,"

"Sir, look out please," Yue took his sword away.

The man kind of froze. "Why?"

"Just look," Hary grumbled.

The man leaned over. "Why do you want me to..... What the fuck? What\'s going on? Is it\'s a rally against us?"

"No, those are zombies. They will eat your tasty scientist brain," Hary laughed loudly.

The man blinked. He ran back into the room and came back lugging a huge suitcase.

"Okay, I trust you young girl. Please take me to safety." he held his hands and swiftly jumped off. "Ah! I have never done anything so existing in my life. Who knew world would end so soon? Even so, I\'m so happy. Getting whisked away by a pretty girl is a lifelong dream come true." he happily hugged Yue\'s waist.

"He is a man!" Hary shouted. "And keep your hands off or I\'ll shoot you,"

"a man?" he raised his dusty glasses. "You look very pretty. I will rate you ten,"

Yue rolled his eyes. "Please keep your mouth shut. I can feel my ears bleeding," he swiftly tied up the rope around his waist. "Fan! Pull this guy up!"

Fan Xui poked his head out. "Who is he?"

"Hi, I\'m the prestigious Doctor Pricitsky."

Qian instantly ran to the hole. "Yue, drop that guy immediately. That guy is a cancer to our society!"

"Che you are alive, Qian! How is your good project going? I hope it went up in flames."

"Fuck you!"

"Fuck you too!"

Yue glanced back. "Hary, block my ears please."

Hary sent over his metal and covered his ears like a headset.

"Finally, some peace and quiet,"

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