
Chapter 542 One-On-One Interview (2)

"Right, allow me to ask the first one. But before that, hello, my name is Amaris Tarook. I am from the news site Insider List. First and foremost, thank you for allowing me this opportunity. Also…" Amaris looked down at her hands as a slight blush lit her cheeks. 

"I am a big fan." She practically whispered, causing Selene to stiffen and snort quietly to not draw attention to herself. 

[[AYO, is my little queen depressed that a hottie has eyes for me? Sigh, it\'s such a curse being so handsome.]] Snickering into the mind link upon seeing his girlfriend\'s reaction, Cynrik teased, but half a second later, he regretted it. 

[[You can be as handsome as you want, but apart from me, I don\'t know how many women will want a cute eunuch as a husband. Woe is me, and here I was hoping for children one day, yet my Darllling~ doesn\'t know how to shut his big ass mouth.]]

Two things happened when she said this: Cynrik clenching his legs together then gulping, and Brance cackling so hard that even Selene joined him. 

"I… I am glad you enjoyed my presentation. Anyway, what is your first question, Miss Amaris?"

"Ye..yes, ok, so I guess I should start with the biggest question on everyone\'s minds…why have you stepped back and not appeared in any more events?"

"Was something or someone behind the scenes preventing you from competing, or was it a personal decision?" Amaris nervously asked as she typed out her question on the tablet.

"Well, going straight for the hard-hitting questions from the jump. The answer is simple. As much as those knuckleheads running the show and the old fogeys back at VSFA want to see me benched or removed from the Competition Entirely, they had no bearing on my absence from events, to begin with."

Hearing this, the young man and Amaris sat up straight and waited patiently. 

"The answer is simple; there wasn\'t a single person worth my time in the bracket. To elaborate further, I am not saying there wasn\'t anyone without talent, as technically, to just get to the point where you are allowed to enter the arena, you have to have some modicum of talent; it\'s just they were all too weak." 

"In the first place, I decided to play with that fool from Romeoville because he offended my woman. That enough is a death sentence in my book since offending her is no different from offending me."

"Thus, he was doomed to become a punching bag for me to exhaust my aggression when we stepped foot in that Team Battle. Now, that isn\'t to say that she is weak and couldn\'t have handled the situation alone, but what kind of man would I be if I let someone upset my lady while standing to the side and allowing there to be no consequences?" 

Shrugging his shoulders, Cynrik smirked and reached under the table to pat Selene\'s thigh.

[[Smooth, you can keep your cock for now, but don\'t push your luck, Darling~]] Selene said with a smile that wasn\'t a smile. 

[[Yes, yes, my Sel is a fierce demon.]] Rolling his eyes, Cynrik smiled back at the two reporters and watched as they jotted his response down. 

"Cough, I guess it\'s my turn now." The young man stated, starting his sentence with a cough and ending it with an awkward laugh.

"My name is Andrew Earnest, and I am from the Midnight Harold. We present the news both online and live on Holo-Tv."

Nodding his head in greeting, Cynrik waited for the next question. 

"I will try to avoid any questions that seem too much like gossip, but you mentioned that Captain Derrek offended your …" Andrew paused, unsure of what title to refer to Selene by, but was luckily aided by Cynrik. 

"Girlfriend. Selene is my girlfriend, and we have been in a committed relationship for some time."

"Yes, of course, Girlfriend. Now you said that Captain Derrek Offended your Girlfriend; however, I don\'t recall him ever interacting with her on any occasion; if you don\'t mind answering, can you elaborate?"

Cynrik didn\'t answer immediately and instead took his time answering this one; after a few seconds of thought, he nodded. 

"It wasn\'t a direct interaction, and I suppose I have already spoken about it. At the time, everyone was probably more enthralled by my craftsmanship, but when we lost the second Event, Selene took it the hardest. Seeing her upset was more than enough justification in my mind to dismantle that bastard; uh, what was his name again? OH yeah, Dickrick." 

Finishing up by purposely calling Derrek a vulgar nickname, Cynrik\'s statement confused Andrew initially, but he chose to ignore it. 

With his first question finished, he and Amaris went back and forth until the food arrived, at which point the interview was put on hold. 

Since Cynrik had chosen a fancy restaurant, the two reporters could feel their wallets screaming for mercy, but with as big of a story as they were getting, they knew they were both in for a raise or promotion. 

MyrkLys, or more specifically, Cynrik, was such a hot topic that anything with his name attached was practically worth billions of credits. 

Once the plates were cleaned, and dessert was ordered, Cynrik continued the interview, starting with Amaris taking the lead. 

"During your fights, you showcased many unheard-of skills, creating quite a bit of suspicion about their origins. From the impressive Beyblade formation you completed alongside your brother to the mysterious Katon Series of Fire Affinity Skills." 

"Can you give us some insight on the origins of these, especially the Katon Series, as they have never been heard of or shown up in the written or known history?" Looking at Cynrik with eyes reminding him of a curious child, Cynrik knew he couldn\'t avoid this question, so his mind wound up, concocting a story on the spot. 

"Well…tsk, I didn\'t really plan on spoiling this for everyone so early in the Competition since the Katon Series of Fire Skills is one of my most potent skillsets, but since you both treated us to such a grand meal, I will toss you a bone and answer. 

[[This oughta be good hehe,]] Selene teased, while Brance had a hunch that Cynrik was about to spew some serious shit out of his mouth. 

"Sigh, where do I even begin? I guess from the beginning would be a good place. After the horrible Haylons Shadow incident, I vowed never to again find myself in such a compromised position where my life was left in the hands of another person."

[[Oh ho ho, here we go,]] fighting her urge to rub her hands together like a greedy merchant, Selene leaned forward expectantly.

[[Cyn, don\'t say anything crazy now.]] Brance chided, afraid that his brother was about to open a can of worms. 

"When my brother and I made it back home, under my parents\' noses, the two of us would stay up all night training, and once we got old enough, we would even sneak out of the house to explore nearby areas in our hometown of Lawton."

"I was nine years old at the time, and I will never forget that fateful night; although it was pitch black, and past 2 in the morning, I could see through the dark as if it were as bright as day." 

"The two of us had gone out on another exploring mission, and that was when I spotted something falling from the sky. At first, I thought it was just a normal shooting star, something we weren\'t unfamiliar with since we didn\'t have bright City lights blotting out the sky all night."

"But boy, oh boy, was I wrong."


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