
Chapter 628 Honeymoon In The Shadow Realm (6)

Chapter 628 Honeymoon In The Shadow Realm (6)

**Hey, Yall, sorry about my absence the past few days. I have been in Florida for IRL Brance\'s Bachelor Party. I will also be gone from July 5th to 11th because he\'s GETTING MARRIED; THE CRAZY BASTARD IS ACTUALLY GETTING MARRIED. Anyway, I will try to build up enough chapters to get some out for both series during that time, but I make no promises.**




"So I have to formulate a training regiment for her, which I haven\'t had the time to do as of yet," Cynrik stated while looking away from the pouting Selene back toward the sky.

-True, she does need the full notebook of information you two have come up with over the years. At least that way, she won\'t freeze up and become helpless due to the flood of visual info entering her brain.-

"Regardless, I plan on doing it when I get some free time, anyway, Sel, one hundred by hundred-meter squared room, thick reinforced Alloy and Concrete walls, and a big ass bank vault door." Releasing her legs so they could dangle, Cynrik\'s right arm slid around Selene\'s waist, and he held her beside him as the two hovered not far from the barrier between realms.

"Contents?" She asked while squinting up at the Mansion\'s foundation in an attempt to gleam any minute detail.

"Not really sure what I am looking at, but based on their size and Mana signature, there are various materials, from creature parts to ores, for crafting, I even see a few weapons, nothing that is better than our gear, but still, they have value."

"Since quite a few different Mana types are floating around in the Vault, I assume the homeowners must have had corresponding Affinities, Wind, Water, Ice, and Psychic, so at the very least, I can pick up some resources for the others."

"I still have a few unanswered questions, so let me look around real quick." Looking down and waiting for her approval, Cynrik saw Selene nod before speeding around underneath the Mansion.

After a couple of minutes of searching, he returned to the spot he picked underneath the Vault, and his left eye twitched slightly while Cynrik ran his tongue along the inside of his bottom teeth, which in turn caused his cheek muscles to constrict ever slightly.

These small micro-actions would generally go unnoticed by anyone unless they were highly familiar with Cynrik; luckily, the person in his embrace was perfectly attuned to his small expression, so she spoke up.

"What\'s wrong?" Selene asked after identifying the small facial movements as a combination of annoyance and deep thought.

"Hmmm, well, good news and bad news. The good news is that I found a whole family of dead bodies across the house, so we don\'t have to worry about coming in contact with hostiles upon entering the premises."

"It wasn\'t a small one either; I counted 28 squished bodies, young and old people who have been practically liquidized." With a shrug of his shoulders, Cynrik\'s eye twitched again as his vision zoomed in on the area inside of the Vault.

If Brance were around to hear his older brother casually talking about an entire family, with young children included, splattered on the ground of their home, dead due to the intense gravitational force brought about by the Divine Particle Zone, he would spit blood and fly off the handle in rage.

"Tsk, no free XP then, sigh; it\'s to be expected, though, we did spend three days going at it, and it has been four since the Gala; I doubt there would be anyone still alive this deep into the zone. And the bad news?" Completely uninterested in the family, only giving them a passing thought because she couldn\'t get more XP from their Deaths, Selene ignored their existence and wanted to hear what was annoying her beloved.

"Woman, didn\'t that amazingly tight cave between your legs suck enough XP from my poor dragon…tsk?" Glancing down at Selene with a strange expression, Cynrik scolded her, which in turn caused the young lady to smile up at him and giggle.

"Don\'t act like you don\'t absolutely love being inside my pussy for as long as possible, Darllling~. You were the one who gave in and continuously came inside me repeatedly, I may add." Selene teased while reaching down and taking a moment to pat his dick like a small animal.

"HMPH! Anyway, the bad news is there is a metric fuckton of cameras and surveillance devices positioned in nearly every available access point, so much so that there are absolutely zero blind spots, and every camera overlaps with at least four others, creating a grid."

"And the reason we can\'t just stealth in with my Void form…is because there is some type of device that registers any incoming Mana particles…right?" Finding it strange that he would be annoyed by cameras alone, Selene thought for a moment before coming up with the only plausible idea she could think of.

"Correct, the grid is formed of multiple invisible light forms, which create a 3d model of the room on a microscopic level, which in turn allows the devices which monitor the incoming information to determine if any unnecessary or unexpected Mana particles are entering the room."

Raising the corner of his lips into a bitter smile, Cynrik didn\'t forget to praise his Kona for her quick thinking in the form of a gentle kiss on the lips and a pat on the head, leaving Selene practically purring in happiness at the attention.

"If it were just the cameras, you wouldn\'t be annoyed, so I figured it had to be some advanced form of technology." Using a proud of herself tone, Selene puffed out her chest in pride, causing her melons to giggle slightly and attract Cynrik\'s eyes.

"Indeed, you did well in identifying the problem without actually seeing the situation. Because of this grid and its corresponding devices, we can\'t recklessly rush in and start stealing everything, nor can I open a portal from below and drag it down because the instant my Mana comes in contact with the grid, which covers every square inch of the room, alarms will go off, or at least that\'s what I suspect will happen."

"Well, I don\'t think the alarms are the problem so much as we would be leaving visual proof we were there. Which means we can no longer enter from below the Vault and now have to go through the house," Selene added as she caught on and followed his train of thought.

"Yep, frankly, I am surprised that the tech is still working correctly, and if I couldn\'t see it for myself with [Mana Sight], I would have automatically assumed the G-force crushed everything because we are presently in the 8g zone."

Pausing, Cynrik glanced at the incoming silent notification windows popping up to the left of his face, indicating he was once again progressing toward unlocking his Divinity Stat.

"Although I don\'t know for sure since I am not familiar with the devices themselves, it is safe to assume there are particle traps, which will draw in our distinct Mana Signatures and send them off to the proper authorities; it\'s no different from leaving behind fingerprints at the scene of the crime."

--PPPST, Go Read The Conduit\'s Requiem !!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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