
Chapter 631 Honeymoon in The Shadow Realm (9)

Chapter 631 Honeymoon in The Shadow Realm (9)

While being lost in thought, Cynrik spent the better part of an hour breaking into the security Systems, and luckily it wasn\'t something that took much brain power and only required time and a lot of command prompts.

While wrapping up the final data-drive wipe and powering it all down, Selene walked in carrying multiple plates filled with expensive yet delicious-smelling food.

"I\'ve got early dinner piping hot and ready to be devoured, darling~," Selene said while sauntering over and placing down two plates filled with a perfect balance of vegetables and meat onto an open spot on the command column to her husband\'s Right.

"It smells good; what is it," finishing up his task and shutting the surveillance systems fully down before ensuring they were wholly wiped of evidence, Cynrik took the first of two plates and gave it a good sniff.

"Although I know you aren\'t fond of veggies, the greens are from a Tier-3 Plant creature known for its beneficial effects such as increased resource stat regeneration." Pulling a chair from her inventory and sitting beside her man, Selene explained the meal\'s contents.

"I figured since we are going to be running around, having a resource stat buff will help us stay out longer; as for the meat, it comes from Tier-4 creatures, a mix of a wingless bird called the Vaorian Roosting Crane and Midland Rinooxen."

"The Crane meat gives an AGI buff, while the Rinooxen provides an STR with a STAM buff." As she finished detailing the contents of the food, Selene handed Cynrik a fork and knife while he brought out two cups and filled them with a light green soda.

"Oh, an STR and STAM buff. Are you trying to tell me you wanna have some fun in between our raids?" Wearing a knowing smile, Cynrik stabbed into the poultry first and took a decent-sized portion before munching away while making a pleased grunt.

"What…no..why would I everrrr~," However, Selene, knowing she had been caught red-handed, could only smirk and speak sarcastically.

"It\'s delicious as always, babe, and from what I am tasting, I can tell you used those spices I like." Giving Selene a wink, Cynrik chowed down before sipping his drink.

"Well, of course, I did; what kind of wife doesn\'t know what her husband likes to eat best? I always have a stock of your favorites in my inventory for situations like this." With a smile, Selene, too, dug in and made happy noises as she enjoyed the food.

For the next few minutes, the couple chatted while eating, and when they were finished, Cynrik used BlackFire to clean the dishes before storing them in his inventory.

He then followed up by cleansing the security office of any trace evidence he may have left behind before glancing around and sniffling.

"Alright, everything is in order; let\'s do a final scan of the house, take whatever we please, and then head down into the basement." Stretching out his back, which released several loud pops, Cynrik guided Selene out of the security office and toward the sitting room where most of the family\'s remains resided.

Now that they no longer needed to worry about being seen on camera or heard on recording devices, Cynrik and Selene didn\'t hold back and flashed around the Mansion at full speed, collecting anything that caught their eye.

Selene even went so far as to wreck the kitchen, taking the expensive appliances, dishes, and silverware before gathering the costly dining set, which she estimated to be well over 50 million credits.

Meanwhile, Cynrik headed to the Mansion\'s training room and stole all of the high-end, top-of-the-line workout equipment, from droids to weight training machines; nothing was safe as it entered his practically bottomless inventory.

[[Don\'t forget, there are a bunch of other houses I plan on hitting, so don\'t overload yourself; there will be plenty of expensive stuff to take later on.]] Cynrik stated as he left the training room and headed up toward the master bedroom.

[[I know, I am just finding things we can use in our future home; I am done in the kitchen, so I will try and find some furniture that isn\'t bloodstained.]] Sprinting into the den (one of the many living rooms), Selene took some time sitting on all the different couches and recliners until she found a few she liked.

[[That makes sense; these people were loaded, so all of their interior decorating is expensive as shit. If I had to guess, there are billions of credits worth of furniture.]] Nodding his head, Cynrik entered the master bedroom and found a nice bedroom set that he liked, so apart from the mattress and bedding, he took everything after emptying their contents.

Endtables, the bedframe, which came with a massive black head and footboard, dressers, boudoir, and chests, everything entered his inventory after the clothing stored inside was dumped in the center of the room, forming a messy pile.

[[Right, that\'s all for me; let\'s meet up at the staircase leading to the basement; it\'s time to get to the real treasure.]] Upon finishing his looting, Cynrik raced out of the room, down the multiple staircases and through the maze of corridors until he came to a big door leading to the basement.

Half a minute later, Selene appeared beside him, her hair a mess thanks to how swiftly she had been running around, causing Cynrik to chuckle and run his fingers through to straighten the tangles.

This simple and tender act of affection caused Selene to blush, but she let him do as he pleased and enjoyed the rare yet pleasant moment they shared.

When her hair was free of tangles and knots, Cynrik turned, looked at the large metal door, and began channeling BlackFire into his left arm.

"Since I\'ve taken down all the systems, the only way in is brute…


Before he could finish his statement, Selene punched forward and exerted the full extent of her over 10k STR points, catapulting the door out of its housing and sending it sailing into the wall on the opposite side.

"FUCKING HELL, WOMAN! WARN A GUY BEFORE YOU GO FULL-BLOWN MEATHEAD ON THE APPLIANCES!" Cynrik howled as his heart felt like it would jump out of his chest.

"Teehee, I wanted to test my new strength; plus, we would have had to wait a while for you to melt through the metal, and I am too excited to see what is in the vault to wait any longer."

Rolling her eyes and giggling at the stunned expression Cynrik was giving her, Selene peeked her head into the hall leading to the basement, but when she noticed the door embedded in the wall like an arrow, she couldn\'t help but whistle loudly.

"I get it; I get it, you are strong now, sigh; you could have at the very least given me a heads up, Sel; you practically gave me a heart attack." Exhaling, Cynrik stepped forward and looked around the pitch-black hall.

Since he had perfect night vision, and so did Selene, the two were unhindered by the darkness, and less than a minute later, they stood side-by-side in front of a colossal bank vault-style door.

--PPPST, Go Read The Conduit\'s Requiem !!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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