
Chapter 244 Let us kill!

Chapter 244 Let us kill!

The one spy that was kept alive returned to the Osted family and reported every information he and his comrades gained. When Walganus and Sagar heard the report they were stupefied. All their speculations were wrong. It was not any known enemy that killed Evior, but an unknown student was the one who killed their one and only heir.

Walganus and Sagar couldn\'t believe their ears, it was a student that was able to use such a powerful spell. How can some unknown student be so powerful? If he was that powerful rumors about him would\'ve spread long ago. It was like the student called Kretos just appeared out of nowhere.

The report was unbelievable, but when Sagar noticed that there was only one spy that came back he understood what had happened.

"Father what should we do?" Sagar looked a bit worried. If it was a teacher that killed his son then they could immediately sentence the person to death. Yet now they learned that it was a student who killed his son, not only that he did it in an official duel. The duel even had a few hundred witnesses.

If they act now they would become enemies with a majority of people in the Rulwarry, Institute Of The Arcane. Becoming enemies with the Institute wasn\'t really that big a deal, but their enemies would most likely use this situation to corner them. Their reputation would plunge to an all-time low.

"Hmph, it doesn\'t matter if he\'s a student or not. It doesn\'t matter if the duel was legitimate or not. All I know is that he killed my grandson, the heir to the Osted Family! Even if he was the Grand Mage himself it won\'t stop me from killing him!"

Walganus\'s mana swirled within the room frightening the spy that was still in the room. He then looked at his son and with a fiery passion that one doesn\'t usually see on one so old, Walganus spoke.

"Gather all the men it\'s time to show those fools trying to attack our family the consequences of going against us."

"As you wish father." Sagar bowed his head and signaled the spy to convey the message.


It only took a few minutes for every abled man of the Osted family to gather in their main hall. From the side branch members to their subordinates, they all responded to Walganus\'s summons. The main hall was now filled to the brim with people. A few hundred people were inside and looking at the old man at the forefront.

The people present were still confused as to what was happening, but it must be something big as they were asked to bring their weapons.

"I have called on all of you today for war!" When the people present heard what Walganus said they all looked at the old man dumbfounded.

"We are declaring war against all our enemies! We will show them the might of the Osted Family!" The people present still looked confused as they couldn\'t understand who they were truly fighting. The Osted Family had many enemies, so when the elder said they will fight should they fight all their enemies?

"Lord Walganus who are the enemies we must face, and how will we fight them?" A brave man from one of the branch families spoke out what everyone was thinking. Walganus looked at the man who asked the question. Upon being looked at by the Walganus the man could feel his heart beating faster. He could practically hear his heart pounding as everyone was silent.

"Many of you might not know this, but Evior is dead." The moment those words came out of Walganus\'s mouth the reaction displayed by those present was greater than the time he said that they would go to war.

"How can that be?"

"Who killed him?"

"Was it a joint effort by those b*stards?!"

Many voices started chattering as the news of the death of the heir was spread. While others were genuinely concerned most were planning on how to use this even to their advantage.

"The one who killed him was a student, just some random student had the guts to kill our heir. That means that the respect our family has, no longer exists. Just about anyone thinks they can mess around with us. From some upstarts that came out of nowhere, to some weak nobles who have nothing but peerage. We need to show these b*stards that the Osted family still exists, that it\'s still powerful!"

The crazed anger in Walganus\'s eyes was clear to everyone\'s eyes. It was abnormal, even if Evior was killed, Walganus was a wise old man and he would normally not act this way. Yet he was acting as if a war was the only option.

"If we attack the student won\'t we be placed in a rather bad position. Even if we-" One of the leaders of the branch families spoke, but before he could finish a ball of fire engulfed him and turned him into ashes, not even allowing him to scream.

The people present were shocked by the sudden development. They then looked at the person who threw the fireball. Walganus snorted as he looked at the burnt man with disdain.

"How dare an Osted Family member, speak in such a weak manner! If somebody kills our own then we annihilate their entire family! Any less would dishonor our family name! So who else here has any misgivings in what we\'re about to do?!" Walganus asked while mana was being concentrated in his hands. Seeing this display of power, of course, no one else spoke against the idea.

"Now that everyone agrees, let me tell you what we\'re going to do. We will march to the school with all our forces and anyone who gets in our way in killing the student called Kretos will be killed alongside him. Once we are done with him we will march to our other enemies and annihilate them as well. We will once again show the Serbek Kingdom that the Osted family is a family to be feared and respected!"

Once he was done speaking the people present roared in enthusiasm almost forgetting about the branch family head that died. For some reason, they felt highly motivated after hearing Walganus\'s speech. It seems like his craze actions were infecting them as well.

"Now let\'s march forth and display our might!"

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