
Chapter 145 145: The Nest War X

Joining her was not an option, to the people who he has come across who were up for elimination by the system, one things has always been synonymous amongst all of them, they felt that the system had no right to govern their lives as if it was an individual rather than some complex cosmic computer that put everything and everyone in place with a whole lot of \'Cosmic calculations\'. Cole for once never saw the system as a singular entity, he also didn\'t think it was infallible, the idea of going to universe after universe and consuming them did not sit right with him, especially as the new universe would always be at a disadvantage. And would be gobbled and swallowed up by the powers of the already established system guided universe.

But he would still choose what the universe was offering for one fact, it wasn\'t people. And while he would not be as so stupid to think that system would not one day get tired of him and just get rid him, he would at least approach to power with a little bit more caution than those who have came before him, and if the power is too damn \'heretical\' or \'forbidden\' for the system to sanction, then he would stay far away from it, he valued his life and he valued what he was building, he was not sender caped hero who would go against every conceivable force in the universe in order to set things right, no Cole was more like the guy who understood the system and made sure it worked for him rather than raging and bitching about the way things worked. This was the person he has decided to be, and nothing, no sob story would change that.

"The cost though….. the cost of your climb to power do you know what it is?" Cole asked with a smile as he sheathed Black Malakai, making it seem if he was really considering taking her offer. But the darkling woman was not stupid, she was still on guard as Cole by this point was already well known for always doing his own thing regardless of what offer has been laid on his table.

"I don\'t care what the costs are! I don\'t care what it might be! All I know is that I will get what I want!" and that was when it finally dawned on Cole while the system had sanctioned the darkling seed, Titus Boris and The Blood Lotus to death. And frankly speaking the realization of the truth made the weight of his coming actions a lot lesser, he used his head, he tried to understand and ultimately he did. Or perhaps of course this was just some way for him to justify working for what many would call the bad guy, but ultimately Cole has always been someone who lived by his own truth, and right now this was as true as it can possible be.

"The reason why we\'re here right now on machinations created and used by the system is because you not only lost your way, but you also stopped caring about anyone and anything. You really have upset the balance as both the life and nature and everything else means nothing to you anymore. You yourself said the system like to move everyone like itsy bitsy little chess pieces or something of the sort. And you decide you no longer want to be a chess piece but the hand itself, good for you, free will is one of the most powerful proponent of any living being with the ability to think, we all want something and can fight for it, but you would be happy to destroy everything in you path to supreme system administration power or whatever the fuck is should be called.

You will take things out of place and balance and it would probably cost the innocents who all just want to live in their reality, to exists, survive, live and be happy. Your hunger for power would put an end to some if not all of them, and that would take things out of place that shouldn\'t be taken out of. Hence that makes you dangerous, it makes you a heretic which quite frankly is a suiting name for all of you. And that in turn coincided with the system deciding to fuck with my life by moving me every which way just to take care of the little viruses running around it\'s ... systems. So no…. I can not join you, and since I can not join you I will have to destroy you. But to be fair and honorable I will give you 20 minutes to prepare yourself for your final stand..... it\'s the least I can do as apology for not being able to return your feelings." Cole said as he looked at the Darkling, but this time not at the female but at its real body, the seed.

"Really? You would do this for me?" the darkling gave a small laugh that halfway between a choke and sob, it seemed as if Cole\'s gesture had touched the Darkling Seed. "Thank you so Mu-"

[Spectral Rover] [Sin Seeking Eye] [Shadow Dance] [Vertigo] [Black Cut] [Assassinate] Chaos Blast] [Negative Energy]

Too many skills came into play at that very second, and Cassandra being closest was the only one who had been aware of Cole\'s plans the entire time, and to some extent Thunderbolt-Jack who had received a message from Cole during his conversation with the darkling. Cassandra fired off an arrow at the feet of the darkling woman, that released a fiery web that stuck her fast to the ground as Cole\'s form vanished, and Thunderbolt-Jack rushed forwards and placed his hands into the lake before releasing a massive shout and lighting up like a bulb at Christmas, releasing massive bolts of lightning into the water, which went far in ensuring that the seed was still of guard. It didn\'t take long for other aspirants to join, the attack catching the Darkling seed in one ambush after the other….. then Cole reappeared, Black Malakai had no inch of energy on its form, however its former iron/silver looking blade had turned pitch black as all the skills Cole had used had somehow found synergy within the blade itself.

Cole had finally been forced to use his [Sin Seeking Eyes] in exactly the way he was supposed to use it as….. an Oracle. Instead of waiting for the random chance to see an attack Come in the future, Cole wanted to be the person to intimate it. And at the cost of a massive headache that hit him with a sudden blast, causing blood to rush down his eyes, nose and ears, Cole was able to see strings that led to variety of possible futures and actions the Nest could take, and since he couldn\'t hold it for long he chose the most memorable and attacked, his blade stabbing deep into the massive building sized rock, then he angled the blade and began to run, tracing the circumference of the rock as he slashed it open.

But the slashing was just doing superficial damage to the rock, however Cole had still seen the future as he paused long enough for a rock spike to shoot out of the ground in front of him, barely and inch from his nose. He smiled as he pulled Black Malakai out and slashed twice in quick succession. It left a smile on his chest when he noticed Malakai\'s Black Rot begin to spread over the surface of the rock as the sword cursed it. [Shadow Dance] took into the air coming out of the shadow of the massive stalagmite that had been conjured by an Aspirant who was close enough and had her hands spread into seed\'s direction. She bought Cole time to Blast off the Stalagmite increasing his speed as he stabbed Black Malakai into it\'s back again, but this time he did a little bit more.

[Sin Eater] [Sin Reaper]

[Sin Eater and Sin Reaper have been Used! Soul Reaper activated!]


The entire cavern shook at the force of the seed\'s cry of pain. Everyone could see the massive rock shudder but those who had eyes could also see Cole who was perched on top of it with his sword stuck deep holding on for dear life was also shuddering. And not just shuddering, he was absolutely glowing as a massive beam of golden light and surged out of the darkling seed and up into the sky, hitting the cavern ceiling and creating a light show of epic proportions as the beam hit the cavern ceiling and spread across it, like golden flames from the lips of holy being. And through it all Cole was not just glowing, as the noticed him he looked as if he was absolutely engorging himself on whatever it was that was spilling out of the darkling seed.

And it was to their watching eyes that Cole began to change, growing larger and larger as Scales grew out of his body along with massive black, red, purple and blue leathery demonic wings. The horns in his head grew larger and to such proportions that they pointed to the sky. At that point many of the aspirants felt deep fear and equal parts deep awe at what they were seeing while some quietly whispered amongst themselves if perhaps they hadn\'t just slain a monster to create a bigger one.

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