
Chapter 249 249: Part 1: Territory Types & Classes

" If there\'s one thing people can agree on more than anything else is the fact that the system is a bitch. Especially when it comes to territory building. It pretty much treats a territory like a person so the caveat to upgrading a territory is just as important. For a territory, Type translates to race, which is basically what sort of era your territory is based on.

But beyond era it is also a theme or genre. There are quite a few types of territory, and classes. Of the ones I know, territories can be; Cyberpunk, advanced Magic civilization, Techno-Magicae, Old West, High Fantasy, Low Fantasy, Urban, Steampunk and a few others. In fact some territories can grow to be so powerful that they now become the template for a world, influencing the way the system works on that world.

Contrary to believe the system is not the same everywhere, it is unique to every new reality that joins, based on the most prevalent territory type in that universe. The system you have access to now is a basic version, I believe the records say that when you get to level 100, you would have a choice to unlock the system unique to your universe or keep up with what you have until the system swallows your reality.

Either way, the type and class of your territory would affect architecture and facilities. Some type of buildings, no matter how you want it can never be found on some territories. For example you can not build a gladiator pit in cyberpunk territory, or a farm in a cyberpunk territory. They have different looks to them and different ways to handle them, or rather different rules to govern that reality.

Just like when you first became an aspirant, the system would take into consideration all of your efforts and everything you do or have achieved before your territory gets to the iron rank. Then it will take into consideration everything, even your race, your knowledge, and assign a type and class that suits it. And unlike Aspirants, you can not choose the type or class, what you see is what you get.

I\'m limited in my design and how much I can affect the territory. Any system generated building would be upgraded and modified based on the type and class of the territory. Things like the manor I can change along with the brewery as these were structures that existed prior to when the territory management system became available to you. But anything after that would be solely at the purview of the system. Blueprints won\'t modify them, the only thing blueprints would be able to do is create new buildings. Of course as long as those new buildings coincide quite well with the type and class of your territory."

This was quite eye opening for Cole if he had to be honest. It meant he couldn\'t just wing it and breeze through it like he had originally wanted to. He nodded his head to Pollux before their attention was drawn by screams and a loud clamor. But this point they were already past the entrance of his territory and was out into the Glade\'s territory proper. For some reason most of the land bordering his own, has still not been purchased, meaning he did not have any neighbors to be seen.

But at the barrier, the boundary of the Glade, he saw a couple of Aspirants dragging in almost a dozen injured individuals. Cole furrowed his eyebrows as he moved forwards, his presence alone was enough to bring the clamor down, as many looked up to him. Not surprisingly many of those looks were looks of animosity, Cole didn\'t care though but he was going to ask regardless.

"What happened here?" it was just a simple question, and of course there would always be a hero with more mouth than brain that wouldn\'t answer a simple question, but would instead choose to antagonize the walking disaster that was Cole \'World Breaker\' Raen.

"What happened here! You have some nerve asking that question you bastard! All this is happening because you went and stole our resources and made it so we have to pay 30% tax on everything we gain, and even more so after that, you still get 30% from any transaction for resources mined from your territory. Then you go ahead and close it off for the day forcing the rest of us to go out into the wilderness to get resources only to get attacked by other Glades who have had the chance to de-"

His head flew into the air as Cole sheathed back [Black Malakai]. No one had seen him pull his sword or even move, all they saw was a head flying into the sky with an arm extended holding a sword as black as night in it. Cole set the atmosphere and made it clear that he would not take kindly to being spoken to like that. He was not a tyrant, especially when people got to know him, but he was not a pushover either and he had a short temper, these were important things that had to be known.

"So can you guys tell me which direction this particular Glade is? You all are a bunch of weaklings unwilling to fight for the strength that\'s needed to survive what\'s coming, but in the end you\'re still aspirants in MY GLADE! And I don\'t like that you\'re getting blood allover the ground, it\'s an ugly sight. Blood is meant for the battlefield, so get patched up, and get ready, in an hour were going to pay them a visit. And if in that one hour there\'s less than a hundred people here, I would close of Raen Valley for a week then go a limb cutting spree…..am I clear?"

Suffice to say the nods and whispers he got all around was more than enough. Honestly Cole was already getting bored, he\'d come plant those seeds when he gets back. But there was territory to attack and loot and maybe swallow up, this was like all those war and territory grabbing animes he loves, he was getting some Serious Kingdom vibes from this, let\'s see if truly this other Glade would be good enough…..good enough for Cole to draw his blade.

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