
Chapter 16: <Planning for the Future>

Chapter 16: <Planning for the Future>

Nuri Finances’ primary partnering company was Daeyang System, which was a major corporation. ST and Daesan System were the secondary companies with outsourcing contracts. Ten years ago, Daesan System lost its contract in a year and Woosung left to work at ST. As an employee of ST, Woosung ended up working for Nuri Finances still.

‘If I apply what I know of the future, Daesan will become the primary partner…”

However, one thing still worried Woosung. Will he be able to make extra money like the last time using his knowledge of the future, or perhaps gain something else other than money?

He was still working at Daesan because he needed the salary. He didn’t know the winning lotto numbers and there were no other ways to earn a stable salary. He even knew who would be the next president, but it was useless information.


Yoon Gihwan suddenly called for Woosung.

“Hey newbie, you need to explain what you said to Manager Park.”

Woosung focused on Yoon Gihwan and answered.

“Isn’t it obvious? The new point system will filter out weak companies. Only the best will remain and take everything.”

“So you’re saying that ST is trying to steal our project?”

Woosung gave an immediate reply.

“Yes. You’ve already asked me that three times.”

“But if we complete our new project and apply it to the system successfully ASAP, what do you think will happen?”

“Even then, the best we can hope for is to keep our current contract. It still won’t be enough to take over ST’s account system. We are not big enough to steal that contract. Unlike us, ST is bigger and has more experiences.”

Yoon Gihwan shouted in anger.

“That’s not what I want to hear.”

“What would you like me to say? By the way, is there a good reason for stealing the account system contract?”

“Obviously we need to get as many project deals as possible for our company to become successful. What a stupid question.”

“And you’re sure it’s not for your personal gain?”

Woosung continued before the other could retort.

“Daesan has never worked for a financial company before. The only reason we got to work for Nuri Finances is your history with Daeyang System. This job is too big for our department, and that is why Manager Park and Assistant Manager Kim are overworked.”

Park Junwoo turned himself towards their direction after hearing what Woosung said. Yoon Gihwan’s flushed. Everyone knew this, but nobody confronted him like this before.

Yoon Gihwan used to work at Daeyang System. When he accepted the job offer at Daesan, Daeyang outsourced this new project to Daesan. It was a good deal for Daesan to hire Yoon Gihwan, as they gained a contract from a big financial company, they also gained a talented programmer.

The problem was the existing staffs. Yoon Gihwan was familiar with this line of work, but the rest were all new to this field. They had to work overtime to keep up. Yoon Gihwan remained silent and glared Woosung. Park Junwoo tried to neutralize the situation.

“G-General Manager.”

He also looked at Woosung.

“W-Woosung. Let’s calm down.”

Woosung was thinking fast. Yoon Gihwan replied.

“So what are you trying to say?”

“Manager Park asked for more workers a lot but you ignored him. It was because of money. They gave you a set budget for this team and you could keep whatever was leftover. That is why you wouldn’t hire more people.”

Woosung learned this from Park Junwoo and Kim Yonggun 10 years ago while drinking. Park Junwoo looked surprised but pleased.

He offered a subtle nod. Yoon Gihwan directed an accusing glared towards Park Junwoo. Yoon Gihwan now believed Park Junwoo spilled the beans.

“There is no need to blame Manager Park. Everyone knows about it already.”

Yoon Gihwan slapped the table and stood up.

“You! Newbie!”

“Sit down and relax. I agree with you we can’t lose our contract.”

“My patience is running out.”

“Well, you must learn to be more patient from now on.”

Woosung always had the last words. Yoon Gihwan was getting a migraine from it. He frowned. Woosung added quickly.

“I know what you want to hear. Don’t worry. I will complete my new idea and apply it successfully. We won’t lose the contract. I can do it.”

Woosung’s words changed the mood. Everyone, even Yoon Gihwan, relaxed.

“But you have to promise to change how we work here. You need to treat all of us equally and kindly. Stop ordering us around. You also need to teach us more about what you know in the financial field.”

Yoon Gihwan answered embarrassedly.

“Of course I will. We are a team.”

Kim Yonggun swallowed. Yoon Gihwan said it like he meant what he said.

“We need to avoid late night work as much as possible. You need to make sure nobody is overworked.”

“Of course. I have been planning to do all that.”

Woosung knew he meant it.

’10 years ago, Yoon Gihwan tried to apply Agile method to decrease the amount of work for this project.’

“And one last thing. Please teach me about algorithm trading.”

Algorithm trading, an automated trading performed by computers programmed to take certain actions in response to varying market data. After the financial crisis in 2008, it became the most popular trading method even in South Korea.

Yoon Gihwan stuttered.


“I know that when you were working at Daeyang System, you specialized in algorithm trading. I also know you had to leave that company because they associated you with an unethical incident.”

Yoon Gihwan’s eyes widened in shock.

“H.-how do you know…”

Park Junwoo and Kim Yonggun looked surprised as well. They didn’t know about Yoon Gihwan’s past.

’10 years ago, you got drunk and told me all about it the entire night. I’m probably the only one who knew about it in this company.’

Woosung needed to learn about algorithm trading. It could help him make money fast.

“I don’t care what happened. I need to know about algorithm trading and how it works. If you can do this for me, I promise I will make sure Daesan comes out a winner from this point system.”

Yoon Gihwan swallowed. This newbie, who had unbelievable skills and knew about his past, was a frightening enigma.

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